since i'm too lazy to look it up, what's the big fuss with this guy Yang? why's Jow Forums and some of Jow Forums so crazy about this guy all of a sudden? Convince me to support him.
Since i'm too lazy to look it up, what's the big fuss with this guy Yang...
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Don't. He doesn't care about gun rights, and wants you to join the chink bugman hivemind.
He wants to create a UBI (Universal Basic Income) and give all, yes all, American citizens over the age 18 $1,000 a month. If you get more then a $1,000 in gibs, you can opt out.
I think his idea for gun laws is a reasonable middleground honestly.
I dislike his views on mental health, and am not sure how well he would implement UBI
He will never win, even if he does UBI will not happen. You can't just give everyone in the country over night 1000 Yangbux. UBI needs to happen from the grounds up starting at the state level to test the waters.
>reasonable middle ground involves giving up yet more of my fucking cake
Trannies, homos, niggers etc. didn't want Hillary to get elected because it meant that they couldn't get their pro-tranny nigger homo president in office while there was a moderate Democrat in office.
So in 2016 they all shilled for Trump, thinking that it would result in "accelerationism" and now they're trying to astroturf some "outrage" over Trump and are calling him a Jew or whatever and think that enough people will fall for it to elect this pro-nigger, homo tranny Chink.
Unfortunately absolutely no one gives a shit as everyone is more or less happy with Trump and no one wants to hear about more tranny nigger Chink shit, so they're spamming this pro-tranny nigger Chink everywhere hoping that they'll somehow meme him into pushing his pro-nigger tranny nigger agenda into the mainstream.
>He doesn't care about gun rights
Good! Take a look at chicago murder rate dipshit
He's a New York liberal. They don't care about anyone but themselves.
>He thinks any candidate in the US will actually hold true to muh gun rights
Jow Forums retards honestly thought trump was some sort of anti ZOG monkey wrench when he's in big with Jews, loves fags (his friend Giuliani is a crossdresser/secret homo), and ended up cucking.
Some might think it's accelerationist, but if h even gets that far without being ousted by Kamala Harris in the running or whoever else is shilled, UBI will become akin to Trump's wall.
Yeah, no, UBI needs to happen on a national citizenship level because we have Constitutional right to travel. You have to control who is in your population for it to work.
And I don't care if he doesnt have a turd's chance at the presidency, I want him on the debate stage. I actually don't care for a lot of things he says, but if he gets on the debate stage it changes discourse in this country enough so the idea is discussed.
1k dollars to every american, guaranteed NEETbux
I think I'll vote for him if he makes it to the debates
I voted for trump because he was a funny meme so I have no reason to vote for another funny meme that'll also potentially give me money
Niggers killing niggers? What else is new?
Just give him a dollar to get him on the debate stage. The DNC is picking who gets to debate based on grassroot donor numbers (not the amount donated, just the number of donors). He is about two thirds of the way there, and it probably would be good press for him to get there sooner than some of the more corporate opposition.
>I voted for trump because he was a funny meme
This is the narrative that discord trannies are trying to push because they are beginning to realize what's going on. For the last 30 years the media has been pushing nothing but gay nigger shit, and ever since Trump was elected they have realized that it is entirely possible to live a life without gay nigger shit and people absolutely love it and will never support gay nigger shit again.
>I think his idea for gun laws is a reasonable middleground honestly.
You 12 year old autist
What the fuck are you talking about? I'm obviously not using the term "funny meme" in a bad way since I'm also using it to refer to a guy that is gonna give me a thousand dollars
Trump throughout the entire election season verbally destroyed everyone he debated in the most hilarious fashion possible, never before was watching an election lead up that entertaining
If you actually cared about "le change" for trump then you're retarded, he hasn't kicked mexicans and niggers out, there's no wall, he "drained the swamp" by filling his cabinet with literal Jews from global banking corporations
Imagine being a normie and actually caring about other people
shut the fuck up you illiterate piece of shit
>implying those niggers aquire the guns they kill each other with legally
Chicago? You mean the city with some of the strictest gun laws, and some of the highest murder rates?
You absolute fucking imbecile.
UBI, so all us neets can get free money. That's about it.
For every NEET that benefits you will have 100000 Tyrones and single moms who benefit and fuck our country up even more
Trump supports globohomo
what is wrong with his views on mental health?
Andrew Yang might be the first sane, actually intelligent person to run for presidential office since I've been born
Notice how the discord tranny shills aren't trying to push a more right wing candidate than Trump and are instead trying to push a pro-nigger pro-tranny Chink. They're desperately hoping that people will hate Trump enough to get their pro-nigger Chink candidate in office.
I mean there's obvious issues, like I don't think banning manufacture/distribution of bump stocks/suppressors is going to do shit, and I don't really think high capacity magazines should be banned either.
But I think a tiered registration system with more strenuous background checks for higher threat weapons is an entirely reasonable course of action given the worsening state of mental health in this country.
No one is taking away your guns. If you already have guns, your rights to them still stand as long as you get them registered.
>a tiered registration system with more strenuous background checks for higher threat weapons is an entirely reasonable course of action
You mean what's already being done now?
Scratch that, what happens now is more strict than that, considering that some cult in Waco building AR-15s was apparently a big enough threat to the world that the ATF had to burn their compound down with them inside.
Why do people call Chinese bug people?
I mostly disagree with the concept of AI counselors, AI social workers, and AI telecounseling for psychologists.
There's nothing stating anything about cracking down on the rampant overprescribing of medications, which I think is one of the biggest issues in american health care right now.
Based on what he's said, and what he hasn't said, just feel like it's going to result in more of that issue.
I do like the concept of more tightly integrating mental health professionals into general healthcare, but again, hope that doesn't just result in more prescriptions.
Illinois and Chicago, while they have strict gun laws, it can be worse. California ranks 1st as the most strict gun laws according to the Giffords gun law scorecard.
The bad things about Chicago is it doesn't have gun ranges in the city, you have to travel to the suburbs.
I like saying Chicago is a war zone, stay out of the west side and south side, niggers and spics will shoot you.
>more strenuous background checks for higher threat weapons
What do you classify as a "higher threat weapon?"
I would argue that a handgun is 1000 times more of a higher threat than something like an AR, considering that over 90% of gun deaths are using pistols.
>But I think a tiered registration system with more strenuous background checks for higher threat weapons
>he trusts politicians to even be able to classify firearms properly
Nope. The government has no right to know what guns I have. The whole point of the Second Amendment is to kill feds who get too big for their britches.
Oh you're that guy who's obsessed with "Discord trannies". What's up with that anyways?
Higher threat value to multiple human lives at once, I'd say.
I do think a handgun has a lot of potential for violent crime, and I'd personally move it to tier 2 and have shotguns tier 1 instead.
But I ain't the bugman.
You do know that gun laws wouldn't stop any of those, right? You can't really be this fucking stupid, right?
Imagine being this uninformed
>The whole point of the Second Amendment is to kill feds who get too big for their britches.
Stopping tyranny and killing feds you deem to be "too big for their britches" are two very different things.
What rights do you lose by registering your firearms? No one is taking them away.
Why do the Chinese have such a massive boner for things like this? They can't help but become worker drones for the hive
>What rights do you lose by registering your firearms?
All of them
>No one is taking them away.
They will inevitably will
>All of them
You lose your right to free speech, right to assembly, right to religion...because you have to sign a piece of paper and the make / model of your firearm?
Guess we all lost all of our rights because we have to register our cars, too.
>They will inevitably will
Fuck when are they taking our cars too?
Are you honestly this paranoid?
It's just another autist like CWC who thinks that if he hates on homos he'll be able to suppress his own blatant homosexuality. His frustration on the topic is clear proof.
Cars don't defend against tyranny.
Literally no one is taking your guns away. Someone comes to your house and demands your gun, you'll still be more than welcome to shoot.
No one is banning guns, no one is removing guns. Registration does nothing to hinder your ability to defend against tyranny and shoot whoever you feel is threatening your rights.
>What rights do you lose by registering your firearms?
My right to keep arms is infringed since the establishment of a registry necessarily requires a way to add guns to that registry (a background check), which places undue burden on me to provide for my own defense, and implies that the government should be able to prevent my arming myself if they deem me somehow undesirable.
fre monE
That's basically it. They want a bonus for their autismbux check.
leave these kids alone you tranny freak
>No one is banning guns
Many guns are already banned you lying faggot.
>Registration does nothing to hinder your ability to defend against tyranny
A registry would tell the government that I'm armed and would basically be a hit list for the government.
Why should I give a shit about what some dead aristocrats wrote 300 years ago? The Second Amendment has no place in a civilized country in 2019.
I actually don't care much about the Second Amendment either, because it doesn't grant the right, it merely lists one inherent to man. Hamilton was right to be worried that brainlets down the road would think that the fact that the right was listed in a legal document meant that it could be altered by changing that document.
If Trump doesn't want to run in 2020,
I guess I'll vote for insect yang.
I'd rather him then AOC or 0.00000000000000.2 percent injun Hillary.
Fuck those bitches.
Blow it up your ass, comrade.
Not an argument. This is why supporting liberal policies always leads to tyranny
manual (controls, not transmission) cars will become illegal at some point. as soon as 20-30 years from now all traffic may be automated and a human driving a vehicle seen as a liability. you might still be allowed with a special permit. this could be like old timer drivers of today who get temporary permits to use their cars during the summer months. other than that the only way to drive a car yourself will be on a track.
AOC won't even be old enough to run.
>Convince me to support him.
You can vote for him to spite your conservatard father just like you've always secretly wanted.
lads i think im in the yang gang
because there's a billion of them and you can squash one and the rest would just walk over his body and go about their lives
Yang is a socialist failure
Mustaine 2020, because peace sells, but who's buying?
i gave that squinty eyed nigga 1 dollar
godspeed give me $1k a month
I literally only supported Trump (originally) because it's funny. Then I actually thought his ideas were good. But then he became a swamp monster, of course.
Checked. Yang is the future
Yangbuxx nigga
Single moms and tyrone are already receiving 1k + month from welfare. Its time NEETs get a piece if the pie
350 million * 1,000 * 12
it would cost
don't think it's happening.
I don't thin it's happening.
You have to subtract everyone under the age of 18, and everyone over the age of 64. This is how he plans to pay for it without inflation.
People above the age of 64 already get a shit load of money social security is at half a trillion.
tick tock bootlickers
yang gang will save us from this jewish hell planet
>Giving people money to spend stimulates the economy
This old Keynesian meme.
How did you scrounge up all that money to give to israel for free? Hmmmmm.
Isreal gets 3 billion. All basic income will do is make people even less productive but at least it will blow out the living wage cuck by showing how people will stretch the basic income to simply not work, it's less than minimum wage.
Are you 13 years old, mental health doesn't work mostly because they are thought disorders with the ultimate cause being your and the cure being changing your mind. Most people will never do this even with therapy.
I never understood the point in increasing welfare benefits. instead of spending time and effort trying to allocate funds to just give away to mostly niggers, why not spend that time trying to find ways to place people into jobs, which would lower the amount of people who receive benefits which would then lower taxes, thus helping out everybody
Not enough jobs due to automation. We have a smaller workforce now than in the year 2000.
>He doesn't care about gun rights
I don't either
>He doesn't care about gun rights
Good. I want to see Jow Forums and Jow Forums implode.
Meh. I'd trade my gun for 1k a month to be a comfy neet
there are plenty of jobs available right now. all shit like this does is give people more of a reason to not find work and live off the government. if unemployment was more of a burden people might actually try to find a job instead of just living off the government
That's just being unrealistic. People aren't gonna just suddenly thrive to become skilled workers to land better jobs, it simply won't happen. Even advanced jobs like radiology will be outsourced to AI, you're just talking about delaying the inevitable.
it won't. Our options are literally chaos or UBI.
pic related
it's also actually pretty feasible, if we move funds from regular welfare and other stupid nigger shit. I do agree it'll be hard getting overweight single moms taking care of Tyrone's baby to give up their 5k a month so everyone can have 1k.
tfw i attached the wrong pic
1. Bernie Sanders
2. Kamala Harris
3. Beto O'Rourke
4. Elizabeth Warren
6. Cory Booker
7. Kirsten Gillibrand
8. Julian Castro
9. Amy Klobuchar
10. Jay Inslee
11. John Hickenlooper
12. Andrew Yang (
>where does the money come from
>muh economy
>muh taxes
>muh stock market
Who gives a fuck? If his plan works I get comfy UBI and can NEET it up. If his plan collapses the economy I get to find out what normie tastes like. win/win
So who's number 5?
Where's Hillary?
Cory Booker, user's just retarded and is stuck at the first grade level special needs division
Your tldr is too long you fucking retard, also what are you trying to summarize?
there is no shortage of jobs and there wont be for quite a while. Stop giving people a reason to not look for a job, instead focus your attention on helping people get them. making unemployment more attractive does nothing for anybody.
>$1000 cash unconditionally
yeah give $1k unrestricted cash to anybody who would qualify for it and see what they do with it
Based and very neetpilled
5 was Joe Biden but I took him off the list because he probably won't join the race.
Do you even know which board you're on? Shill your wagecuckery elsewhere
>there is no shortage of jobs and there wont be for quite a while.
If you're talking about jobs that require a college degree then you're correct, but college graduates are only 30 something percent of the population. The fact of the matter is the majority of people work simple brain dead jobs that would be better executed by a machine and are being replaced as we speak. My local wal mart is replacing more and more cashiers with self check out every year. Yes it would be wonderful if everyone went off and got a degree to get better jobs, but its not happening. It just won't, and you know it won't.
I want to own guns but partially same.
The real solution to me seems to shift capitalism from entrepreneur focused to more direct goods and services focus, as well as push for local businesses and maybe push for self sufficiency, though the first argument against that is always population density
andrew yang 2020 lets get this bag fellow hikkineets
>thinking niggers and spics would ever vote for a chink
>being this fucking delusional
If you're a loser and fit in nowhere else, join this shit: