Fembots, why not just trade licks with your bestie?
Fembots, why not just trade licks with your bestie?
>implying girls are not doing that since mario bros. was released
do you suppose this is an evolved behavior that helps women live in harems
Why do women have no hobbies? This shit is getting out of hand. Brunch, netflix, oral sex, and especially traveling are not hobbies.
Why do men have no hobbies? This shit is getting out of hand. Anime, vidya, gay porn, and especially Jow Forums are not hobbies.
you're not female tho
go dilate
Because they're straight and not desperate. I'd kill for a poor gf who had no choice but to leech of me and be a good gay.
I hate how fucking gay women are
I know 4 girls who lived together a long time, but surprisingly enough they had only 2 beds, so I am sure they were doing something like that, since they could never tell me who slept on each bed.
The funniest part is that 2 of them ended up not liking the other 2 girls but the remaining two stay together until one of them found a bf. So I am sure I could have got some 4way lesbian action if I would have set some cameras in that apartment
I play video games and build computers as a hobby. My taste is objectively shit though, since I play a lot of Ark.
This is what the Bible warned us about.
This is self-absorbed gluttony
Tranny tier on the mental illness levels.
Can you not at least PRETEND for a MOMENT that you have some class? A modicum of respect?
Ladies, I apologize for the distasteful brashness of this knuckledragger. Please, try to believe me when I say he doesn't speak for all gentlemen you'll find around here. What a woman chooses to do with her body is only her business, its no simple entertainment for the perverted unwashed masses.
Please, if any of you feel hurt and disrespected by this IGNORANT little man's comment, feel free to drop a line and I'll be happy to lend an ear. We may have more in common than you might think.... The invitation is always extended, direct from my heart :)
Lmao this is some solid 7/10 bait.
I don't care if this is shitposting bait to make you sound like plebbit, you need to go back to plebbit.
do you play anything besides ark
>I'm not sure if I'm retarded, but just in case, I'm retarded
I've kinda thought about it. Used to share a bed and cuddle with my best friend in high school. We'd even walk around holding hands, but it was because she told me in her country that was normal (china) and she was so girly and cute I saw no issue with it. One time she went in to give me a hug and I jokingly turned away and she actually started crying. I never felt so bad in my life. I don't know if Asian girls are just very affectionate or what, but I did kind of wonder what it'd be like if we did more than just normal affectionate things. But then I quickly shoved that idea right back out because I didn't want to see her impurely like that. She was just way too cute. But had it been anyone else, then sure, maybe. I'd be down to peg a friend casually from time to time.
I don't even think video games should be considered a hobby. I play a lot of video games, but my real hobbies are baking, cooking, jam/jelly making, winemaking, and gardening. I'd like to get into woodworking as well, but I don't have the equipment or the space to do it.
I'm telling him to get the fuck out for making such a retarded post no matter what level of irony he was on. I don't care if he's been on Jow Forums since it started and never visited anyother site on the internet.
Of course women would fall into this degeneracy. Not that I care. Hot lesbians are a lie, all lesbians pretty much look like green haired Danny DiVito.
Sad and redditpilled. Good shitpost user.
very nice fren i will buy baste ryzen when 3XXX series launch but i dont play game so i will probably get 3600g for comfy 8 core so i can compile my gentoo much and watch anime in 4k
I think its fucking hot
>implying masturbating and watching japanese childrens cartoons are hobbies
>implying video games are more of a legit hobby than travel and food
Lmao okay manchild
refer to I'm not a fucking hypocrite here invalidating "hobbies" without having any of my own.
Yes you are. Your are being a child and having a second job. Lol okay then
did for a couple years but now I need someone to gib me babies