Triple digits edition
Triple digits edition
Other urls found in this thread:
Here for Honey.
100th thread, I love Mai desu!
Congratulations on 100!
Kayn is love and life.
I love Julie with all my heart!
[spoiler/]thigh highs are hot as fuck and that push up eeffect they create gives me life[/spoiler]
Cheers lads, 100th bread
Glad to see you for the celebration!
on the one hundredth thread i did give a fuck
>Would you like it if your waifu had some hair down there?
>Implying she doesn't.
Happy 100th thread.
first 100th thread marika post. i love her
Man i love shyvana, we finally made it to 100 lads.
gugu century~
I made it!
zerotwo's /fa/ is on point in the pic!
100 threads, 100% in love with Kotori Itsuka. The ride seemingly never ends. Here's hoping we can make it another 100 threads. I've met some very interesting people through this thread, and I'm a bit happier for it. Many of you have helped me understand myself and my waifu quite a lot. Thank you all for being here for me, and for finally giving me a place where I belong. May your waifus continue to bring you happiness until the end of time.
Happy 100th lads
I love galil, ive loved her for 3 years and 100 generals and ill love her for many more
/c/ is degenerate.
I love Ako!
Didn't expect the general to survive for this long, I'm pleasantly surprised
>kotorifren didn't just whatever it
truly a new start
I love Urabe Mikoto , this is my favorite image.
Claiming this post for Misaki Shokuhou. Happy 100th thread, /waifu/.
Happy 100 to the few good people still here (aka rem and nozomi posters)
It's an alright image, but I prefer this one.
happy 100th /waifu/. been on here for 60 threads.
I love this snek
glad you could make it too fren, although your appearance isn't appreciated
l love Lucina!
ALLEYNE is quite nice.
Guess who got done with school for today!!
I'm pretty sure she does, I think it's probably heart shaped.
Didn't get to make much of a centennial message before, but here's to all waifufags in this thread. May your love never fade or die, may we see one hundred more and one hundred more posters. Honey is the sweetest thing, I just want to hold her and keep her safe. I want only the best for her. Here's to a happy hundred!
not you probably why do you ask
Useless neet doesnt even go to school
did you play morgana or kayle? I love morgs new skins
i love agugu
>100 already
These threads sure went fast till this became a proper general rather than some constant threads, glad that this community grew some much and so many posters joined in. Thank you to all for being here and helping these threads to last for so long, which is the only place where we can talk about the love we feel for the people who is so special to us, hope the thread count increases even more for now on!
Also joke's on you nigger I'm a futafag
why is Jow Forums so full of toxic masculinity? Speak of betas,soys,alphas. Does it matter how girly or manly you are? Just fall under what you feel comfortable with. The more people make up these terms the more people will be upset with who they are.
Someone is quite pissed because they were exiled before the 100th thread.
Posting in a based 100th thread.
Right here.
Rest in peace. Hopefully you're able to repair it soon. I'd love to play some of you.
Careful where you say that.
>Name something that you're proud of your waifu for
There's alot of things I'm proud of her for. She's a hero amongst her people, a combat instructor with precise teachings and an elf that isn't ignorant about humans like her people. She can be really open-minded.
>Name something she'd be proud of you for
My loyalty and dedication to goals I set.
>Does your waifu's happiness come first? Even if it meant sacrificing your own?
Of course.
kayle looks fucking retarded (until level 11) and their base splashes suck but the ingame models are nice and all.
sumimasen snek tomodachi desu?
Basado y futapilleado
no one gives a shit stop getting triggered because of your le gender dysphoria
they ruined kayle desu.
I was about to talk shit for typing in romaji but i remembered that this shithole doesnt accept non-ascii chars.
Masculinity is what keeps the world spinning.
jaja si espanolish
you ever notice how the right are just as reactionary as the left?
Shegoposter, I like you and all but let's leave Jow Forumsshit out of this thread.
>starting shit in the 100th thread when it should be comfy
Shut fuck shego
imagine understanding gook emotes
notice how i didn't even start talking about my political beliefs yet you instantly bunched me up with the right
grow thicker skin bud
Really? I think Riot Kayle splash looks amazing
Her fashion is always on point, my friend :)
>cant type in nippon
this place is like a horribe broken home, yet i got nowhere else to go
may i ask, what do you find with futa? what atrracts u to it or whatever?
It is nice to have something supportive on this board. People are always angry about the love they don't have, but this is the celebration of true love.
I'm about to head to bed, but I'm just popping in (before the entire thread goes by while I'm asleep, it always does when it starts at this time) to join in the hundred-thread celebration and to say that I still love Lat.
posting yuuka in the 100th waifu thread!
Honestly amazed with these results.
Good night, Latposter. May Lat accompany in your dreams. I hope you sleep well.
Based. I used to browse the threads in this board a lot, but now I only come for /waifu/ it warms my heart.
That's a really cute Seibah user
Agreed user, its nice to have a thread where everyone is loved and we can tell about our love of our waifus. Btw Your wife looks pretty in that user
Thank you. It is one of my favorites. I set up my computer to show me a random picutre of saber whenever I boot so I can stary my day happy. That was the one that showed today. I also really like this one
>its nice to have a thread where everyone is loved
Waifus? Yes. Posters? No.
That is a really wholesome and heart-warming filename.
Goodnight , Latfag.
Oh Fugg :DDDD.
I would need 3 2000char posts to answers and i am busy right now.
It is also the kind of degeneracy that i shouldnt let free on this place , not even in spoilers.
i will just say this
Dicks are great things and really fun but i am not attracted to the male body.
>imagine being at computers
True, very comfy place
also cute picture
that dress is 10/10 MCs outfit is garbage though.
i hate berrets.
nice another argentinafag
Leah we get it people didnt like you. Weve already told you what to do to get us to tolerate you, the balls in your court now
Heres either a big or short question depending on the person
>write a little bit about your waifu and why you love her
I kind of like the berets. Not as much as I love this hat though
100 threads appears to be cause for celebration, let's celebrate with some soup!
Not really.
I just speak spanish
Leahfren someone even told you that they're glad you're here, now you're just saying you're sad for the fuck of it
I know, it's more like a plataformer or something like it. Still play it for the characters I like mainly
She looks really pretty good on that outfit, always loved her general design. What is your favorite Fate media where she appears, counting SN as three separated routes instead of the entire vn?
Ese no era yo violento
Shitposters don't count, so it's okay for us to not like you.
>100th thread
Hot damn, didn't think we'd last this long. It's impressive actually.
Stay comfy friends. Enjoy the time you have with your waifus and hopefully we'll get to 200 threads.
Not Leahposter. I'm just saying that some people appear much more welcome than others. You guys may not see it, but I do.
hope you've been doing less of the throwing up part, and hope she's been keeping you comfy!
I will admit I havn't seen all of the fates, but from what I have seen I really liked her in zero. In zero she was the most powerful, and was at her full potential.
>How are we doing this fine evening , fags?
>Post a track that perfectly ecompasses your mood right now.
How? Besides people like haremfags and others who bring drama no one is unwelcomed here
>Not Leahposter.
>I'm just saying that some people appear much more welcome than others. You guys may not see it, but I do
Tell us what you see then
>should let it free here
ok then snek frend, as long as u love ur waifu.
berrets are a monster.
a misshapen mutt of a hat.
they are sloppy, and fall off.
they should never expirience love.
sincerely, beret hater 5643
What kind of math is giving you problems , lainfag?
In the spirit of the occasion , post the music you listen to celebrate.
>I'm just saying that some people appear much more welcome than others
Not really, give an example. Leahposter was rightfully exiled
that one wasnt snekanon.
Ah no pero vos sos un agresivo como vas a decirle falkland a las malviklands
Because nobody says it. It's done in an almost subconscious way, and actions speak louder than words. Worst part is, I don't think those who are seen as outsiders by the majority even realize it.
I wont take it any further
Question for you all do you prefer your waifu to talk about her feeling with you or her friends?
>In the spirit of the occasion , post the music you listen to celebrate.
Que putas madres estas haciendo , che
Why wouldn't i want to hear all of my wife's problems?
You are either overthinking things and seeing what isnt there or are upset because people didnt give you enough attention.
>Question for you all do you prefer your waifu to talk about her feeling with you or her friends?
I mean I obviously want us to be close enough for her to be open with me about her feelings. I think that's a given
How are you shego-user youve been gone for a while
>do you prefer your waifu to talk about her feeling with you or her friends?
Both because im a tool and she should get a 2nd opinion for some things, but as her husband id want to talk with her about how she feels
Either be clear and provide some examples or stop talking out of your ass
im worried shego would want to talk to a friend about it and I feel like I should be the one she shares her worries with as I always want to make her feel better
I'd be more than happy to listen to her speak from the heart.
What said, if you feel out of place then you should talk more until you're not just some dude that popped out of thin air said hi and lurked the rest of his life
>write a little bit about your waifu and why you love her
She came into my life at a time when I needed someone, anyone to relate to. I never had, and still don't have, someone I could look to as a relatable figure. When I saw Brave I saw someone that, if she were real, I could confide in. Someone I could trust. And ultimately she became the person I held close.
She's everything I could ever want out of someone and more. I love the way she looks, with her unruly ginger mane, lightly freckled skin and bright blue eyes. I love her cute Scottish accent. I love her tomboy-ish personality, her rebellious nature and her passion. Perfection beyond perfection. All I want now is for us to be together, so that I can finally, for the first time in my life, be truly happy. I mean, isn't that what we all want?
>In the spirit of the occasion , post the music you listen to celebrate.
Official /waifu/ theme song:
>Question for you all do you prefer your waifu to talk about her feeling with you or her friends?
With me. I've daydreamed about the two of us sharing our real feelings with one another. It's unclear whether she has any friends her age, or friends at all.