how do i stop being a depressed fag ?
How do i stop being a depressed fag ?
Stop browsing r9k.
I'm dead serious. It's a really good start.
that's easy, just don't be like me.
This. Do literally anything else than spend time on r9k. On Jow Forums if you can help it.
Go thrift shopping and find some cool clothes.
True. Stare at a wall rather than spending time on Jow Forums.
That's it? user just stops browsing Jow Forums, goes to a shop and buys some better clothes, so he can suddenly become a better person?
It's not going to work, it never does. It's like a fragile outer-layer which can break in any moment.
The only way for him to stop being a depressed faggot is to kill himself before it gets worse.
Fuck a hooker, smoke weed/DMT, think about the good times, vidya
No, but r9k is a place full of people who hate themselves and reinforce these notions of self-hatred. They constantly talk about how ugly they are, about how society one-up them all the time, about their horrible childhood memories, about their hatred of others, about how unfair they think the world is, about tragedies and misfortunes that happen to others, about how they want bad things to happen to happy people. Even if you're emotionally balanced, spending too much time here can fuck with your mind so imagine someone with no balance at all. It takes an incredible ammount of self-assurance and confidence to spend a lot of time in a pessimistic environment and not be affected by it.
So the logic goes: The easiest first step is to leave this shit board and do fun stuff instead. The rest of the steps is up to him, but I'm done trying to encourage people here. Most of the time, robots want to stay depressed, but they just don't want to admit it so it's up to him to figure shit out.
the only way out is one in the back of head
Case in point.
Come here to ask help about your depression, be gifted with encouragement to commit suicide.
Leave this board before it's too late.
he said he has depression its already too late. there isnt a single documented case on a person who recovered from depression and OP isnt going to become the first
>Step one
Stop being depressed
>Step two
Stop being a faggot
You're welcome
So what?
Live with it then.
It all depends on your will to live. If you really want to live, fucking deal with it. I know a lot of depressed people who accept depression as a part of who they are.
Sounds like you should follow your own advice. Why are you still alive?
And I severely doubt your claim that nobody recovered from it. I've heard(not seen) of some studies that claim depression is a state of mind and not a chemical imbalance in the brain as previously believed. If that's the case, how you see yourself and the world can be changed.
I constantly shift between feeling ok and being extremelly tired and depressed and fir most of my life, being depressed bothered me so much that it became a problem in itself. I fought against it all my life, saw therapists, read books on Zen and tried every possible thing and not being able to recover from it just made it worse. I eventually got diagnosed with actual depression and spent a year giving up.
But I'm hard working and actually have a good life. I just can't appreciate it most of the time, but I've started just accepting my mood swings and since then it's easier for me to enjoy my good life. I'm still depressed, but it's like I've learned not to give a fuck about it. Nobody is happy 100% of the time and life is a constant cycle of shit that ruins your mood and put you down, so, as I said, if you love life, deal with the shit. If not, kill yourself.
take a shower. that face makes me want to vomit
You greasy ass fuck
Buy some facial cleanser, moisturizer, shampoo, confiditoner, learn to style your hair with product, change your bed sheets regularly, start meditating 20mins a morning, develop short and long term goals for your life, hit the gym 3x per week, dont eat junk food, don't drink or do any drugs except psychedelics, mdma, and occasionally weed if you want
embrace the good word of God and see the light.
he asked how to stop being depressed, that is how you stop. he didnt ask how you live with it. your suggestion to him is the same as mine
I was depressed for six years and recovered from it, what the hell are you on about?
I only know what worked for me.
First off, your mistakes and flaws, accept them, accept that you've fucked up and that you can't be perfect. Of course there's a few things you can improve but for those flaws you can't change just let it be.
This will take a while, maybe a few weeks or even a month for you to completely do it, you might need some distractions in the meantime like vidya or anime not to think about it, but eventually, you'll reach a clean slate.
When you've finally accomplished the clean slate, you should start looking on the bright side of life, realize you can and will do and have done some good in life too, it's irrational to only look at the worst and ignore the best.
Realize all you've gone through and how you have been able to overcome all of it and be proud, don't be afraid of not being modest, you won't go from self hating to arrogant narcissist that easily. You should also not be afraid to be selfish, it's ok to not be entirely selfless, there's nothing wrong with wanting things for yourself.
This will, again, take a while for you to internalize it, but when you finally do you'll love yourself again and you should be fine, but don't stop there, do what I did and improve yourself as much as you can, be the person you want to be, if you wanna change the world, be that change and lead through example like the fucking boss you can potentially be. Don't let doubt and fear pull you down, just keep moving onward, keep going through all the adversity of life, if fate challenges you, just grit your teeth and show it who's boss. It's ok not to be able to do it all in the first time, but you can fucking do this. There's a light inside each and everyone of us so take that light of yours and let it shine, shine that light till the dark sky is burning. Good luck OP and anyone else feeling depressed.
You look like you would be movie star level if you lose weight
Pretty sure I've seen that pic floating around online, so it's likely not OP