>join Jow Forums discord server
>post pictures
>start picking up orbiters by the dozen
>some of them are seriously creepy
>none of them are attractive
>forced to remain invisible forever to avoid them
You guys told me it'd be fun to have orbiters :(
Join Jow Forums discord server
Other urls found in this thread:
another day, another thot
I'm a depressed shut-in. I'm not a roastie
>join Jow Forums discord server
Having deanonymized contact with people here in bulk is like licking a public toilet seat. You need to sever completely and be grateful you did not die of AIDS.
I'm lonely and want friends and can't fit in with Reddit/normie discords. I can relate to robots and everything goes fine until they find out I'm a girl.
Don't tell them you're a girl then, you fucktard.
I don't until I post a picture or join VC
don't be a girl then its that simple
why would you post picture of yourself, that's attention whoring?
>I post a picture or join VC
You cause your own problems. You should know by now most of the people here are thirsty faggots. This is a boy's club, you really can't be a part of the community, only an object of infatuation.
anyone that's not female or trans can be here and we'll eliminate the xx menace
Well I do enjoy getting compliments. Who doesn't? Besides, they pressure me into doing it after I've been in the server long enough. Each time I hope some of them are able to look past gender but none of them do. It's sad :/
You can't have it both ways, so choose one and deal with it.
weak bait, post pics or GTFO
>thinking guys on Jow Forums of all places would ever not look like shit
I don't know why some of you keep falling for this. If he lurks this board it's for damn good reason, which is usually what they try to warn you in the first place.
You MIGHT meet a cute reasonable guy on some of the other boards if you're pretty lucky, but on r9k, v, b, lgbt, and fa you'll without a doubt find the ugliest guys almost humanly possible. r9k guys tend to look like how you think mlp guys look. Best looking would be cgl, soc, vp, mu, out (if youre into the scruffy look), fit, sp, lit, g, and biz. Obviously soc is worst tier though since they're all swarming in stds and just as if not more mentally deranged than r9k.
If you seek attention in Jow Forums servers, you're pretty much the dumbest bitch on the planet playing ratking to a group of autistic butterfaces. To be fair though the type of femanons to do this usually arent all that much better looking themselves.
>I hope some of them are able to look past gender
You absolute retarded cunt.
Fix your self-esteem, bitch. Nobody is gonna see you as equal if you're gonna act like a fucking child who can't take responsibility for her actions and constantly need reassurance.
I'm just hoping for a few to be good enough. I've tried making friends with fembots but they're not as common. I get along with guys better too. Opposite genders can be friends despite what people say.
It's not like I'm here looking to date. I want to sort out my plethora of mental issues before I'll even consider looking for a bf. It's just that robots who hit on me think they're attractive when they're not.
If I had good self esteem I wouldn't be here. I'd be a normie.
>if you're gonna act like a fucking child who can't take responsibility for her actions
How, user? I don't see what I did wrong.
>different genders can be friends
Apparently bot, you stupid hole. Get the fuck off of my board.
Not that user but what you did wrong was come to the asshole of the internet and think lonely retards will treat you like anything other than a hole they want to fuck. Even if they treat you nice, in the end they think they will eventually get with you. MAYBE opposite genders can be friends, but not on fucking Jow Forums.
If I add you will you tell me if I'm ugly or not?
>puts up picture for attention
>gets the "wrong" kind of attention
>"it's not my fault, why can't respectful guys fall for the attentionwhore trap?"
The fuck were you expecting? You put up pictures of yourself, you're gonna get guys who want to see pictures of you. You present yourself as someone who wants to have a decent chat, you get people who want to have a decent chat. It's not exactly a fucking science.
Heh heh heh another clever Jow Forums trick
You think attractive, normal guys would be orbiters?
Revive my server pls OP
anyone else feel free to join as well. We even have 2 girls.
I'll be your fren. I'm just desperate for non judgy social social interaction and someone to talk to when I'm having intrusive thoughts late at night. Stitxch#7241
no OP. can i add you too?
Pro tip: real girls don't need to post cute anime girls on the internet to feel cute
Sure. I don't mind at all.
>they pressure me into doing it
they probably already know you're a girl you girly girl
why would dudes
ask for photos
of other dudes
>It's not like I'm here looking to date.
Protip: if you claim to have a boyfriend and talk about him all the time orbiters will fuck off
corrected your typo
Everyone is welcome here, just follow the rules
~active vc
~active channels
~have to make an intro to get in
Just die already.originally
That's why women are kor welcome here, because you femoids are insufferable attention whores who contribute nothing to this board so
Surprisingly comfy server
im fairly attractive and looking to orbit
I do. Why can they post pictures but not me?
I don't expect them to be attractive going in. However, isn't that a reasonable expectation if they start hitting on you?
I don't tell them and I try to act gender neutral.
I've tried this before and no they don't
Do you really think 4channers would react positively to a tranny?
You first, user
I don't seek attention
Hello ANONS, feel free to join us, we're a small comfy server kinda new and everyone is welcome. 0 bully here
Get a dog/cat, they are more valuable then worthless orbiters, they are lower then the cunts they follow.
Delete your account, OP.
>implying any of us are important enough to care what data they collect
This big brother privacy nonsense is retarded. Convenience is more important.
Yeah you bring up a good point
If you're a loser and fit in nowhere else, join this shit:
Anything combining Jow Forums and chat servers is a recipe for disaster, roasties or no roasties.
>start Jow Forums gaming general
>actually get a decent sized userbase and some knowledgeable people
>start holding casual online tournaments on saturdays
>the one autist running the server has a PC from 2006 and it craps out a few times on us
>couple guys pay for a proper server host asap
>autist literally gets triggered by this, says we "stole" his tournament from him
>MONTHS of shitposting from this autist comparing us to a shadow government, derails the thread every other day or so with this babble.
>finally talk to him, it turns out he doesn't even like said genre of games and was only participating because he was lonely
>betas try to whiteknight for him but eventually he gets ip banned
some time passes
>autist reveals he wrote a script to notify him whenever the thread was talking about him
>he told the thread he failed out of college and was suicidal because of this obsession
>this was like, not long after Elliot Rodger did his thang
>dont know his actual name or any ID details aside from where he went to college
>hit up the campus security email, have to awkwardly explain to some boomer what an online gaming group is and that one of our members is kinda off the rails and suicidal and that I was concerned about him
>show them the actual thread screenshots where this guy is going on about shadow governments and wanting to blow his brains out
>they thank me for the info, couple guys on steam message me to say they appreciate me actually doing something about the sperg
literally four years pass
>autist returns once again
>over and over tells people I orchestrated a targeted swatting attack in an attempt to get him killed
>spams the thread with this like, half-nonsensical wall of greentext about me anytime I post that's full of /asp/ lingo and things like HE UPLOADED FREE MODS OTHERS MADE WITHOUT PERMISSION
The true Jow Forums experience.
if you are a loser and a faggot