>incel meets femcel
>start dating
>he cheats on her and streams himself telling her
>keeps laughing at her and mocking her while she cries
Just a reminder this is your future if you decide to give an incel a chance. They've been alone so long they don't have emotions or feel empathy.
Never date incels
Anyone who streams more like
lmfao, what a soulless chink
> "incel" has become equivalent to "chad asshole" because people think incels are assholes
probably faked. look at the views.
He doesnt seem serious but thats probably because hes a soulless streamer idk
I hope this is real. Extremely based nip
>asians don't understand empathy
Gee, what else is new? At least take solace in the fact that this happens much more often to white males than girls like in the OP.
It gets better:
Eh, I don't really know the whole story, or if OP is lying, but cheating is very bad. Also
That's "stop, don't ruin it" in moon.
I feel nothing for her. She is a disgusting and pathetic weeaboo/asiaboo and got what she deserved.
Lmao, wtf is going on there, why is this nip involving his stream in his relationship?
now u know why
>it's a chink
what did she expect lmao
I'm a guy not a girl, but when I date chinks. I can tell there's something off about them. Like they might love me, but their empathy is disturbingly low.
Aww poor thing... Actually feel sorry for her.
Wish I was a lesbian desu.
that reaction at $100 looooooool
>she voluntarily decided to reward a sociopath with sex and a relationship and didn't see any redflags before hand
>expects any sympathy when genuine nice guys like me are still waiting for a gf
I didn't quite catch that. You wanna run that through me again?
>dating an incel
I had no idea anyone was actually that retarded. It's like a nigger dating someone in the KKK. What the fuck did you expect. Incels don't actually want gfs, they just hate women and themselves but mostly women.
Probably fake if they streamed it but who knows, incels are so psychologically deranged anything is possible
thats not how empathy works. you don't lose it unless you've seen some shit and even then its still there
women are bad at detecting narcissism and psychopathy/sociopathy in men. Some would even say that they're actually attracted to these type of men which is even worse.
incels with an abundance of empathy and compassion are out there. Being alone or without relationships doesn't make you a sociopath, sorry.
usually empathetic and caring/kind men have certain traits like, care/love for animals, selfless, compassionate towards others, sympathetic toward the plight of others, etc..
Dumb roasty with yellow fever gets what she deserves.
Couldn't even find her an attractive asian dude either.
This is literally the equivalent of the ugly white dude going for an asian girl in reverse. Except the girl isn't even bad looking.
This is so sad. I hope she'll get better. Hope the dude somehow learn to stop being such an asshole. Fuck Jow Forums this place is sad and full of garbage trash imma go back to read farnam street.
Then be one. Girl's can become lesbian on the spot if they really want to.
This. I remember in high school most of the girls could will themselves into being bisexual. They were all fooling around with each other on the side despite having bfs
Based. But OP is right. I'm a fatcel and a i'm definitely gonna cheat on a girl when I lose the weight.
kek i was watching that live and the chat was full of a bunch of white knight cucks saying "hyub no!"
>gets dates with multiple women in quick succession
>I'm so nice that I think that bitch deserved what she got because she wasn't letting ME fuck her
nan de fucking kore lmao