You guys might recognise me from my break up post a few nights ago.
My ex-girlfriend asked for her stuff back today. This was my response.
I took advice from you guys and I stood up for myself.
Break up part 2
what did you do with her stuff? just throw it out, or something more creative?
Ahahaha you Scottish prick. Get fucked you Scottish rat.
I am Scottish also. Your gf is hideous. Not even one night stand tier.
I still have her stuff. All it was was pajama bottoms, a satin silk nightie, socks and kinky Ann Summers sex shit (handcuffs, lube. Etc). I'm wearing the pajama bottoms, the socks and nightie will go in the bin and the sex shit I'll keep.
What's this got to do with Scotland?
You're a moron, just give her back her stuff before she calls the police on you. Don't say they'll side with you because they won't
You can tell from the speech they are Scottish, or the gf is at least. No other people use pure in that manner. Or say 'You're an actual joke man'.
It won't escalate to that.
That's just chavvy English lingo.
Link me to part 1.
>whale face
>fat girl angle
Good riddance, user
The police won't do shit, getting rid of something left on your property doesn't count as stealing
I guess I don't really have context so if you're right best of luck. Also post nudes
That's pure bullshit Americans call people jokes too. You're a pure joke jackass, and not a funny one either.
wear the nightie op
Calm down, goyim, I'm not planning on doxxing you, lol.
But be very warned OP I ***COULD*** doxx you in an instant if I wanted to
No more dumbassery towards girls on your part or you WILL fear my retribution
nah she's definitely a brit
>>just pure rude that
nobody but brits ends a sentence with "that"
It sounds like it's too late but almost as if in the moment you could have avoided the breakup. Like she just wanted you to be her Daddy or some shit and you failed.
Honestly, at this point just block her from everything.
Alternatively just put all the shit in a box on the curb and send her a pic saying "It's there." and then block her. Anything you want to keep just don't include in the box and plausible deniability will say it was just picked up by a random walking down the street.
"Getting the stuff back" is often a ploy the other person uses to see you after a brekaup. Don't let it happen. If they really do press you and become insufferable just get a buddy to return the stuff. Whatever you do DO NOT hang out with her.
Potato potato.
Here you go, cowboy. I'm Jow Forumss trap Queen.
I'm not even op. You're pretty cringy dude.
Cute. Is that tablet any good?
I didn't catch part 1 but based off her first text it sounds like she just couldnt handle being in a relationship anymore. Did you spot her with a new bf or something? If you did, then do whatever you want, but if she genuinely just broke up with you because she couldnt handle the responsibility of keeping another human being happy when she couldnt even keep herself happy then you just went pretty retard.
This is why it's extremely important to NEVER get into a relationship if you're depressed/unhappy. You still remain depressed, you just suddenly have another person up your ass all the time, and that person will NOT fix your depression or issues. Unfortunately, depressed people never realize this until it's too late.
>You're pretty cringy dude.
Tnat's it you sealed you faith desu
Have fun having your loli fetish doxxed to:
Good one, OP. Don't give her the things back so she can use them with strangers from whoreapps.
When she opens a profile on Tinder, it's alright. But when you get rid of her stuff it's "rude". Fuck this lard ass.
Yeah it's pretty decent. It's a Z3 Compact.
I've seen people get "fixed" by getting actually. So... It's definitely possible
A few hours after breaking up with me she put herself on Blendr/Badoo a dating site.
It's very very very very rare. Very rare. If you're actually depressed, it's not very likely to happen. If all it took to cure your clinical depression was just a relationship then you were probably just sad and lonely. A lot of people jump to the assumption that they're depressed when in reality they're just discouraged and sad.
What the fuck how many dating sites are there at this point, never heard of either of those. Alright then, so mental health had nothing to do with it. As you were, but be careful. She might not call the police but she could tell a white knight that'll show up and knock your lights out. Peaceful breakups are usually the way to go. Revenge is better got through moving on.
>but if she genuinely just broke up with you because she couldnt handle the responsibility of keeping another human being happy when she couldnt even keep herself happy
There's not a woman alive who has ever genuinely broken up for this reason. She just got bored and wanted fresh dick, it's literally the only reason.
Proven by how she immediately opened a whoreapp account in tinder or whatever.
Doesnt sound like you've been in many relationships yet
She's 18. A mistake on my part I suppose.
Sorry, dude. Thought you were responding to me.
>that face
She looks like she's in her mid-twenties, man. You dodged a bullet. If that's her at 18 then she's gonna be a fucking goblina in a few years.
A picture of her and I together. Gives you a better idea of what she looks like.
She's just Scottish. Scottish girls age like absolute shit, guys too.
Yeah, you're about the same level lookswise (both around 4s or 5s), but you should know better by now dude. Women won't settle for anything less than 2 points above what they are, and even then they'll get bored and try to cuck eventually.
Sadly you're extremely low tier Brad. You probably don't have a big cock either, pretty small average, I'm guessing? Boring personality too.
You should just avoid women entirely.
relationships are total bs.
my ex also left me after three years clainming the same stuff, just to be with another guy next week, it is ALWAYS the same thing, woman are all trash.
Im forced to see her everyday at college with this other guy and it still hurts cause i havent found anyone yet almost a year after.
Funny thing is that she never stoped talking to me or trying to reach me, i have blocked countless profiles, she always says that regreat a lot and would give anything to be back, lies, they are manipulative. Don't fall for it, also she was fat.
>also she was fat.
Gonna level with you here, fat/ugly girls are the absolute worst. Men cannot even settle down like women can, the fat or ugly ones are the most insecure and most desperate for male attention, and if you are even a point higher than them they will be utterly convinced you're cheating constantly and respond in kind.
Women are trash, you literally cannot win with them. Do not even bother playing the game.
what did the Scots do to you man, this is hard to watch
>I wanna break up
>Great, the stuff you left at my house is mine now
sorry but ur retarded
Saving this, incredible.
>caring about foids
Normalfags ruined this board.
No, it sounds like you haven't. Women don't end something until they have another option. They'll even stay in the most abusive relationships if they have no other options at the moment. Women are always, or at least looking to, flirt with other men to see what they can get with a simple trade. Even when their husbands die, both old, they're looking to date rather quickly.
>what did the Scots do to you man
I'm about as Scottish as it gets. Unironically 100% Scottish going all the way back to 1700.
>Women are always, or at least looking to, flirt with other men to see what they can get with a simple trade
Literally this, no matter how fucking happy they are or at least claim to be. They could be on the brink of marrying you and still feel compelled to be "bubbly" and "friendly".
love creates more misery than joy. Thats what i learned being a virgin incel lolololllolllollol
She actually wants her stuff back. Forget that desu, woman take shit from men all the time. I see no reason to give yourself a headache over her wanting her stuff back, let alone her in general. I was in your exact situation aswell. She had a pretty shitty personality as most fat girls do. I've learned that now and she was the first girl I was ever with. Start talking to other girls OP, you'll start to feel better or you know sit here and wallow about how all women are evil.
>woman take shit from men all the time.
My ex literally still owes me something like 700 pounds (minimum) and a video game. After we broke up she blocked me on everything and stopped talking when I asked her for it all back, when I tried emailing her through other accounts she threatened to go to the police and told all my former colleagues and family etc. I was harassing and stalking her etc.
I told her just to go to the police as maybe they would be able to get me my money and stuff back, and she apparently claimed she did go but... who the fuck knows if she did.
That was all a year ago. I never got a penny back or my game. But you know what, I KNOW asking for that stuff made her feel as worthless as she is, so it was all worth it.
op rgwegwegegweg
good advice taken there, that's how you should have started though.
She wanted to fuck, or is fucking, other guys.
>falling for the "it's not you it's me speech"
It's ALWAYS you. If it weren't you, she wouldn't be breaking up with YOU.
when i got the "it's not you, it's me" thing from a girl once, i laughed in her fucking face and said that's bullshit.
gave her a hug and fucked her off and never saw her again.
Fuck you Courtney, you were the first bitch i fisted but you sure werent the last.
post a body pic, you fag
Bonus points for you, buddy.
Bro, shave daily and go to the gym. She showed mercy by breaking up with you. You didn't lose anything valuable. Improve yourself and get something over a 4.
not op, but here ya go, posted in last thread.
>that "fat girl sexy bra" from honeybirdett
lmafo, i think all fat chicks have that
hahaha been there friend
>guy keeps his ex gf's shit
>wears her nightie and posts it online
>also thinks she won't call the cops
This thread is gonna be great.
boy do i know that feeling, friend.
this was from a different girl though
what a gay fucking nightie
you look like such a faggot too, though
What the fuck is going on with her stomach right above her underwear?
Nothing is more cowardly than breaking up through text message. Pathetic. Dating is a waste of time.
lol even CHAD has to settle for bottom of the barrel bitches.
that dude isnt any chad, come on.
yeah but he's handsome and his gf looks like a fucking toad walrus
not a good looksmatch if you ask me
well guess what, user
Pussy is overvalued and landwhales are the biggest winner of the inflation.
cock is devalued as a result
>You guys might recognise me from my break up post a few nights ago.
>My ex-girlfriend asked for her stuff back today. This was my response.
>I took advice from you guys and I stood up for myself.
No contact.
No contact.
No contact.
Stop replying.
Cheers, buddy. I appreciate the compliment.
>where's my stuff
>it's gone
KEK, OP is about to get sued
It'll be a slap on the wrist, a fine if anything.
Her shit only consisted of socks, pajama bottoms, nightie and a box of sex shit. She won't be going to the police anytime soon.
>"yes ma'am can you report what you left at his house"
>"yes i left my BBC dildo on his nightstand"
Good job, OP. I was here for the first thread as well and you are doing better today.
Cheers, buddy. I'm slowly getting over her. It still hurts a bit but I'll manage.
do u miss getting bjs from her
Based always seems to be scottish folk that are decent on r9k, nae biased views or nothing here lel
Who exactly is Scottish in here. Scotland and Scottish people have been brought up several times now.
You ya maddie unlesa it's just her then am a retard
make a comfy fire with it desu
Sounds like a good idea. I'll get more use out of the fire than I will out of her.
She's posting sad depressing relationship shit on her Facebook. She's either regretting her decision or she's fishing for attention. My bets are on the latter.
answer this anony
What did you expect shagging a fat fucking normie 18 year old whore
I was deliberately ignoring that but I'll answer.
I only had one blowjob from her and it wasn't the best. She never did any of the oral stuff but she was self centered in the bedroom. I had to go down on her but she wouldn't want to go down on me.
It didn't bother me too much because I got away with slapping her and choking her out which was nice.
Big titted Anime girls are hard to find around my area.
fucking nauseating landwhale
Im just saying you could easily find a woman your age who doesnt post embarrassing shit like that
Pretty sure if she left the stuff there it technically counts as "abandoned" assuming you don't live together.
If the two of you did legally live together then she does have a legal claim to her belongings that were left and can press charges.
t. ghetto lawyer
There's an awful lot of girls in my area that have that mentality. I live in a small area in the west Midlands and these girls all seem to each other and all group together into a hive mind.
>posting nigger social media memes
You did good, OP.
No she never lived with me. She would come round from time to time. She's left pieces of clothing before that she never had a problem with me chucking away. I would even ask if she wants to take X, Y and Z with her. She would rather leaver it at mine and when I bin it she doesn't care.
Until this one ocassion.
I was watching La La Land with her one night. I asked if she found Ryan Gosling handsome. She says no... but the black guy was.
As long as you are in the US it's legally your shit then.
ah. im an American and have a boyfriend from the uk and he said something similar and that his dating pool over there was shite. best of luck
should just throw it all away user, not dress up in it and post it for our amusement.
>fat slut wants nigger dick
absolutely not a surprise.
he's UK
I'm in the UK. I'll probably get raided later today for not respecting women's possessions.
You salty faggot, you're being embarrassingly petty.
I get it, it sucks, but sometimes you can't control the bullshit other people pull. Doesn't mean you should withhold her shit from her out of literally nothing but spite.
How tf is this standing up for yourself? It just makes you look pathetic.
Good,im proud of you pal,now just block her and never talk to her again,remember,you deserve loyalty and honesty