How the FUCK is this not advertising / spamming? Fuck off you chink shills.
How the FUCK is this not advertising / spamming? Fuck off you chink shills
>robots actually voting
dont worry about it
Why is /soc/ belongs in /soc/ a rule, but not the same for Jow Forums and /lgbt/?
Fuck Jow Forums's mods. 100% fags.
Just vote for Yang and it'll all be over.
How about I vote for bombing Wall Street you fucking faggot
99% of the Yang threads are coming from a group of mentally ill discord trannies
>How about I vote for bombing Wall Street
What's the difference?
>trying to make yangbros appear to be a part of the discord tranny raids
cringe and bluepilled retarded contrarian
One is an impotent gesture of submission to the powers that be, and the other physically blows apart evil.
You have a 40% chance of killing yourself, tranny
They dont do anything against the /soc/ threads either
Then why do the lovely female posters that show their boobies get banned?
I never filter stuff, but I did filter "Yang" a minute ago
Lol the candidate that offers Neetbux for all is popular on Jow Forums, what a wild twist!
To keep Jow Forums gay.
There's a coordinated attempt to shill for Yang here
At least be consistent, not-samefag
Welcome to the club.
# personal details
/\b\d('|"| inch)/
# Jow Forums spam
/^>tfw no/i
/nice about/
/cute bo/
/write.+letter|letter thread/i
/flippy hair/
# /b/ spam
# gross
/censor(ed)? thread/i;op:only
/(my|your) doodle/i
/power bottom/i
/sex ?doll/i
/pee pee/
# meta
/(this|these) threads?/i
# brits
# alt-right
/(black|blue|red|pink) ?pill/
# reddit
/> ?be me\b/i
# banhammer
/coal ?burn|burn.*coal/i;highlight;exclude:b
/s o y/i;highlight;boards:r9k
# fuck off Jow Forums
A question was asked and I answered with the truth, not my opinion on whether it was a good or bad thing to be true.
I don't vote for Chinese people, no matter how retarded their plans seem.
Damn man. What a list.
I actually like browsing this board.
Fuck off, when will you idiots realise that spamming transparent shit on Jow Forums isn't activism and it won't help you achieve anything? Isn't it a bit interesting that no one but you is ever talking about him, and 100% of the "wow, thanks for telling me about this candidate, I read through his faq page and I will definitely be voting for him", and "not gonna lie, former trump voter here, definitely voting for yang this year" comments are from you discord autists? Why do you persists in the face of zero success so far? What would success even look like? Droves of NEETs with no money donating money to a political campaign? Get real
It's the discord trannies.
Yang is a perfect example of why democracy always fails.
People in those threads are praising social reputation credits, gun confiscation, and open borders
Hey, can you please explain to a brainlet like me how filtering works? I only get the case insensitive, op only and board specific ones. The guide in Jow Forums x doesn't really help. I don't have any programming experience so I don't know how the question marks, parentheses and other shit works.
The beginning of a post
The end of a post.
The beginning or end of a word.
Any character.
The thing that comes before it exists and can repeat.
The thing that comes before it might not exist, but if it does, it might repeat.
The thing that comes before it is optional.
A group.
Or. Example: (this|that) is a group of this or that.
A list of accepted symbols. Example: [a-z]\*[a-z] blocks any word with an asterisk in the middle.
fuck Yang, Dave Mustaine 2020
it's still We The People, right?
Thanks user, I appreciate it a lot.
I still don't get this one /\(\(\(/
and this one />[^\n]+\n\n|^[>\d\n]*([^\n]{1,40}\n\n)+[^\n]{1,40}$/
/> ?be me\b/i though. What's the backslash for?
not a tranny stop projecting