eskimo kiss edition
eskimo kiss edition
first for
>tfw no hamburger bf
second for monogamy
gonna slash my wrists if hytale isnt out in the next week
Incels aren't welcome after this post
aizen taicho
first for a pure and sweet bf
>lost 90 lbs last year
>still 190 lbs
>have lost basically nothing this year
Wat do?
Did you call for me darling?
Sure thing, sure thing...
oh wait a second, I'm right here
>openly admitting being an incel
He loves you but you don't care about him.
Reposting since prev thread's closed
Search for guys that know empathy through past experiences... You probly would rather prefer date a boy with some traumas but who is a sweetheart pure boy that you can love and protect.
I mean, if you're kind. If you're just gonna hurt them, then fuck off.
>being assblasted by autists
uwu just want a qt femboi anime cat gf (male)
Tfw no dumb ohio bf
Any eu bros left? If so, what are you listenin to?
Sorry, i'm at least 100 IQ!
Imagine going into a thread for people similar to you just to be rude to others.
*pounds your bussy*
unoriginally originally unoriginal
this is a dumbo thread user
They deserve cuddles and headpats uWu
4/5 options are negative, user. You should've added one with "I just don't mind"
I want to bully a cute robot. I want to tease and make fun of him mercilessly until he can't stop blushing. I want to prod him when we get home about how he couldn't stop stuttering his order at dinner. But I'll never let anyone else actually hurt him.
well it's been good knowing you user
Shit terribly sorry didn't see your post.
I'll just repost and delete mine.
Please clean your anal cavity
shit, I knew I was forgetting one
That's ok, bud, no problem! And thanks for sharing, i'll give it a listen rn :)
i flirted with my college crush
i also go his phone number because of an assignment in another class
its gonna release
the earliest they've even got it slated for is late june, at least you'll finally stop posting
He's straight, isn't he?
and he's taller than me
>tfw only 5'3
he's really shy though
he kept smiling every time i called him cute
do you hate me
There was a short guy in my classes that was handsome, but he had a gf. ;_;
There were several times I was tempted to put my arm around him, but that would have gotten us both thrown out of class.
Guys im gonna do it, im gonna dab
What can you offer the dumb cute robot?
not as if you can rival his arrogance
>tfw never had someone loving me
same, maybe one day
I also just came out as bi to my parents
They were ok with it
i'm glad that i could finally come out of the closet and not wait till graduation
college graduation*
Nothing unfortunately.
plz give me music. i like this
i've been lonely since he left
my mom knows i'm bi except my dad. i have to keep it a secret from him. i'm glad you were able to tell them though user
Why am I so terrified of coming out as bi to my parents? Its not like Im afraid of them being angry or anything, my dads sister is gay and about half of my moms friends in high school were gay. And yet it still seems so daunting.
good answer
I don't understand, user. To begin with: why "come out"? Why not treat it casually? For instance, i also haven't told to my parent, neither i'm planning to. The day they know, they will know...
My parents were both big fans of queen and even after watching the queen movie they told me they'd be ok with me being lgbt
it was still very very daunting. I know how you feel.
only problem is though they think i like it in the ass now
well do you like it in the ass or do you like putting in the ass?
yes, but they don't have to know that
both kinda
but i don't want my first time in MY ass
thing is, if i ever told my parents, i wouldn't be ashamed, because i'd be the one doing the dickin', showing that im the alpha
>, i wouldn't be ashamed,
i wasn't ashamed either
i was just scared for the reaction
>toxic attitude
sm h 2019, why are you so backwards?
what part of what i said was toxic and answer fast burger boy, im about to go to bed
have a good sleep user
share music with gaybots pls
>i wouldn't be ashamed, because i'd be the one doing the dickin', showing that im the alpha
You're saying you would be ashamed if you were a bottom and thus implying that it's less okay to be a bottom than a top.
that's my personal preference yeah, i wouldnt be able to look my parents in the eyes if they knew i took dick in the ass, sorry
thanks bud, you too when that time comes around
>Kekkai Sensen
Good taste user
I'd love to hangout here, can we make it like an anchor post or a post following the OP post
it sucks we can't post without an account though
Gay men aren't human
How do you guys find out if someone is gay? I'm starting college soon and I'm going to get real depressed real fast if I start hitting on guys and finding out 95% of them are straight.
Put your butt in their lap and see if their penis responds. jk I have no idea
idk if im gay or not
last girl I was with told me id be better off with guys, but idk if that's really for me
send help
sounds like she's just trying to be a dick
jack off to gay porn and see if you like it
do guys make your pp hard at all? do girls?
Does the idea of kissing or hugging a male interest you? If so, you're probably bi.
>listening to a woman
even for a straightie that's cringe
>girl calls you gay
>end up being gay
>go around telling people she made you gay
Never to late to start user!
>tfw no male to kiss and hug
reverse cuck her user
steal her bf
Indeed. We are the Ubermensch.
idk boys,
being able to hug anyone would make me feel nice.
i really dont know what to make of it
I'm off work soon user, what are you making for dinner? I hope you did the laundry!
>tfw no bf (male) to satisfy my emotional needs caused by the lack of a paternal figure in my life
kindsA fucked but everyone deserves to have theitr needs fulfilled
I'm cool with this just don't call me 'daddy'.
My crush > your crush desu
>tfw no bf to help me recover from years of social isolation and anxiety
the problem is that i would have to first get a bf, which is hard when you are socially stunted in so many things that it is impossible for you to hold a conversation for more than 30 seconds
ffs i cant even talk to people on discord without unwillingly ghosting them simply out of not knowing what to say
Why do you dislike that word user?
And what did you achieve by it?
can i call you nigger instead?
Than you Satan, for all your love
knowing the fact that i'm not going to be fucking homeless for liking dick and pussy
It just feels weird and I wouldn't be old enough to be your dad anyway. You could call me big brother or something if that gets you going I suppose.
Sure, but I'm not black.
>liking pussy
If I was your dad I'd kick you out on principle, pussy looks disgusting.
I need to roll on the ground
I need to fucking scream
I need to run at max speed for 20 minutes
I feel like my body is fucking exploding
I feel so god damn tense, so god damn anxious, feel so horrible. I need to release FUUUUCKKKK. Also, how the fuck would someone like me get a boyfriend, I go into mental illness mode like this every few weeks for a few weeks at a time.
I'm in the same spot user, being gay and not understanding it made me being more isolate than ever, I missed stuff like young love, a fun college relationship and more.
In the end I'm just alone, bitter and have a real impediment when I try to talk with someone irl
I can agree to that
you won't because they'll laugh at you by the time they realize how ill you are.
How old are you user? I'm 25
I'm almost done with the laundry. The baked ziti with sausage is almost ready!
Oh right, I'm 24 so that's off the table.