>be 10000 BC
>be caveman
>be raised by single father and mother
>cared for by tribe
>get older learn how to use tools, how to harvest berries, how to hunt
>tribe is small enough that you and your best friends all grow up together
>get older, have family with beautiful cavewoman with huge breasts and good with kids
>hunt with your tribe for your familys food
>at night tell stories and eat smores and wooly mammoth meat
Doesnt the life of a caveman sound awesome?
Be 10000 BC
only untill they open a hole in your skull becuase you had a nightmare
literally came here to post about these
>get bit by snake
>get tooth infection
>trip in woods
>break leg
>giving birth
>be newborn
>die within a week
sounds great
Cavewomen didnt have big breasts.
>no shaving so everyones hairy(even the women)
>no soap so everyones dirty
>no writing so everyones dumb
>not enough chromosomes yet so everyone is ugly
Yeah,neah cunt
>be 10000 BC
>be caveman
>be raised by single mother, father is busy fucking the whole tribe
>tribe doesn't give a shit about you, and other cavemen hope you die so you don't compete with them for mates
>be virgin because cavechads hoard all the cavewomen for themselves
>get older learn how to use tools, how to harvest berries, how to hunt, and biggest male takes your food
>get older, die from preventable disease from minor injury during hunt
Chance of getting sick and dying because no medicine
Seeing friends and family die because no medicine
Having it cold a lot because no good clothes and living in huts
Sometimes having very little to nothing to eat because you don't always find food
Die when hunting because of animals
Having no shoes so it will hurt a lot running around all day
Having to take a shit and no toilet paper so forced to use leaves
Everyone smells like shit because of no toilet paper and no good shower
Woman you're fucking smells like shit everyone actually does
No one brushes teeth so bad teeth
I could go on all day how tf does this seem amazing at all?
> Be a caveman
> Half of your siblings succumbed during first infancy
> The other half will be dead before puberty ends
> Your cousin larry fell and hurt his ankle
> He can't run anymore. Tribe will be forced to leave him behind
> Your female friend sarah got a sprinkle on her finger. The fever took her that night
> Your father had a diarrhea. You buried him with his spear
> Your mother died during childbirth. The child survived, but without a breast to feed, it will soon perish.
> Uncle jordan ate something that didn't agree with his stomach. He vomited all night. He didn't make it to the morning.
> The kids are dying to some mysterious disease. First the skin rashes, then the fever. Few will make it.
> A wild boar bit Thomas in the face. Tonight we will dine like kings, but Thomas won't make it through the fever
> A pack of wolves killed a young girl who was venturing a little too far away from the camp. Little remained of her to be buried.
> Winter is coming. There's not enough food. The tribe will march south. It's that or starvation.
> An enemy tribe attacked. They stole the young girls and slaughtered the ones who stayed behind. Only those who ran fast enough survived.
> There are too few of us now to fight back. We lost our resources. There's no food. A diaspora is our only chance of survival
> You're 28 now, an old man bearing the end of your life
> None of the kids you had outlasted the hardships of the environment
> Such is life.
Dreams are sweet, boy. Keep dreaming, if you can.
Seething cavechestlet detected
yea man there are so many people dying from small cuts and vomiting right now. are you retarded? do you take antibiotics for every little cut you get? i dont know where this meme comes from
>beautiful cavewoman
Autism real autism user
Hunter-gatherer society was better and worse in some ways.
You had more leisure time but you also were screwed if you got injured or got a disease.
>get older, have family with below average looking cavewoman with tits like an orangutan because you aren't above a 6 and you still have aspergers
>impregnate her 6 times, 5 of which die in early childhood
>she dies in childbirth on her last pregnancy
I wouldn't hope you, a demented robot, to Know a thing about septic shock, but it's the number one cause of death in hospitals worldwide. I suppose you're also uneducated enough to not know the difference of your body's response under stress. You probably have plenty of food, water and plenty of rest time during the day, perhaps even more than you should. It's another thing entirely when the primitive man's body had to fight an infection while surviving with less than a thousand calories some days, constant physical activity, without the opportunity to lay down and rest at will.
Actually if you visit your local hospital, or whatever institution equivalent in your area, you will find many patients that are vomiting, shitting, feverish and with minor physical damages that are being treated right now. Without such treatment, many of those people, specially the more fragile ones, would perish and die.
>constant physical activity, without the opportunity to lay down and rest at will.
we used to live in small tribes with like 100 people. what the fuck are you talking about, you know other members of tribe help each other right?
most of those visits are totally useless and the doctors just give them antibiotics even though they dont need it just to shut them the fuck up and leave
>be caveman
>try to impress grugette
>chad smashes my head with a club
somethings never change
>modern man
>use screen and eat trash
cool and good