Do you have any favorite philosophs? I personally am a big fan on Nietzsche.
Do you have any favorite philosophs? I personally am a big fan on Nietzsche
Ah yes, the late-teen Neitzsche phase.
>UG Krishnamurti
>Jiddu Krishnamurti
>Albert Camus
Some I enjoy revisiting every now and then.
Shut up cumlicker nobody wants your nerd ass around here
Zeno's stoicism
A bitch to follow but brings some sort of quiet to my inner shit.
what do you get out of philosophy? what does it teach you?
>favorite philosophs
Curtis LeMay
Not him but, i wonder why would you assume that nietzsche is for teen agers?
And what would be a more mature philosopher in your mind?
Or are you the usual brainlet that has only meme answers.
I'm going to assume that by philosophs you mean we're not limited strictly to those counted among the philosophers. In that case there's only one patrician choice.
choose one
Nietzsche can be a good philosopher but you should really use his works only as a foundation for more advanced thoughts and if you are
>a poltard
>an edgy "nihilist" teenager
and you like Neetchee you are an insufferable faggot
Schopenhauer. It's unfortunate that everyone focuses on his antinatalism/pessimism because really that's a small fraction of what he wrote, and a lot of it is very useful, insightful, and practical if you're a highly neurotic kind of person like he was.
It was a meme answer. There is a certain sort of angsty late-teen wanna-be thinker that would gravitate toward some of Nietzsche's stuff, but that's not all he has to offer.
>strive to be like Voltaire
>but in reality I'm a bitch like Rousseau
I'm both of those things.
But i don't see how your subjective impression of insufferable faggotry of someone could be an argument against their opinions.
I also wonder what are those "more advanced thoughts", can you enlighten us?
>If you suppose anything which lies out of your command to be good or evil, your missing the one or falling into the other will unavoidably make you a malcontent against the gods, and cause you to hate those people whom you either know or suspect to be instrumental in your misfortune
Marcus Aurelius. My favorite quote which helped me get rid of my low self esteem and see that it does not matter what people think or do.
I really like Camus, he has an optimistic view of nihilism that I identified quite a bit with when I first met him.
>when I first met him
are you like Faye or something?
reading their writings is like meeting the people desu
Ah yes, the ruined post-adolescent anti-Nietzsche phase.
To be fair, Nietzsche is wretchedly misunderstood, and since he deliberately sought to express himself in an aphoristic style he does tend to be a favorite of kittens seeking to eat Philosopher Chow by the paw-ful.
There's also a huge problem based on the fact that subsequent propagandists deliberately misled people about what he said. And that comes on top of the fact that, read in chronological order, his early works announce in advance his intention to lie to you in his later works. So that's two layers of lying between his best-known works and the modern reader...and that's not a great recipe for understanding.
husserl because pure phenomenology is the pure mathematics of philosophy and everything else is useless for deriving truth
Lord of Rationalism himself, the only good Frenchman out there, Rene "Give Her The D" Descartes.
Schop is better, though some of his theories weren't fully realized. Also my son Kierkegaard
Kierkegaard if you want feelz that don't really hold water. but good (by which I mean bittersweet at best) feelz.
Trailanga swami
Second Schopaboo here, nice to meet ya!
Nietzsche is my favorite too, and it's borderline criminal how extremely misunderstood his writtings really are, even in todays academia. I say criminal because he is often "misunderstood" on purpose, as the guy's ideas are still incendiary to this day. It's remarkable how well he was able to understand modernity, and even to predict what was to come in the next century.
I am also a big fan of ol' Hobbes, aka the most based modern philosopher, Machiavelli and Stirner. I suppose that makes me an egoist. My most disliked philosopher is probably Rousseau, for being a total bitch.
>what does it teach you?
It teaches philosophy, what else? Whether you realise it or not, philosophical thought has a massive impact in shaping the world around and even who you are as a person, and it has been that way since at least ancient Greece.
I'm a big fan of John Stuart Mill. Any moral basis other than utilitarianism is moronic. Debate me.
protip: you can't
Meditations has genuinely got me through some dark times.
Because Nietzsche himself was a perpetual angsty teenage incel, his work reads like a school shooter manifesto. If he didn't have the connections he had, no one would've given a shit about the ramblings of an insane loser.
>Marcus Aurelius
>his early works announce in advance his intention to lie to you in his later works.
Then what's the point of reading some beta retard who was too insecure to tell us what he really though?
Nietzsche Is fag and reminds me of Sans from undertale
>I refuse good ideas because the people who came up with them we're rich.
t. Marxist kid in an intro to philosophy class.
im a big fan of lil peep and bladee
Just bend over and accept my dick in your ass then I guess, it's only temporary as life itself.
>its very important
>not a single because
im doing some philosophical thinking right now to be honest
>>what does it teach you?
>It teaches philosophy, what else?
This is literally the worst answer you could ever give. Why would you even reply with that?
Git gudd
Nah I uphold the preservation of my daemon and as natural law. And natural law is divinity.
Your daemon is corrupted because of your ignorance to virtue.
We're all dust and energy floating around, so the atoms in my dick can just do their cosmic dance with the atoms in your ass, you need to let it go man.
My ass is as the water of a river. Your dick is but a rock. The rock sinks but the water flows forward, ever changing but always conforming to the contours of nature. No matter how much your penis desires my ass matters not as it will never be satisfied as my ass will not be there. and your cock will eroded away into its base elements, its nutrients will revitalize the soil.
thomas aquinas and chesterton are my favorites i guess
For me, it is the critical philosophy.
How do you guys feel about epistemological anarchism?
He's Overrated
>picking anyone other than Ayn Rand
You're all fags
Ayn Rand is a meme.
I get down with existential nihilism
Albert Camus, because he died in a car crash and cheated on his wife multiple times
this guy debunked philosophy and western psychology.
Do you think Nietzsche would be pissed off that the only people that care about him in the modern day are teenage/20-something, fascistic white dudes with no social skills or lives to speak of (the exact opposite of an 'over-man')? They're atheists, though, so maybe he wouldn't mind (because teaching young men to have no faith in God worked wonders, Friedrich).
>Having tens of thousands of years of filosophical thought to choose from
>Picking Ayn fucking Rand
GOD IS DEAD, NOW ZEN IS THE ONLY LIVING TRUTH. The series is dedicated to Friedrich Nietzsche, who was the first man in the history of mankind to declare, "God is dead, therefore man is free."
It was a tremendous statement; its implications are many. First I would like to discuss Nietzsche's statement.
its a good read. I didn't know Nietzsche went into a mental hospital
>From February of that year on, Mainlander's mental collapse, which has been compared to the collapse Nietzsche would suffer years later,became apparent. Eventually, descending into megalomania and believing himself to be a messiah of social democracy, on the night on April 1, 1876, Mainlander hanged himself in his residence in Offenbach, using a pile of copies of The Philosophy of Redemption (which had arrived the previous day from his publisher) as a platform. He was thirty-four years old.
nigga hung himself on a pile of his own books
George miller is my favourite philosopher. He opened my eyes to what really exist in this world. He is the real reason of my existence
>Mainlander hanged himself in his residence in Offenbach, using a pile of copies of The Philosophy of Redemption (which had arrived the previous day from his publisher) as a platform.
holy shit
Nietzsche is great, but he's often misunderstood by edgy teens who think he's a nihilist because "god dead religion fake lul".
Personally, I quite like Schopenhauer.
You might like Gurdjieff
Schopenhauer wasnt actually an antinatalist. He just supported eugenics against the people who made the world awful.
Your neetbucks
Lmao holy shit, imagine being so retarded that you think this is somehow an argument.
i read atlas shrugged once, im good for the rest of my life
Yet you have no arguments against it.
That user, did have any legitimate critizism of nietzsches main ideas. I am sure he didn't even read him.
Calling someone an incel school shooter doesn't in any way dismiss their world view/philosophy. This is basic social shaming, but it isn't even done in a smart way.
Sure it does, just like calling you one invalidates your entire post. Thanks for playing loser.
Being called a loser incel school shooter by retards is somewhat of an honor these days.
Utilitarism is a literal cuck philosophy.
what about negative utilitarianism?
it's unironically based though. only feelers and liberals worry themselves about maximizing global utility instead of local utility. they're delusional and think they can save the world.
From a practical point of view it can be helpful in extreme situations.
But really the philosophy is really simplistic and removing people to numbers while wanting to maximise a moral, non numerical thing is pretty retarded. People who oppose this are not always feelers too. Look at Kant for example
>Man reaches the maturity of his reasoning and mental faculties scarcely before he is eight-and-twenty; woman when she is eighteen; but hers is reason of very narrow limitations. This is why women remain children all their lives, for they always see only what is near at hand, cling to the present, take the appearance of a thing for reality, and prefer trifling matters to the most important
What is the point of philosophy? Why do philosophers beat around the bush with their messages? Just say whatever the fuck you want to say so everyone can move on
Philosophers are all assholes who hate people for having opinions.
nietzsche couldn't deal with people so he moved to the swiss alps. he didn't love his own family, they probably don't love him either. he was a full autist, he had nothing, and no one. remind you of anyone anons?
I understood that fine.
You're clearly just too 'tistic to understand.
My philosophy involves inhaling dog semen and yelling at niggers and cats.
You are generalizing and belittling a sub-group of individuals for liking a philosopher that you, yourself just complimented. More over the insults you gave in no way correlate to the idea that a sub-group of Nietzsche fans are faggy for enjoying his works. I'm going to assume that faggy means lame, you know what's lame? Boarding a bandwagon pushed by psuedo-intellectuals that found Neitzsche's ideologies to be a "downer" after reading his 2 page insert in their philosophy 101 textbook. You are one of those people who can not deal with negative criticisms about your character so you attempted to appease both parties here that is why your statement is a contradiction. But evidently you lack confidence and hold insecurities using the anonymous nature of this site to venture out of your comfort zone by regurgitating meaningless insults you thought would make it seem like you have a spine. Why seek approval from the majority? The majority are idiots and idiots are know for having idioc opinions.
>The words of people in power dont matter because they dont experience as much as a normal stupid farmer would
Retards should stick to reddit where they belong, whether they're pretending or not.