>got rated 3/10 on soc
Got rated 3/10 on soc
become an ogre like me
soc always gives 2+ so in reality you are a 1 hahahahahaha
It's time to let go fren with that face you never had a change
I got rated 9/10 on soc but 4.5/10 on plebbit. Anyone able to interpret? No I'm not posting pic here.
others rated me 7.5/10 and 6/10 but I guess that was out of pity ?!
>got rated not even ugly on effay
No, I'll make my own Ogre empire.
No, actually soc always gives -2.
I bet you're one of those fags that lurks there to put others down to make him feel better about himself.
How tf do I find out how ugly I really am
cope uglycell
just don't be a fag and become an ogre
>actually soc always gives -2.
If this is true then that's a fucking game changer for me.
But I doubt it is. There's no way I'm an 8/10.
I bet you aren't that bad looking.
People just like to put others down in order to make them feel better about themselves. Pathetic that is.
Top kek looks like someone can't handle the truth.
you either ask in person to a group of girls you will never see again or you just look how people treat you. ex:
>its normal to look around and catch someone staring at you, sometimes more than one person.
>girls stare at your eyes when they pass by you or stare right ahead in purpose looking nervous.
>huge smiles and people in great mood everywhere, you cant remember the last time someone was rude to you
>girls go out of their way to talk to you
>akward small talk with some "men"
>conversation genuinely stops for a moment when you enter the room
>people will comment on your swag or call you handsome/attractive.
its all about the daily small things that count not a rating from a non moving picture
I almost never leave the house, so none of these things ever happen. Some girls look at me but I can't tell if it is becasue I'm ugly or not
>its normal to look around
Non-autists begone.
How can you not tell if you're ugly or not?
Sad truth is I am probably ugly. Just wanted to know hoe bad it is
this is awful, nothing mentioned above happens
>got rated 7.5/10 by me
Im sorry guys sometimes you gotta say nice things to yourself to feel good about yourself.
On a sad day I would rate myself 5/10, it just depends how I feel.
I could look in the mirror 1 second and think I'm beautiful and the next I'm not.
brush your fucking teeth
>always get asked if im a boy or a girl on soc
I'm too scared to post my face there. Even if I'd get a good score it will just inflate my ego and make me think the problems are in my head thus fundamentally I would start gaslighting myself.
I'm so sorry user. I have no words. You're a boy right?
>be 2015
>post pic on soc
>get comment saying they want to fuck me
>get happy
>realise they it was most likely a dude who said that
wouldn't sweat it, I get rated 7 by some 6 by some and 5 by some.
soc ratings are actually close to a bell curve in terms of ratings
that being said it's probably still +2 because most ppl here are ugly incels
No. No I'm not.
Please end me.
post pic of someone that looks like or your stunt double so you won't get fucked over by jannies
also do it only if you are 18+
>tfw no reverse trap gf
Think you could help me out with that?
>tfw all applies to me
Guess I'm not cut for this robot thing right?
>soc always gives -2.
Wait what? Is this true?
Why would you go to the narcissists of /soc/? You would get rated better on Jow Forums than there. Seriously tho /soc/ is mostly posers using stolen instagram photos to impress people they will never meet on the internet. You shouldn't want their approval.