Were you in special ed in high school user? How was it?
Were you in special ed in high school user? How was it?
There was a retard at my school named Ed and I had sex with him.
So yes I was in special ed.
...........did it feel good? originalol
Well, it was at least educational.
I think you're talking about Sexual Education, not Special Education.
It was more of an extracirricular. I even put it on my college app.
I had social anxiety so they moved me to special ed class with the spergs, dyslexics, adhd kids etc. The teachers didn't give a fuck, we didn't learn shit and barely got homework. Good grades handed out like nothing. Sperg meltdowns were always funny, and they were funny, interesting people. Just not made for school. We could walk out of the classroom whenever, get food from the little kitchen, bring our laptops to play vidya. It was pretty much just a zoo to keep the retards in place during day time, seeing as most us wouldn't get any further than working min wage anyways.
Also the one female teacher would always vent to me about other students because I was the most ''normal'' guy. In nicer words, she'd complain about what retards they were. She said it was so nice to have a student that didn't exhaust her.
>hey guise, i was the smartest retard
Not what I'm implying. Just don't get into physical fights with the teachers, sing in the middle of class or walk around grabbing your dick and you were considered a top tier student.
I had this retarded nigga in my grade named Eddy and so I started calling him Special Ed and this nigga took my credit for the name. We're still feuding to this day.
My entire high school was a special ed high school. Except half the kids were legit autists and the other half were just delinquents who didnt like to listen. Ive got a lot of stories about the place.
>friend and I are sophomores
>annoying sperg named Stuart likes to hang around us because he thinks we are cool or something
>we arent, just cooler than him
>no matter what anyone says he stands there outside the conversation with a vacant expression and says
>heheh. yeah.
>one day friend gets so annoyed with him he starts repeating his line back at him
>stuart starts getting agitated
>heheh. yeah.
>stuart starts getting angry and starts playing with his hair
>heheh. yeah.
>stuart hits his breaking point and starts pulling his hair out at the back of his head
>lunch ends, everyone back to class
>see him the next day
>the back of his head is entirely bald, friar tuck style
I got more stories if you guys want.
>the back of his head is entirely bald, friar tuck style
What the actual fuck? Keep going, please
Alrighty, heres another one. Not all of these are about Stuart
>kid in my grade has Tourettes syndrome, name is Jordan
>he has physical and verbal tics
>anyone who has a friend with Tourettes knows kinda how it works
>tics are involuntary actions where the brain makes you act on impulse
>tourettes people are very open to inception
>if you plant a concept in their head they will act on it
>Jordan is a Chad in the making, so we can make him get away with a lot of stuff
>prompt him to look at girl with fat titties
>his physical tics make him grope her like a protag from a harem manga
>no one minds, hes chad
>in history class one day
>black history month
>prompt him to say the n-word and monkey
>nonstop nigger and monkey the entire class as we discuss the freedom rides
>teacher cant do shit because she knows hes not doing it on purpose
lol good shit, thanks user
Short one
>Stuart has a gf
>actually he has two
>they are autistic twins
>Claire and Carolyn
>we call them the horse girls because they are freakishly tall, have big teeth, and walk on their toes as some autistics do
>Stuart may actually be a player in autismworld
>he dated Carolyn, dumped her, and then promptly started dating Claire
>Stuart is like 5ft4, and both the girls are easily a full head taller than him, its a very weird picture
>The twins cant just walk anywhere, they have to run
>see them constantly running through the halls
>one day they run through the parking lot
>one of the trips and does a faceplant
>immediately gets up and keeps running like nothing happened
there is so many fucking redditors in this thread. Yes, I was in special ed my parents lied to me and told me that it was a class for smart kids however it turned out to be the SEAS program. Fuck them
Never was in special ed but I was definitely a weird kid in high school. It was sort of confirmed for me about a year ago when we had a semi reunion with a bunch of other grads in my year, when I showed up to the high school a bit early a lot of the kids and teachers hid, probably thinking that I came back to shoot the place up. What I find ironic though is that behavior like that would indicate that they knew I was bullied, but pretended not to.
what do you mean they hid, like under the tables and stuff?
i wish. maybe then i would have graduated
I was actually in a magnet school and I graduated from an Ivy.
Get on my level.
I was in this thing called "Resource" which was like a toned down tard-chamber. Mostly for people who while there was nothing "wrong" with them, probably didn't give half a shit about school to begin with and so Resource was meant to be their period to get work done since they sure as hell wouldn't do it outside of school. If I recall, I got sent there for something involving poor organization skills. At least that was the official reason. There was also some sort of retarded kid, two Siamese twins, and some future criminal. Good times.
No but the special ed people sat with me during Art class and everyone thought I was retarded too.
No, but in elementary school I had to go to both speech therapy because I learned broken English from my parents, and occupational therapy, which gave me an excuse to skip class and have all of pic related and the other gym toys all to myself, so I thought it was fucking awesome
Never actually found out what occupational therapy was until late in high school, but I don't remember a lot of my elementary school days, so I wonder what was the last straw that made them want me to go to it.