How do you cope with being under 6ft? Is suicide the best option if you live in the West?
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Easy. Rampant killing spree.
PROTIP: Your height is not what is keeping you from succeeding. Your just have no other valuable qualities besides your looks, and you fucked that up. In conclusion, improve yourself, you fucking bitch.
I've given up trying to get a gf. I can survive on my shit job and live kind of comfortably in front of my computer
You are right. I'm 5'7 and got a gf just by slightly improving myself.
Manlet cope. the thread.avi.jpeg
>I'm 5f7 and have a gf
something else that didn't happen. how sad your coping by lying online.
Imagine not being 6ft+
>How do you deal with being under 6'
Like 80% of the other men and women in America, normally since that's normal. Keep coping lanky boy.
>Like 80% of the other men and women
cute, now check for race.
Black and white people have an average of 6', if you exclude boomers it's even higher.
I suggest to never take a trip to europe midget
Just a nitpick, under 6' seems like an exaggeration. I'm 5'10" and never once felt short or had my height feel disadvantageous to dating. I assume this is because I'm taller than 90% of women, so it's *almost* never an issue.
So height doesn't matter huh faggot?
It's one inch above the us average, and there is no source for African Americans. As I said earlier lanky boy, keep coping.
most of europe is full of midgets so next time you try to get good boy points u better use specific country instead of hoping that ur broken history knowledge shot won't miss :^)
American Manlet mixed mutts cope in these threads today, lmao. Europe is 90% white unlike America. it's why we are all soo tall to manlets in the USA.
>too short to show up on the chart
I'm Indian and 5'11.
I don't trust manlets because they seem very conniving from my experience.
No one should identify themselves as a manlet though. Could potentially fuck up everything in life.
I'm sorry to crush your dreams but that happened. You can go cry in that corner.
I'm 5'6 and I honestly couldn't give a shit.
>Your height is not what is keeping you from succeeding
Physical appearance is the most important factor in modern dating
If you are short, YOU ARE FUCKED
I am 5 foot 9 and despite having a GREAT job, GREAT personality and GREAT IQ every woman I have ever dated has eventually left me for a man that was taller and better looking
Abandon hope all ye who enter here
I'm 5'5 and I've gotten interest from quite a few girls. It's down to confidence really, or at least that's what works for me.