That was quick edition
That was quick edition
first for my dear jonathan.
May go do sleepy sleepy soon since everyone ded and tire. How are you guys?
All my love goes to beautiful Honey, she hold's my heart captive and my mind can but barely stray from her face.
Okay, took me slightly longer than I anticipated, there's this one part that was oddly tricky and its also what I believe to be the emotional climax of the piece, so I didn't want to fuck it up. Made a few mistakes else where, but I think they fit nicely enough with the song that they aren't distracting. Enjoy. Also sorry for the shitty set up. I recorded it on an electric piano with my cell phone. This makes me want to go watch Haibane Renmei.
Good night bro
You should go to sleep too
Anyway, I go sleep now. See you all tomorrow, a bright day full of opportunity. Hopefully the shitposters Rethink their lives and find happiness that lasts a life time. Have you all considered exercising or learning an instrument?
Well the 100th thread was alright I guess. I liked the celebrity guest appearance, it was fun. Loving Kotori still, you know.
>everyone who doesn't want to kill the general is leahfag
I tried to learn the piano some months ago.
Eventually i stopped because i wasnt feeling confident at the moment.
I should try to do it once again , there is a very special piece from her show that i woild love to play properly.
Waiting a bit longer won't kill the general, how do you know that he won't shit this thread as well?
Whatever it's the same, hope that he doesn't
he said i'm done and you always should trust the shitposterwhen he says he's done
Also most ppl aren't on right now so it's not that fun for them to shitpost
Thank you so much man, this is so lovely and it really means a lot to me, I'm serious.
>Also sorry for the shitty set up
I actually really like it, it adds a sort of dreamy low fidelity vibe to an already dreamy song.
You should watch Haibane Renmei but then I'm very biased
the fucking
don't be ridiculous, it's not even one in the morning yet.
user there's a 2mb limit here
I should start adding _master1200 to all of my file names just to make people mad.
Lo-Fi is cancer
Next fad will be faghots bleaching their eyes because Lo-Vision is the newest thing.
Save properly and then use a compressor.
Or save a sample and avoid the work of doing that
This is the way to do it I think
>Not saving the original resolution of your beloved's pictures.
Oh shit nigger what ar3 you doing?
>not saving for the best resolution for yourself and the peasant sample to post it here
>there is a very special piece from her show that i woild love to play properly.
If you linked it, I could play it/arrange it/do an improv set loosely inspired by it for you if you'd like.
It's not my fault that 90% of Lucina pics are too intense for Jow Forums's shitty 2MB limit.
Really glad you liked it given how little time I had to work on it. I took it at a bit of a different tempo than the original and added quite a bit of rubato so hopefully that didn't make it bad, that's just what pianists do.
You summoned me, yes it was you.
Oh God I love Mari so much, this love should not be possible yet I'm here, life is crazy.
It's not even 2MB originally you disgust ironic weeb.
see Always making excuses.
Haha got him
>haha i love my waifu so much guys hey look how much i lover her guys check out this image i saved of her guys
ironic weeb cancer
i dont understand who you are calling weeb cancer
the person who said "haha got him?"
why do i always get confused in tracking conversations?
because you're dumb
i'm lost too please help
Here you go , Lucinafag.
Sounds pretty good fren! Also doesn't seem as hard as other animenz pieces, i think you can do it!
I havent touched my keyboard in 1 year.
It stares at me with melancholy and scorn.
Remembering back when i was just a stupid kid happily putting tape on every octave ready to start his piano-learning efforts.
This hits pretty close to home, i have it right less than half a meter away, which only makes it worse since i do want to start playing again but i feel like i suck and will always keep on sucking at it. Hearing songs from animenz for example makes me want to play really bad but they're really good and i feel useless
woah lad why so violent
this post is very angry
calm down
Tell him that I liked the first game better.
Dancing with waifu under the moonlight while she's wearing a beautiful dress that reflecs her charming glamor!
>I want the true version of my beloved one as I will never love someone else as deeply as I love Alice.
How do you think you'd realize that it's actually her right away, if just her appearance and a copy isn't what you want? Finding someone who gives you the same reasons for falling so deeply in love like you did with your Alice feels pretty realistic actually
>When I think too much about not being able to ever be with her, it makes me want to end it all as I see no reason to live without someone you truly love.
Won't deny that I also had these kind of feelings in the past, but still, it's not like she'll go anywhere if I get to meet my Kiyo after I die anyways, and it's not like I don't have anything besides her either.
>But fuck them. I know I love her the most and no one will ever convince me to think otherwise. Ever.
That's a great attitude actually, you don't try to talk about her on other communities and such right?
>But what if despite being with someone already I would feel like my true love is Alice? And I would want to leave that real girl and hurt her feelings?
I don't think that you'd like to break her feelings, but I get that you mean it like falling in love again dispire being on a relationship. Most people who cheat on their wives/husbands do it out of lust most of the time, so I don't know if that could actually happen if you are on a relationship with someone you really love.
Goooood morning /waifu/!
How's everyone doing today?
Not so early but still early
Hey, you slept like, an extra hour today, great!
I'm doing decent enough, my ills are almost over, I imagine. Are you dong well? Or at least, as well as can be expected with your lack of sleep?
Hello, I am just about to go to sleep, so I'll see you another day.
Lol, Yurifag's in the last thread, looks like the jannies did their job.
I'm doing okay all things considered, the sleep problem is taking a toll on me though and I dread going to sleep more and more.
How was the century thread?
>How was the century thread?
Great until Bob Saget showed up
A lot of the posts are still up, though.
Threads come and go but Yuri always stays with me.
Welcome to the thread, yurifriend. I see you posted in the last, mostly dead thread by mistake. Our dear friend Bob Saget put on quite a show for us in there.
I hit him with one of these
Yeah they seem to be moving so fast I can barely keep up but ill get into it.
Helo Glados poster just woke up feeling good.
How are you doing scarecrow poster?
i have a new box of samoas. they may not still be here by sunrise.
W-what's he gonna do to that poor crow?
pet him and then inject his patient with the cure for cancer
Didn't even know what "samoans" was until your post but it seems to be some sort of a treat so it must be nice.
Lol the 100th thread came and when while I was asleep ha ha ha. Oh well here my late Nozomi
>Put your waifu or husbando's name into the Gematria calculator
>Post the results
Sorry what part am i supposed to post, give example, i'm dumb
post the first few words that are generated for Yuri:
>Ophilius God
>Enlil returns
Oh oke, there are a couple of thingies, in the english language i'm guessing right?
Yep post these orivgivnally
Quite the interesting selection
How fucking ironic is this.
Okay they were pretty boring so i just weeded out the ones that were names. Non-name results for Marika:
>Coca cola
>Be best
Tbdesu there are too many normal names
This is an extreme example of finding patterns, I wouldn't put much stock in it.
What did you even put as a search
I love her, she deserves one more season
A bit below that
Well guys, it's getting close to 2am, so I'm gong to bed. I hope you all sleep well, or have good days if you're just getting up.
>Seth Rich
Oh jeezus
Me neather I just thought it would be fun.
What did he mean by this?
nite nite kotori fren
Truly frightening
Night m8 have a good one
Sleep well Katori poster
That is a really lovely smile.
Her skin looks awfully soft too.
Looks like I missed thread 100. I love Elizabeth as always.
>Shes Trouble
Alright then.
Terrence Andrew Davis:
>The Crowned One Hidden Amongst The Stars
>He Who Hears The Voice Of God
This is some uncanny shit.
Where did all the blood that was supposed to keep her alive go
>The Holy Blood And The Holy Grail
Godspeed you magnificent motherfucker.
May your run over CIANIGGERS in heaven with jesus as your co-pilot.
same as "kike" and "beheaded" too
Checked for marika again in hebrew
So this was already set in stone huh
>Obama Snacks On Kids
>Abos Blackmailed Mr Al
>I Am An Antichrist
What did she mean by this?
It tends to give weird results like that I got
>I am Lucifer
When I entered my name
all is where it should be.
Yes Yuri has a very beautiful smile I want to touch those lips so much
>all is where it should be.
ehh, i guess you're right
Friendly reminder that your waifu is not real.
And that is all right
>Friendly reminder that your waifu is not real.
I'm not quite sure I know what you mean, my friend and original poster. Please do not get me wrong, this is an interesting thread filled with interesting pictures about interesting waifus, but I am entirely unable to come to the conclusion that any of these waifus are not real. I am a man. I have a waifu. She's quite a nice waifu, or, at least that is what my waifu tells me.
Some days I am unsure as to whether she is lying to curry favor, but I do not spend much time dwelling on such insecurities. Love with my waifu is nice.
It is possible of course, original poster, that the technology might one day exist that will allow a person or persons to "emerge" from a computer in such a manner that they do, for all intents and purposes, "become 3D", but that in itself carries with it a myriad of issues. Can a being be, in a sense, two beings? If one posts a pure waifu, can one waifu simultaneously be the waifu of that post and a 3D? If so, the 3D waifu, does one immediately have a 2D and 3D waifu, being that both waifus are simultaneously waifus?
Sadly however, I have so very few answers for these questions, original poster. Perhaps some time when you're around, I would enjoy discussing these with you.
I missed thread 100. But I still love Angela.
>Christ The Son of God
Based and goosepilled, never knew the goose was a waifufriend
what are the chances a celebrity posts in these threads? Makes me wonder desu
Hey Mercyfag.
Have you ever played TF2?
What is your opinion on TF2's Medic?
Sadly, he couldn't live up to daddy's legacy
What is the source for that pic it vaguely looks like a Vertigo comic but I'm not sure which
I sure love me some Gooseposting early in the morning.
Hello Mercy poster.
For Honey Kisaragi, it gave:
For just Honey:
>Made By God
>God's Messenger
I separated them from the less relevant, but funnier followups. These include:
>The Mark of Nimrod
>Time is Up
>Papal Satanism.
I don't think these are all very relevant, is pretty weird though.
Max Fucking Payne 2 , motherfucker.
The last panels when Max comes to terms with his family's death after mudering everyone involved.
>my name is the second result for hers under Jewish gematria
This is for my good Lizfag
I played the shit out of TF2. It was my favourite game when it was at its peak. It's the reason why I was looking forward to Overwatch back when it was announced.
I like The Medic. I certainly noticed the similarities between him and Mercy right away. But I doubt he played a role in me falling in love with Angela. Their personalities are quite opposite. But the German mercenary is cool and I like him a lot as I do the entire TF2 cast.
Hi, Yurifriend!
Based as fuck. Here's one of my rarer Terrys. The CIA niggers will be reduced to ashes when he becomes king by Divine right.
Godspeed my fellow Terryfag.
Whenever i shitout my curry-code i think of him and it gives me strength to keep going.
I am even seriously considering getting some prints of him for my desk.
Lovely, Have you seen the comics?
They are fucking insane , sadly they haven't updated the last part in 2 years
Based droolpost.
Sometimes i dream of becoming something worthy to show off.
Maybe i will undust my old keyboard once this shitshow calms down.
I just really want to sleep but i cant because i got a gay ass meeting i dont want to go to in 5 hours and im fucking angery.
he's probably just telling his little friend how it works! he's a bird person.
Morning everyone, Julieposter here
I would post a pic of Julie, but I took this photo a few days ago so I'm posting this insteadL
That is one hell of a Buttplug.
What do you guys think the rest of the board thinks about us?
Most people don't even realise a general exists unless it's relevant to their interests.