Would any one like to play Apex Legends with me? I am just starting out, I have only been in one match and I made my teammates very mad with my incompetence. So if anyone else is very bad at it, but would like to play because it looks fun, maybe we should play together!
Would any one like to play Apex Legends with me? I am just starting out...
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I would but you're a frogposter so I have to decline
But helper is very cute, I like using his image.
I will bump my own thread, because I really dont want to play with people that are harsh anymore, or even mess up their team!
okay rudebots I will play with strangers
you make a thread, make a request, and the only way for anybody to fulfill it is if you post your name which you didn't do. this is your own fault.
I was thinking they would post their usernames and I would add anyone.
Maybe. First you'll have to explain what Apex Legends is.
3 person team battle royale, where a white man tries really hard to gas all the brown people.
Oh good! If you haven't heard of it yet you probably won't be very good so we can learn together.
>3 person team battle royale, where a white man tries really hard to gas all the brown people.
what that user said, but there is also a cool robot character.
What region you in? ori
And what server/region/whatever it's called do you play on?
Please post your username so I can DC if I get you on my team. I really like this game but getting teamed up with filthy casual mongoloids is the worst part.
>t. lvl 83
Don't waste your time on this kiddy trash game OP. Come play Rainbow Six Siege with me, its a much better experience with very little toxicity or teamkilling.
The sever of Texas, wherever people in Texas are automatically put.
Don't worry user, I have 0 kills. You'd no to exit without my username.
Alas, Apex Legends is free so on it I will stay.
l'm not in the US, sorry.
What are games i could play online that arent toxic or shit. I hardly own or play online since the community is either toxic or has no communication and i have no frens or anyone i at least know to play with
All these free to play games might be "free" from a monetary perspective but you do pay more severely in terms of time you need to commit in order to get anywhere in them.
Siege is by far one of the most toxic communities out there. I would say it's nearly as bad as LoL and CS:GO but not as bad as Dead by Daylight.
Stick to singleplayer games is my advice.Or find a game that isn't about competition.
It's not that I am a huge penny pincher, but I wasted all of my video game money on Heat recently and must save for more important things now.
>Not as bad as Dead By Daylight
Can confirm
>t. rep 10 Doctor
Apex Legends is for fags, originally. Play if you are gay.
I am not a gay, but I will play Apex Legends with anyone! It doesn't matter if they are a gay, a femanon, a "femanon", or even just a plain dingus.
Lucky then this thread was posted on one of the biggest boards for homo- and transsexuals on the entire internet.
final fantasy xiv mmorpg. super aesthetic and friendly
>inb4 user says Fortnite is better than Apex
Phantom Forces on Roblox, easiest game of my life.
Apex is fun. Jow Forums has horrendous taste.
I've found Mount and Blade to have a pretty good community and never been very toxic. I only started playing it about 6 months ago and on my first day I had loads of players offering me tips on how to be better.
I know, I was joking but in all honesty I actually like the toxicity of R6. It wouldn't be what it is without it, you just have to have a thick skin and prepare for the steep expectations of other players. Its better now for new players since the patch yesterday because they can play with other new players only now to get a hang of it.
>lvl 83
noone cares fag
OP post your PS4 user so we can play!
>he plays on s oystation 4
Jow Forums is a nintendofriend board faggot
he's the best, anyone that doesn't like apu is a heartless monster who you shouldn't want to play with anyway. i very much hope you find someone to play with and have fun though user, i don't play br's myself
But I play on PC!
I have a switch too but nintendo makes you pay big bucks to connect to others online.
ty user! helper is a nice lad, I don't think he should be equated to the typical frog poster.
>I've found Mount and Blade to have a pretty good community and never been very toxic.
If you're talking about the multiplayer, then this is absolutely not true. Although I wouldn't necessarily describe it as "toxic", it's nonetheless unpleasant. When I last played, the admins were extraordinarily strict and would permaban for even a totally accidental teamkill. This really made me not want to play the game, because one slip up meant you'd get banned from one of the few servers actually still up for the game. Also, it's not uncommon to see autists get into a huge political debate in the chat. I should note that this problem was much more pronounced with Napoleonic Wars, regular M&B might be better.
What a happy little hero, I can't imagine being the kind of person to dislike that glorious frog.
Yes, I too enjoy relentlessly bullying 6 year olds.
Giving the old bumparoo for op, seems like he deserves it
Are you the guy that made the thread yesterday about what games were good for making friends?
Wait for me to download this game and then I'll play with you.
I am not that guy, but I am happy to hear this none the less!
ty user
Playing alot of Apex atm. Add me if you like: Reudonai Goldmeyer#2617
No but I need that pepe
>I am not that guy
Must be a coincidence then. It's going to take about 3 hours (rounded up) for the game to download and install. I hope I like this game.
I'll play with you unless you're underage. Post your Origin username so I can add you.
That's like the fat scag whore who post on "dating" sites and demand pics in the first email while providing none of their own. You're an anime avatar AND a frog poster. You REALLY can't be choosy in this, user. You're on par with the 300 lb single mom with 4 black kids.
His name is apu, not pepe.
shellshock live.
>tfw level 87 at 500 hours
Alright user, my name is kotchun
it is kotchun, though I might not be able to play within the next hour
I am not an anime avatar, I just used one pic! But I understand your point and now I dish out the username.
Have you ever posted in Steam threads on here before? Or Discord threads? I just wanna make sure we haven't met before. I like meeting new people.
Also, Town of Salem.
If I have, I think it would have been years ago.
I've never played it but I'm willing to give it a shot. Tough shit if you think I'm posting my contact info on this autistic site tho.
I have posted my name now, if you decide to try the game. It is kotchun
I see, I'll get to installing it right away.
>ugly femoid
>edge fag
>edge fag
>gay guy
>another ugly femoid
>gay mamma's boy
>autistic robot
>ok looking femoid
man this game has some shit characters.
On second thought battle royal games are complete shit and cancer. Sorry user.
Nothing's coming up. What am I doing wrong?
its okay user
i am sure someone will agree
Would you mind trying one more time? I had to change my username before posting on Jow Forums because I initially had something too traceable. It is maybe taking a while to process.
If it is too much of a hassle, I understand not doing it!
You can't even prove me wrong, look at the facts lol
Apex proved once and for all that Fortnite was only popular because it was free. Enjoy your empty servers Fortfag.
What if I'm worse than you? I haven't installed it yet.
If you are worse than me I will carry you! To our death. One user has added me now, if you do too we can make a full squad.
If you're a loser and fit in nowhere else, join this shit:
Fuck of Reiko. I may be a nice fella, but I will NOT ALLOW your pedophilia, manipulation and boundless degeneracy in my thread!
>Apex gets released
>Fortnite revenue drops 50% in January alone
That enough proof?
GOnna do a bump for user because helper is my favourite kind of frog
i'd love to play with you but unfortunately i'm in europe uwu
>download finally finishes
>OP went to sleep or something
guess I'll see if I even like them game and practice on my own for a bit.
Did you add him already or do you need him to wake up and come back to the thread?
If the latter, friendly bump for you my lad
If you're a loser and fit in nowhere else, join this shit: