Reminder that white guys can't be robots. Inceldom is a black/brown/asian thing.
Reminder that white guys can't be robots. Inceldom is a black/brown/asian thing
That's true. Jow Forums is 40% pure nigger, which also explains why there's so much orbiting tranny fembot trash around.
i don't get it, niggers like trannies? i'm the niggiest nig there is and i"ve never heard of this phenomenon. or are you referring to trannies orbiting the niggers?
What about white women?
White guys no longer want them.
nice gatekeeping op top nigger and a huge faggot
I bet dat fag mean that no straight white male will hang out on r9k seriously, only feminized white bois, blacks, browns and asian bois complain about they shitty girlless life.
How? Statistics, look it up.
Yes, non-whites are both most likely to be gay and the majority of sexually frustrated orbiters. The US gov has put neat statistic out studying that phenomenon in great detail. That's also why it's unsurprising that most incel shooters come from 3rd world shitholes
I can confirm, would still be a virgin if it werent for based Asian girls
OP wants to alienate white males from the incel gang. Im 23, white and still a virgin
How? Never understand how white guys can be virgins. You must be lazy or really retarded, all doors are open for you, bro.
Do you know who also can't robots and that's hapas. I mean really if they're half white then you literally cannot be a robot since every hapa I've met in Japan slays mad pussy.
Agree. Atleast the hapas who appear to be white. There are some hapas who are phucket...
They don't even have to be white man. They just have to show at least one white feature like brown hair or hazel eyes and understand both English and their asian language and they can literally slay 9/10s.
white male is life on easy mode
Yeah sure.
Go gatekeep something else you faggot.
>nonwhite tranny threads
>jungle fever threads
>yellow fever threads
yeah it's definitely not white normalfags who do this. Pretty strange you tried to instantly shift the blame, something you want to tell us (((whiteboi)))?
I still embrace you. No homo
as a white guy how do i get a asian gf?
>non whites are most likely to be gay
You mean blacks and whites. No one else is as gay as you two
Be white, travel to japan/korea, retard.
non whites are subhuman and dont have a soul
if you hate whites then stop using technology created by whites to post on a website created by whites you stupid shitskin subhuman mongrel
Wait as an average looking 5'3 white manlet I can't be a robot so there is hope for me????
but how do i do it just sitting in my room
>not going to the Philippines
Those beaner chinks are always game to fuck a white dude and then rob them.
MAGURO is probably the most based JAV label out there
Why so bitter. Nobody stated here to hate whites, you white incels are hilarious. Study the facts and get laid, there is no reason why you are still a virgin.
Im not OP but we dont hate whites
Its just that they cant be true robots
At least here in south america white privilege is an actual thing
That's no fun. Who will annoy you?
no. stay mad wh*te boi
>every hapa I've met
Haven't met our boy Tenda then, I take it.
Tenda is a mentally ill american who never learned to play his cards. He literally could fuck anybody he wants in him home country but instead he posts blacked porn on Jow Forums it's a shame really.
Where are you from?
originoli niggerlo
I'm a white incel neet at 23. We exist. I'm very ugly and am a mentalcel, can't look women my age in the eyes or make conversation with them for shit.