Be a man. Stand your ground. Smirk in the face of overwhelming adversity. Lift weights. Grow your beard. AFTER you lift weights. Ask yourself why you're consuming onions products. Ask yourself why you're masturbating to pornography. Ceasing it will let your brain heal. It's time to stand proud, again. It's okay to be white, and it's okay to be a MAN.
>this message will repeat until there are none left to read it
Be a man. Stand your ground. Smirk in the face of overwhelming adversity. Lift weights. Grow your beard...
this is cringy as fuck and i hate using that word
I'm not rich. The only reason that kid had the confidence he did was because his family is filthy rich. If I fuck up I can't afford a PR firm to solve my problems.
>Dumb kid stands there with a nervous, beta smile because he has no idea what to say when getting screamed at
>Right wingers immediately worship him and consider him a hero and left wingers act like he murdered a family
I wish the USA would get nuked.
Stop making this kid a fucking hero. Jeez.
brought to you by pic related
>Be an actor in a staged PSYOP.
he's kind of a hero though.
sounds like an awful lot of fucking work. tell me why I should go to the trouble.
>he's kind of a hero though.
yes to autists
he is a living martyr, he stared the left madness down
He didnt fuck up at all. Dont be mad that you dont have the funds to defend yourself against a media smear campaign, be glad that someone else does.
amazing how poor people view the world...
US rightwingers are a fucking joke desu
>Grow your beard
No thanks I actually have a jawline.
>this message will repeat until there are none left to read it
On Jow Forums? Have fun being banned nigger.
His family hired one of the biggest PR firms in America right after the incident. That isn't a normal thing.
That means the PR is working.
>>this message will repeat until the war between left and right wing has come to an unsatisfying conclusion and everyone goes back to their respective political drawing boards to do it all over again.
as if it were necessary? what did the pr campaign do for him? make him not hated for doing nothing wrong? if anything there is a massive smear campaign on him and it's failing.
all centrists lean left, either actually or because they are centrists in a time where the left is dominant. come back when you're actually impartial.
nigger i watched the full video of the incident the day it came out. since its been proven your people lied about it, the best narrative you have is muh pr firm. just take the L
>your people lied
The Japanese?
It got him on tv.
>that pic
But he really can go right or left. Turn 90degrees and walk away.
it pretends not to know what side its on
>The Japanese?
Yes. Hiroshima Nagasaki best day of my life
care to explain?
double digit IQ Jow Forums meme, mods got sick of seeing Jow Forumstards complain about the allegedly feminising effects of s o y so they wordfiltered it to become onions
No, still don't understand what you mean. I fail to see how pointing out the fact that I would be fired from my job if I was the kid is a left or right thing.
The word ess-oh-why (that is how you spell the word) automatically gets replaced with "onions" on Jow Forums
its a wordfilter, newfag
while im happy to defend sandmann all day, op is an example of totally shit tier propaganda and i wouldnt be surprised if it was a leftist false flagging. fix your shit, dude
overwhelming class envy is a typical symptom of leftism
This is just a test. Don't mind me.
I like onions on my burger.
Tofu is made from onions.
Centrists know they're centrists.
I ordered a MAGA hat.
be a man, order one too.
All jobs are moral contracts. If You ever had one you know.
so are we back to saying sandmann wasnt the victim of a smear, he actually did something wrong? please back that up
>tfw im breaking my moral contract by fucking off on Jow Forums
>be a man by doing what someone else tells you to do
you are aware a beard is the universal symbol of a cuck, right?
No, stupid keep up. I'm saying his confidence Only existed because he was rich. If he was poor I doubt he would of acted that way. Also, it's 4 in the afternoon jobs over you dumb NEET.
only children and mental children are oppositional defiant
men lead when appropriate and follow when appropriate. dont follow some cringe making faggot on r9k but if youre young you should probably be following
>this message will repeat until there are none left to read it
Is that a motherfucking local58 reference?
Based and redpilled. This is the best explanation of the situation I've seen.
Jow Forumsturds are like hipsters, they're so emasculated that they desperately cling to any symbol they think emphasises their masculinity to prevent them from realizing what gigantic cucks they really are
very doubtful he had any idea that he would need legal counsel and reputational defense for what happened there. just a young guy with self confidence you never had (low t?)
btw, its just past 1pm and you should read more carefully
Why can't Jow Forums stay in their own fucking containment board?
fucks sake
>btw, its just past 1pm and you should read more carefully
Lol do you not know about times zones?
think harder grug
came to post this
fuck off turkish rape baby how it feels to have lowest iq in hole europe