What games are optimal for socialization/practicing social skills/make friends?
>tfw played LoL for more than 5 years and have zero friends, always playing alone.
What games are optimal for socialization/practicing social skills/make friends?
>tfw played LoL for more than 5 years and have zero friends, always playing alone.
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I find multiplayer games with guilds are somewhat decent but still pretty hard if you can't initiate conversation.
Team Fortress 2 has the best community.
VRchat or Second Life, but only if youre trolling. It will make you less fearful of social fallout because you are actively provoking it.
Honestly CS and R6Siege aregood, just go into a casual and dont take it too seriously. say hello to everyone and youll find someone in no time, trust me.
Arma 3 is good if you join a group
Why don't you join me in playing World of warplanes mate? It's fun.
Bumping because I want someone to play with.
if you want the honest answer a game like apex legends is pretty optimal for talking to new people quickly and easily. If you can get past all the children of course.
DarkRP on Garry's Mod. Unlike other autistic RP games you don't need to be serious when you RP. It's mostly just teaming up and fucking with randoms.
I have anxiety with disembodied voices, so you can play Portal 2 with me if you promise not to have any "heated gaming moments"
I no longer enjoy violence/coercion in my video games, and that one is especially unpleasant for me because the characters are fleshed out like real people.
>I no longer enjoy violence/coercion in my video games
Wow, guess those tranny pills must be working then.
You can talk with everyone on pokemmo
I've always liked Overwatch
>What games are optimal for socialization/practicing social skills/make friends?
I have found playing Vanilla WoW or TBC WoW on a fresh private server has helped me with my social skills.
I have recently started on a somewhat fresh server and it is taking weeks to even get close to maximum level. On the way I have meeting new people some of which I am talking to on discord daily. Quite nice desu
Link to these servers?
I met a lot of friends playing dragon ball xenoverse 2 but once I got all the trophies I quit playing and deleted all my xenoverse friends since I didn't need to play the game anymore.
Someone please play with me.
>Create account on chess.com
>Play some games
>Send people chess.com friend requests that that are similar skill level to you
>Join groups that you feel some some kind of connection to
>You can also talk in chat while playing
Also, you can play team games where everyone votes on moves. Apparently there is chess boards separate from the actual game where you can demonstrate what you're talking about to your other team mates
Bump for more game recomendations
I've been playing shit like PUBG and war thunder but it's impossible to make friends in such games
I remember i went from 0 friends to a full steam list years ago on CS:GO, but i wasn't as anxious as i am now.
>Have social anxiety
>Join vrchat
>Don't know what to do
>Whenever someone approachs me and talks, i freeze
>Decide to go to the Pub
>Sit in a table and stay with some food in my front listening to other people talking
>Remain like that for a dozen minutes and leave
>Join a room that's on my native language
>Everyone is acting like fucking idiots and forcing to be funny