am I the only non white femanon who wants a white bf?
Am I the only non white femanon who wants a white bf?
How dark are you? Actually that doesn't matter, i'll be your wholesome in public bf.
Jeez, out of all the people who aren't white in the world, who happen to be women? Probably a lot would be okay with dating a white guy. What kind of question is that?
No I don't hate myself?
Doubt it. There seems to be a handful here. Most have severe mental issues/bizarre fetishes though.
How much you wanna bet this post was made by a fat black bot
ill take any non white skinny gf right now
>am I the only non white femanon who wants a white bf?
No, there are a lot of non-white femanons that want a white bf. Problem is that most of them are ugly and look nothing like cute brown girls in anime.
i specifically date white guys though
you have to hate yourself to want to date a nigger
The majority of white incels can get low status non white GFs.
It's literally beggars being choosers at this point
There is no such thing as an incel. You even recognize in your post that they are volcels, yet you still refer to them as incel.
>The majority of white incels can get low status non white GFs.
How do I do this? I'm kind and tall but ugly and a bit of an autist. I just want a gf.
would only accept an amazon gf if brown
could settle for any size asian though
It's a meaningless buzzword now.
No point of using it's intended definition anymore
It's intended definition doesn't exist. There is no such thing as an incel.
So you are saying that any person can get laid with at least someone? I am suspect about your evidence.
I already just assume that all non white girls only want whites, especially if they're hot. As a spicbot it's even turned me into a cuck as now I can only get off to lf/wm porn or even fantasize about my hot latina coworker fucking my white coworker. But oh well there's no turning back now.
non white girl are nice but unfortunately they are only really good for sex
what kind of offspring do you think they would yield if things got serious
You would have no problem finding a white bf if black women wernt the ugliest women on the planet. Unfortunately black women are at the bottom of the totem pole nobody wants them not even black men.
Since you were born a ugly black bitch and not a beautiful angelic white woman the only solution is to kill yourself
I'm saying rape and prostitution exist and if you refuse to rape or hire a prostitute, you are making a voluntary decision to not have sex.
Post a picture of your arm or leg, tell us roughly where you live, tell us your interests, and give your minimum requirements for a partner. Maybe some ideals if you feel like opening up.
White girls here are damaged too, and don't forget it
how do i get a damaged white gf to tease?
butblasted blackboi detected
im a 6'8" tongan girl
She isn't advertising for a bf from here
She can obviously get white bfs elsewhere
Why would she date anyone here?
Huh how do you know she's black? I assumed she was a gook or a spic desu they generally want whites the most
>im a 6'8" tongan girl
Yup just kill yourself or join the NFL
White single robot here, middle class, independent and lonely.
Gib brown wife pls: [email protected]
Depends on how desperate OP is.
Imma gonna need proof
hahahaha literally just install tinder
just kidnap me and make me yours pls
I'll quickly submit and provide for you and our thirteen children
my desire to colonise is growing stronger
jajaja me das risa indio
you're not but I prefer to date my race
when white men are objectively superior ? that's very strange femanon
White "people" mixing out their genes is something an assblasted blackbot would support though. Do you think there's a shortage of black women or something? Whites are the ones running out.
not attracted to 'em
Why are you all obsessed with having white kids? I am way too pale, my skin has adapted to a climate where the sun is relatively weak but in most parts of the world it's variable. I'd rather have a hispanic, southern european or levantine gf so my children can have regularly tanning skin to protect themselves from melanoma
because your kids are dumb (every parents dream) and often don't fit into a race and it needlessly complicates things.
also white kids are cuter
I am an Asian femanon who wants a white boyfriend. But holy shit you people are weird and desperate.
sounds like cope t b h
one day you will see the light :)
How would they not fit into a race? They would still be Caucasian but have two cultural heritages to draw upon. It's no different from someone who is half polish/half italian. And why would they be less intelligent?
>holy shit you people are weird and desperate.
well that's just default asian girl really
it's actually called preference
what race are you?
and what don't you like about us?
I know exactly where I am you incel.
I am been lurking here for the last 6 years and you will never get sex from me. Deal with it nerds.
Hook me the fuck up.
I'm 5'7 though, that gonna be a problem?
I don't know who you are
and I don't know what you want
but I WILL find you
and I WILL seduce you
you come to a board filled with weirdos and get surprised we're weirdos. i thought asians were supposed to be smart?
Try going somewhere with people that aren't hyper delusional.
B-but I'm not so bad
I just have no else to go
can you be my gf and just beat me up? i dont need sex, just cuddle me after
get a wholesome blackbot boyfriend.
racemix bad because pol
pic related
99% of nonwhite girls want a white bf, whether they'll admit it or not.
Confirmed newfag because this board was not always like this. It wasn't always a fucking jerkfest on whos more loney and sad.
Yeah but I like the banter from these weirdos.
I'm not your porcelain princes. Don't assume because you are white then I will fucked you.
You are all pretty bad desu. This board is basically full of the rejected rejects from highschool. You are a tier below of the "weird kids". Though you guys can be funny.
>sounds like cope
you're the one begging her, no wonder you need to racemix
I would be open to considering many proposals from here but the chances are too high that I will be screwed, blackmailed, betrayed, raped ect...
Not worth the risk.
They want a white chad just like white women though, the idea that nonwhite girls will settle for robots if there's a better white option is retarded.
The point is, nonwhite girls will usually take a white robot over a nonwhite normalnigger
pls just hurt me
but you are my porcelain princess
stop being so silly
and get on my dick
No we won't.
You skin colour does not outweigh you shit personalities. Don't bank on it you autist.
>nonwhite girls will usually take a white robot over a nonwhite normalnigger
Wrong. Nonwhite girls will just 'wait' until a white above average man appears. It's not hard to find white attractive men that they'd settle for robots.
Yes it does though. Girls like status. White robot gives them more status in society than nonwhite normalnigger.
Give me a poor asian gf who will let me buy their love NOW.
>Yes it does though. Girls like status. White robot gives them more status in society than nonwhite normalnigger.
Then why are you here and the normal nigger has the white GF?
Das rite. Cuz nobody wants your autistic white ass.
>t. racist white femanon
no you are not the only larping white male incel :^)
Go to Thailand or China. Plenty of them.
Lulz. Alright. Whatever, you might be right, actually. Maybe I'm just jaded or something.
what is this delusion
niggerboys weren't invited this thread (or anywhere else for that matter)
take your smell and low IQ somewhere else
As If I speak the chinks.
What kind of non-white are you?
what race are you femanon?
Most based post i've read.
Are you hispanic by any chance?
Asian girls are definitely more accepting of traits white girls will shun you for like being reserved and shy, or a square.
si, porque preguntas?
I like watching my bf fuck non-white girls
Are you cute?
fuck off degenerate
go die
please go out with me, i desperately want a brown gf
What race are you, femanon?
Do you know your ancestry?