Climbin' up on Solsbury Hill edition
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any BRUMBROS here?
Can you help me getting to the NEC?
Is it literally connected to brum international rail station? cause google maps is going full retard and tells me I should take a 2.8mile taxi outside it and do a 180 degree circle to the north entrance or some retarded shit.
But apparently its connected? fucking google is in cahoots with uberf
>no local model shop
Any bumbros here?
>meet up last night
alri timetravelanon lad
I miss my scottish friend a lot but he doesn' want to talk to me anymore, what to do ?
oi oi oi lads
is this any help
says on there it's 5 min walk from the train station
Remember not to text and drive lads
can I eat your bussy user?
Looks like it is. Should be able to walk there
seriously were gonna have to do something about this porn thing im getting worried, can the porn sites not do anything about it? fuck with IPs or something i dont fucking know
>tfw no alpha neanderthal bf to breed my homo-sapiens twink boipucci
shutup pikeyanon, no one misses you
Train to Birmingham international
I suppose they could just not implement it. Why would they have to if they're based somewhere that uk law does not apply?
Good lad, now lets hear no more crying about calling people out
Fucking hell lad, Im Scottish and I will be your friend if you agree to stop bringing him up every thread. State of yers.
>tfw dont watch porn
>still pissed off about the porn ban
>dont want to speak out about it because people will think i watch porn
What is the greatest rock/pop band/ personality ever produced in the UK?
burns may have the plant
but we have poooower
>you will never turn on hundreds of people like our tim can in one wiggle
>>tfw dont watch porn
>>still pissed off about the porn ban
Same here, lots of dumb shit gets passed in this country.
You lads better be getting your porn licences ready before the 1st of April
>no 15 minutes breaks at my new job
>just one 30 minute unpaid lunch break
>Shift is 8 hours long
>manager asks me when I want my break
>I say 5:30pm
>An hour later manager asks everyone when they want their breaks
>Asks me last
>Break is now at 6:30pm (shift ends at 9pm)
Not happy about this, already started slowing down my work rate
Anyone aware of any jobs going?
if you shot a barrel of petrol (like in video games) would it really explode
>april 1st
think mrs May may, be honking you lads
Shut up pleb, your Tory overlords need your personal ID so that they can create a massive da- I mean, so that they can verify that you're over 18
Another young person stabbed up in East London. Poor sods.
Throwing in the towel already, eh Poley?
>no 15 minutes breaks at work
>just one 30 minute unpaid lunch break
>Shift is 8 hours long
>manager asks me when I want my break
>I say 5:30pm
>An hour later manager asks everyone when they want their breaks
>Asks me last
>Break is now at 6:30pm (shift ends at 9pm)
Not happy about this, already started slowing down my work rate
Anyone aware of any jobs going?
Only if the barrel is red lad
Fucking hell we get it
So you say 5.30 and get 6.30? Doesn't sound that bad to me. I prefer later lunch breaks. Makes the day feel quicker to me.
id be too embarrassed to get one anyway
>tfw /nofap/ forever
Didn't realise we had a new thread.
>paid 15 grand spent 32 on upgrades
Yeah, that's track cars lol.
I suppose if you build your own you've already got a template from the Sport of what's going to work, if I remember right they did things like move the battery into the back to distribute the weight better so you could do the same thing because you know it's already been tested.
I really like the wheels in the ebay one. What sort of age would you be looking for?
Only thing worse than a boring story is being told it twice
>made the same post twice
Poley ya mong. Silly bastard probably thought he was on Jow Forums
>no 15 minutes breaks at work
>just one 30 minute unpaid lunch break
>Shift is 8 hours long
>manager asks me when I want my break
>I say 5:30pm
>An hour later manager asks everyone when they want their breaks
>Asks me last
>Break is now at 6:30pm (shift ends at 9pm)
Not at all happy about this, already started slowing down my work rate
Anyone aware of any jobs going?
At best you are thrall of the white race anyway so why are you throwing in the towel now? this is what you're here for, if you want another job then other low tier paki jobs are working in a takeaway or being a taxi driver.
No, it's just the internet signal ain't great here, repeatedly tried to post
Well, I need the money so I'm gonna hang on while I apply for other jobs
think im close to sealing the deal and shagging some lass. Later virgins
>asks me last
because it's ladies first! waheyyyyy
greentext it for us you fucking turbo chad prick
It's normal to only have 1 break for an 8 hour shift
it's almost normal to have unpaid breaks
moni got a tough question for you here, if you could release a virus into the uk that only wiped out pakis, would you, knowing that you'd die to?
remember your honorary white status is online here
so whos buying their porn license next month
too embarrassed so nah
Why dont you just aim for a nice comfy admin job somewhere? Easy enough to get if you feign enthusiasm, and additional training is common in admin so its not like youd be chained to a copier your entire career
Never had a paid break in any job. Sometimes had two breaks.
Yes, in a heartbeat
No, it's just favouritism
Got the media replicator set up again. what albums should i put on cd for the car
saving up for your mum instead
no you don't understand, he was my best friend and now i'm alone again, i miss him a lot i keep posting girls he likes in hope he contact me again out of pity
i know this is pathetic but i don't lose anything by trying
no, piercing an object wouldn't lead to ignition and bullets don't give a strong enough spark to ignite liquids
A sex offender manages to find a job which doesn't check his legal history then starts moaning about it because they aren't sucking his caged Paki dick, couldn't make it up
Please tell me this is a larp lad.
>No, it's just the internet signal ain't great here, repeatedly tried to post
this is false and fairly easy to prove, you can't double post on r9k so that means you edited it to bypass the robot
>match on Tinder
>mention the TV show from her bio
>talk about it for a while, I make sure to only mention parts of the show that involves sex
>she casually starts mentioning bondage and shit
>still technically talking about TV but it's a huge signal. Like she's explicitly saying let's fuck, but doing it by quoting TV
>now trying to get her off the tv quoting and straight up banging talk
>if the conversation dies off i'll message in a couple of days asking to smash anyways
linkin park hybrid theory
fat freddys drop based on a true story
obie trice cheers
>it's just the internet signal ain't great here
Anyone who knows where he works will heavily doubt this
>fat freddys drop
Good taste lad
Yeah the wheels are so nice. I only want the 8N/mk1 they made them from 1998 to 2006, newer the better. 225hp BAM engine is best. If I can find one with less than 100k miles then I'd be happy.
i'm the same with drug legalisation even though i abstain. just let people do what they like ffs
Famished dogs follow slowly as my own paws drag me to a dock
To the last plank where I struggle to deny myself the path that every Pisces craves
Just above the water in the middle of that man-made lake
On that pier I turn my eyes from the water like a mirror of myself in the moonlight
And I cough for every crater that I could see
On the surface of that coffin we've come to call the moon
I hate anything to do with normie life.
sour grapes lad
no, its not, but its not really sad
he was really a good friend that i cared about, we had many things in common and he was sweet (sounds gay)
i wish he would talk to me again :( , i don't care if he insult me or not because i'm a piece of shit who don't deserve him
every couple of years i sign into my facebook account
loads of messages from school normies saying 'are you dead??'
sign out without replying or reading them
Why would I want their life?
Why? At least they are happy
Hate normies, as if they actually care.
Live and let live ya strange bastard
give him a reason to want to also spamming up the fucking thread about it isn't a reason for him to message you
Because they never fucking shut up.
why the FUCK do so many cultures circumcise? did someone have a really cheesy dick one day 3000 years ago and they just decided to cut it off?
Sorry lad Im picturing you being followed by gangs of normies loudly discussing clubs and relationships and its giving me a good chuckle
lets be honest lad you are probably unhappy about being a virgin with no mates.
jews and muzzers do it because having urine on them makes them ceremonially unclean
>Why would I want their life?
because they have one
I actually not unhappy about it, that stuff is the least of my problems.
I have a life just not a normie one.
>I have a life just not a normie one.
no, you have an existence
how did crocodiles survive the meteor
Such a fucking normie thing for you to say
>that stuff is the least of my problems.
What are your problems?
Topologically a human is shaped like a donut. If there is piss inside the bladder that is just as much "on" you as it would be if it was trapped inside your foreskin. Could we convince them to remove their bladders?
really? its just a bit of piss. they need to get over it.
I do more than just exist though. The point is I don't need to hear about everyone elses life, I don't go around telling people the last time I had a wank,
they rode in on the meteor
Having enough money to live.
>I don't go around telling people the last time I had a wank
Why not?
gfs giving me grief lads, glad I can come here to get away a bit
Because its fucking disgusting, just like how hearing for the 9368593th time about how normie#42069 fucked his girlfriend is disgusting.
>I do more than just exist though.
how so?
Good timing lad.
I have hobbies, interests and a job.
Lads please start putting a trigger warning on any and all conversations about normie-related matters doesnt like it the poor lamb.
also americans do it because john kellogg (yes the cornflakes guy) REALLY hated masturbation for some reason and introduced it as a masturbation cure
which hobbies? what interests? what's your job?