I wonder why there's so many fags?
1/5 of people on earth live in California
then move to california you big dummie
wow can we switch places OP I don't want to be near any faggots bleh ew *vomits*
california is a great state for it imo
the state pays for my hormones while I stay a neet living with my parents playing video games all day
all the fire evaporated all our drinking water so all we have left is the gay water that podcast guy was talking about. I've noticed my nipples are getting really big but it tastes ok
>statist commiefornian
>posting libertarian girl
California is great besides the fact that is really fucking expensive, you are surrounded by spics and niggers, and you will die to a fire or and earthquake.
>implying I didn't purposely post an ancap girl while simultaneously saying the state buys me hrt cuz it's funny
Also worst air quality in USA, hot as fuck in summer, and draught.
are you actually trans?
no im just agp
no, of course not, I just take estrogen just to trigger the libs
what do you think???
>fly over states hating on California
It's a p great state. Wish I met more traps up in Norcal tho
what part of norcal are your from?
san leandro trap here
not him but san francisco kinda outta the way from san leandro though
probably because thats the only place they arent outright fucking threatened with murder on a daily basis
maybe if people werent an asshole to them constantly they would be more open abou being trans
I meant to ask if you were actually on HRT, I don't care what you identify as
I don't think there's any such free hrt program in existence unless you are a poor welfare subhuman on medicaid
yup my family is poor so I get medicaid
and that pays for my girl hormones
Chasing girldick almost guarantees you won't get any. If you want a girlfriend, just date women normally. Maybe you'll end up with one who is trans. They're not easier than cis women. They're not your consolation prize.
Rofl those freaks will go for any dick they can get, saying trannies aren't easy is one of the most moronic things I've ever heard
not true, there are tons of chasers and prisonfags and we don't even have to act coy about it
8/10 trannies have way higher standards than 8/10 women, but 8/10 trannies are few and far between. The overwhelming majority of trannies are pump/dump fodder and are desperate for someone who will love them and treat them like a normal girl.
Because California is faggot central.
Also kill yourself.
there's a center i go to for free.