>not a virgin(unless she is a widow)
>older than 27
>uses contraceptive drugs/device
>uses recreational drugs(especially alcohol)
>raised by single mother
>involved with shitty family
>lives alone/with roommates(unless shitty family)
>shorter than 5'5"/165cm(unless she is Oriental)
>went to government school
>went to university/wants to go to university before children are grown
>listens to hiphop/rap
>listens to "pop"
>has dark skin
>has tattoos
>wears immodest clothing
>has piercings/body modifications(ears are permissible)
>has dyed hair
>has short hair(preferable if she has never had a haircut)
>has dreadlocks
>wears makeup
>has paintedand/or plastic fingernails/toenails
>wears high heels
>eats fast food
>eats junk food
>eats out more than a couple times a year maximum(preferable if she avoids the practice entirely)
>is lazy/sacrifices quality for convenience
>drinks soda
>is a militant gaytheist
>subscribes to wrong world views
>curses excessively
>uses Jow Forums
>speaks in ebonics/slang/bastardized English
>shaves/waxes/laser hair removal
>watches television
>has a Netflix account
>addicted to social media
>is a narcissist
>is a slob/can't clean
>has an aversion to Japanese media
>complains about men having standards she can't or refuses to meet
>doesn't know the difference between a red flag and a deal breaker
Red flags for potential mates
and this is why you're on r9k op, you're a major faggot
Thank you for your contribution. I'm rethinking my whole life now.
>not asian or white
>younger than 23 or older than 31
>no college education
>shorter than 5' or taller than 5'10
>bad relationship with family
>no female friends
>major health issues
>cares a lot about politics
>>bad relationship with family
What if their family is bad? Are they forever damned by choices not their own?
>>cares a lot about politics
"We do not say that a man who takes no interest in politics is a man who minds his own business; we say that he has no business here at all."
Dont want to take the chance to find out. Also, I want my kids to have two loving sets of relatives. It's not a fair request, but I don't care.
>>has an aversion to Japanese media
Found the weaboo retard
That is fair, I guess.
>Found the weaboo retard
How originally old are you?
Second time posting the exact same thread
>no shaving
So you like your girls hairy?
Already seen this thread 4 times.
>Second time posting the exact same thread
I've been posting it since at least early January.
>>went to government school
your an entitled faggot if you're writing off that many girls.
Don't care. I don't ask anything of my future spouse that I am not capable of offering her myself.
>>went to university/wants to go to university before children are grown
Sorry, dude, but I want a working wife who can make a good salary. The comfiest life is two incomes and no kids.
I am 30, why do you ask
this bait again? u posted this last night
so you're saying you're some ultimate rich chad with a very long and prosperous sex history?
Read my post again, normalfag.
I just read through your post and found out how picky and generally retarded you are. stop being a faggot.
Just curious.
Mine are
>Uses anime images to post on Jow Forums
That's it.
Already married but these were the filters I used when I was single:
>leans to the left/doesn't share my values
>cares about career (LMAO)
>short hair
>piercings or tattoos
>uses social media
>isn't beautiful
>doesn't want to be a housewife
>isn't well mannered and lady like
Not an argument, dumb normalcattle.
Pretty based desu yo
I mean, there's more to finding someone than filters, but yeah - for filters it covers most of the bad prospects. I can't think of women who fail any 2 of my list and are good people.
there's no way this is serious
'good people' lol like you get to decide who's good
Disregarding views that threaten your world view as non-serious is a sign of a fragile ego and low intelligence.
I don't know if you know where you are, but this is a thread about potential mates, meaning any filter I post contextually relates to what I think is good. That's the entire point.
Take your blue hair and fuck off.
Teleology aside, are you denying that user has a right to have a subjective opinion of what is "good" for an individual he wants to interact with? Are you so insecure about your own shortcomings you get upset by others have any standards?
why would i get upset by what some faggot on Jow Forums thinks?
not the guys you're responding to, but you rebuffed with "durrr you don't get to decide who good people are" in a thread about what a person thinks constitutes a good person, so you're obviously upset.
i'll grant you that you're more retarded than you are upset, although you're definitely both.
>pic related
>why would i get upset by what some faggot on Jow Forums thinks?
Because he is reminding you of your own self hatred, which stems from your understanding that your choices and actions are wrong, but you're too weak to pursue virtue and instead wallow in the mud.
You aren't too far gone, user. You can still strive for and do good, you need only believe in yourself. Leave your gaytheism behind and become who you are.
imagine caring this much
Imagine going through life feigning aloofness and pretending not to care about anything because you're afraid and insecure. Not caring isn't cool, and I hope you realize that by the time you finish high school.
You think bunching together some random bullshit motivational speech is going to make me have a change of heart? Think again, fag
red flags for me
>dom /i dont like dom boys, sub boys are cute
>taller than 5'6/im 5'6 and i pefer boys who are shorter than me..
>older than 20
>mean/ i only like gentle or shy boys so i can be a mommy dom.
>not a virgin/ sorry, im only interested in virgin boys.
>had a girlfriend/ sorry, not interested in boys who dated any girls or had experiences.
i want a pure young looking boyfriend.
It's hard to take you seriously when you exclude mates if they care about their careers (LMAO). But hey, you somehow got someone to marry you
I have a moral obligation to encourage lesser men to better themselves.
>>dom /i dont like dom boys, sub boys are cute
This denial of essentialism is unhealthy. Big red flag.
i thought this thread was about standards? wasnt your whole posts about people being able to have standards? sorry if you dont fit my standards. dont get mad.
I'm OP, not that guy: Women have no business having careers, you dumb modernist.
Yes, you are free to have and express standards. And just like others are free to criticize my standards in the OP, I am free to criticize yours.
Your standards are indicative of mental illness.
>he wants his woman to come home shopworn instead of being happy at home
found the homosexual
i think yours is quite demanding, but are you that mad because i like sub boys? i like sub boys to take care of and cook for. i like boys who are cute and kind, and boys who i can take care of and cuddle. i want to be a stay home wife and care for them. is that a problem?
>i think yours is quite demanding
You're correct. I demand certain standards from my mate.
>but are you that mad because i like sub boys?
Yes. Your denial of essentialism is a malaise. You harm my culture and society with these modernist views. You are sick.
The erosion of the moral being and the threatening of my people's existence makes me angry, righteously so.
>not a virgin
Honestly you could have just stopped there, pretty much everything important about a woman can be tied to her virginity status
being this mad over the internet LAWL ok senpai
Being a virgin is not the end all be all. She could be a 250lb meth addict virgin with blue hair that worships Satan.
Your development has been arrested and your mind distorted. I will pray for your kind, but I won't mourn.
Wtf man, do you post this faggy list on here every week, or something?
Why are you that obsessed with justifying your virginity?
This list is pure autistic faggotry, with a touch of down syndrome.
Your post contains 0 arguments, normalcattle. Go back there.
Okay but what are the actual chances of that?
The chances that there are unworthy women out there that are virgins is more than 0.
Good to know. Who said I was arguing with anyone?
The point was that you come across as fucking pathetic.
Now stop shitting up this board with your faggy list every week.
>normalcattle calling others pathetic
>normalcattle telling others they shit up the board
The chance that there are worthy women out there that arent virgins however, is 0
That is why virginity is at the top of my list.
>Calling others "normalfag".
>Such a wierdo, he has created his neckbeardy own way of calling people "normalfags".
This is bait right?
Even if it is, it's still sad that you have nothing better to do than pretend to be retarded on the internet.
You just outed yourself as newcancer in three different ways. Pathetic, go back there.
>"Go back there"
Holy shit, stop dude.
Why do normalfaggots post on Jow Forums?
hey OP, in regards to "older than 27" thing, how old are you?
Can I ask why it matters?
i wouldn't wish these upon a fellow man
>girls with serious mental disorders, especially Borderline Personality Disorder which is extremely common
>girls who were mentally or physically abused in any way
>girls who don't have friends, or say they don't need any
>girls who are codependent
Lol. You're retarded at this.
just trying to understand that point better, your age matters in perspective dont you think?
so you mean %99 of women
no wonder your single lol
The female's age is primarily about her fertility. Another aspect of the flag would be "Why is she still unmarried at 27?"
My age has no bearing on it.
If all women are bad, doesn't that mean being single is good? I don't understand your thought process.
These are pretty normal expectations I'd say. I've been in relationships like that and it's really good to start but then turns into absolute hell.