There are really no good arguments against it.
Should I trap a robot in a relationship with a pregnancy?
I wouldn't mind that at this point desu
You'd need to have a womb to do that, user.
>be me
>comfy NEET
>mfw no job
>mfw can't pay child support
How about being fucking murdered you dumb bitch
What makes you think you deserve my seed?
Would you make a competent mother?
You absolute cunt. Trapping a man into marrying you by lying to him so that you can ruin his life with a divorce in twenty years is one of the worst things any person could do. Please consider his life before you leech off of him. If you do end up doing it I hope you get a miscarriage, and get raped and die.
To the dude who is out there dating this psychopath: best of luck and I hope you understand to nope out of there as fast as possible.
Why? It's a big responsibility.
And that's why trannies will remain forever seething.
No I wouldn't make a good mother, but I was just wondering. If you leave, you become a deadbeat, a literal subhuman in the eyes of society, plus you'd have to support me anyways.
They have ways of making you pay, neet.
It beats depression and loneliness
girl tried to do this to me. I sort of regret not "Falling" for it. Now I live with my mom and she was my highschool sweetheart
It wouldn't be trapping them if it's something they wanted anyway :)
But you are a tranny.
>divorce in twenty years
C'mon. It wouldn't take that long. Maybe 5 to 10 if he's lucky.
Seriously what could possibly give you the right to deceive a man in this way? How could anyone be so malicious that they would do something of so much consequence to leech off of a man who is already probably depressed and a social outcast?
The reason I say twenty is because even though they know they won't work out in a year she will stick around for long enough so he has gotten somewhere in life so that the divorce is profitable for her.
fuck i want to fill a fembot's womb after half an hour of pounding her into the mattress and then raise a happy little family with her
If any of this actually happened, it would probably turn out that the robot would leech off of her. So, there's really no reason to get all up in arms about it.
You can't get divorce raped if you murder suicide
Men love getting women pregnant anyways. It makes them feel in charge or something.
Feels good knowing that I'll always be 100 times more valuable to society than any of those failed men. Trannies need to understand that they'll never ever be able to compete.
That's the spirit!
Id probably be happy with that.
A reason to get my shit together.
Are you looking for just any robot or someone in specific?
How would the robot leech off her? She is on her way to live a comfy life as a stay at home mom. She will expect him to support her financially. He will feel the guilt/responsibility and go find any kind of awful work and ruin himself with long hours.
>she wants to get pregnant
My plan to mind control her worked after all
be my lover
based and wholesomepilIed
It's only for my own benefit, so that I don't feel so worthless. It has nothing to do with you personally. I hope you like mentally ill children.
>Men love getting women pregnant anyways
That's like saying it's ok to rape women because they have rape fantasies.
He may very well want to have kids some day, but he probably isn't ready for it now or maybe he doesn't even know if he wants kids. It's also possible he doesn't want kids at all. It's possible he doesn't want kids with you. You have no right to do this to this poor man. You have to respect his agency.
I really hope you die in a fire, or a car crash, or drown. As long as you die before you ruin any mans life like this.
How would popping out a mentally ill baby with a guy you manipulated make you feel better? It'd grow to resent you both.
I was wrong about you, you fucking literal succubus. Hang yourself asap.
This manipulative, evil bullshit is why I avoid females at all costs. Learn your lesson here robots. Never ever get into a relationship with a woman, never have sex, never go into a room alone with a woman, never talk to any woman except your mother and sister and for the love of god don't ever, ever, EVER trust any woman.
>I really hope you die in a fire, or a car crash, or drown
Haha. I might actually drown one of these days. But I know you're lying to an extent. Men have power fantasies over us all the time. They literally wouldn't mind if it made them feel control over my body.
it's the only way to really do it
>tfw came in my exgf a few years ago but we used a plan b/morning after pill the next day
In all seriousness though, you should feel worthwhile before you have the kid
It may be hard for you to believe but you have some worth beyond your ability to fail at raising my child
>Men have power fantasies over us all the time
Again, this is as bad an argument as "women have rale fantasies all the time". Yes it's true but they are primitive urges that we control. You must respect this poor mans moral agency. He has a will that overcomes his dumb power fantasies, if he even has any to begin with. Leeching off of a social outcast is one of the most evil things a person can do. Now please go kill yourself. I mean it, kill yourself.
True. The child would be an even bigger subhuman than I am. But that's not the point.
I'm only trying to give something in return of care for me haha.
I'm a failure as a woman and as a person. Maybe if I was useful to someone, I'd have something to look forward to besides attention-whoring on r9k
I don't think you're a total failure yet, you have to try harder to convince me of that
be my discord conversation friend
True, this is why rapists exist. When Jamal and Mohammed make your their bitch you won't be laughing anymore, hope you like half-breeds hell maybe that will lessen the chances of you passing down your mental illness.
>I'm only trying to give something in return...
How about in return for taking care of you, you respect him and don't lie to him and don't get pregnant.
Are you legitimately planning on doing this? Your comments sound very final. I hope you are just attention whoring.
OP have you thought about the possibility of having BPD rather than schizophrenia?
>tfw no batshit gf to strangle to death after she cuts off my dick while I'm asleep
I'm just brainstorming.
I don't know what I have. They're all just labels to control you anyways. I do hear things though.
I'm only violent if I sense that you want to take control of my mind.
are you rich? lets make a deal, i take care of you emotionally and you take care of me financially. its a win-win, either of us can quit anytime, no cursed children are brought into this world and you get to fit in with the modern feminist power fantasy
i can take care of uour house, drive you around, keep away spy planes, keep jannies at bay, deal with your family for you. anything, you name it.
Why not just mommy your bf before being an actual mommy? You could feel it out and see if you're ready for it.
I am pretty rich, I suppose. How are you supposed to keep planes away haha? I know that some neet isn't capable of that, I'm not retarded.
As long as you're cute please do.
I secretly am having urges to have a nuclear family and be a great father.
Ok lets make you a bit less useless shall we? Talk about your job, I want to hear about it. You mentioned working to afford a neet lifestyle before, must be a high paying job if it only takes you a few months to save enough for this.
Also why do I feel you are the daughter of some diplomat and/or someone who oversees billion dollar cash flows? It'd partially explain your paranoia.
unironically wish for this kind of scenario at this point
I wouldn't even need you to truly love me, I'd just need you to love our kids
One of us can fly a helicopter while the other shoots at the trespassing aircraft with a high powered rifle
The truth is, most of my money comes from inheritance, owning land and just being plain frugal. That job wasn't anything too special. My mother was in finance, maybe that's important enough, though I don't oversee billions of dollars haha.
alright you got me, keep away was not the right wording. ill neutralize them, trust me it is possible, moreso if you live in the middle of nowhere. you have the cash, i got the skills. what ya say?
tranny here, pls dont be mean
You know, I'm almost glad you exist, because no matter how pathetic I am, I can always be sure that I'm at a better woman than you.
You are the master baiter. origami
Leave us alone.
im glad that my existence prevents you from killing yourself
Its good to see that you went from "i'm gunna kill muself, life no meaning" to "I should have a child". There is sure a improvement there. Good luck further roastie
79% of american millionaires didn't inherit any of their wealth. True fact look it up
please give me some attention
you're like that yandere gf that I'll never have
Here you go. But just realize, it just proves that I control the frame over you now.
yea you orbiters have really helped me feel better
That's not that bad, it's only a single thread.
Hahaha. Based impersonator. I'm truly thankful for your insight into my psyche. You are spot on.
Is it?
Why trap a robot? Why not plan a pregnancy? And a marriage too while you're at it.
No you don't control shit. You are the one who feeds from us not the other way around. that is a half lie, have you heard of mutual parasitism What would you be without us? Who controls the narrative? The answer might surprise you. Hint: neither of us
Go ahead, try to trap me.
I hope you live in the South.
Im not really looking for a robot, im looking for a chad to trap desu and I dont think chad would want trash like me so id have to trap him
>Is it?
Yes, I haven't used Jow Forums properly in years.
Why not? I'm sure it's exciting for them too.
You should get on discord with me
>You should get on discord with me
sure but first I need to know,
do you have money?
are you atleast above 5'9"?
have you ever had a bf before?
i meant gf not bf lol, I wouldnt date a fag hahaha
would give you control over my life too desu
I have money and I've had a gfs before, but I'm at 5'9
not much but working on it
yes, multiple
>I have money and I've had a gfs before, but I'm at 5'9
okay what do you work in?
you arent a useless basement dwelling neet right?
Bullshit. I'm not buying your lies, Todd.
I'm not, I have a job and am saving money
I'm a plumber
>I'm not, I have a job and am saving money
good because I need a man who can be a good provider, useless neets go to tge trash
>I'm a plumber
sorry I dont date spics
I could provide, but I'd rather talk about it somewhere that isn't Jow Forums
what about ltalians
>goes from wanting to trap a robot out of desperation to being a spoiled gold-digging whore who only wants Chad
Every time.
>being this whore's beta provider
Ultimate cuckoldry. Enjoy sitting on the sidelines while her bull makes you pay for his kids
lmao that's not even me.
Eric, you're being baited.
I was just trolling I wasnt serious hahaha!!
sometimes I say stupid thinngs and dont really mean it sorry lol
We could avoid bait by talking somewhere that isn't Jow Forums
I prefer more than one orbitor sorry
>meet a virgin robot
>pretend to interested in him and find him attractive
>take his virginity on the day you know you'll be most fertile, convincing him it'll be fine and even a shame if he couldnt cum inside for his very first time
>ask to meet his family
>announce at family meeting that you're pregnant and show the pregnancy stick so its undeniable, be absolutely glowing and proud and act like you'll be the sweetest daughter-in-law they could ever have
>threaten and torture him in every way possible that wont leave evidence throughout the entire pregnancy, then take his families money, support, and sympathy
Worst he can do is snap and kill you but then he'd have to either kill himself or take it up the ass in jail for the next 50 years for 2 counts of murder if you get him to kill you while you're still pregnant. It really is easy to destroy a guys entire life
Thanks. That's the first actual advice I got in this thread.
now I need to find an user to impregnate me
>she comes visit you from another country
>she pulls this nigger stunt on you
>you kill her
she's not even a citizen, chances to get caught are pretty low
As much as I would have no problem knocking a girl up at this point, if you think you can torture me, I know how to induce a miscarriage without you knowing until it's too late.
>tfw no fembot to impregnate and pry me away from my current loyal and loving gf
>that's not even me
is he wrong tho? every woman wants chad, no exceptions
Because I would just jizz all over you instead. Better women than you have tried.
I have a good feeling about this, add me pls OP
Redub 1989#5547
ill only add you if you answer these questions first
how much do you earn per year?
are you atleast above 5'9"?
have you ever had a gf before?
Bait but I'll answer anyway
You're looking in the wrong place mate, if this is a serious post, also that's my alt and not my main so I didn't lose a whole lot out of this interaction
god i wish a fembot would force me to stay with her like that