>be me
>have no motivation to do anything productive
>no discipline either
>be completely aware of where this will lead me
>keep doing nothing nonetheless
Is this what is known as "depression"?
I thought I was depressed before, but what the fuck is this supposed to be?
Be me
Other urls found in this thread:
Nah, that's just being lazy.
>being unactive to the point of putting your wellbeing in considerable danger and generally acting totally in spite of self-preservation can be dismissed as "laziness"
Spoken like a true boomer
Sounds tough mate, bit hard to diagnose but if it concerns you could be worth trying to talk to a counselor or helpline. Maybe you just need a goal, maybe it's something else
That isn't depression that is a lazy unmotivated faggot with nothing to drive him forward. Only way faggots like yourself get your head out of your ass is if you are in a life and death situation.
I don't really know what to call it. I'm experiencing the same thing too. It's easy to blame it on laziness but laziness is a silly concept anyway; everyone's experience of the world is unique and so whatever is going on inside someone's mind is forever unknown to us. So the terrible lack of motivation to do anything is not really up to anyone's decision; it's just the way your mind is. No one would want to be lazy in the first place anyway, especially with the terrible guilt we experience.
>have no motivation to do anything productive
>no mention of non productive stuff he's doing
>probably enjoying himself masturbating and wasting his life away
>probably addicted to the internet, porn and video games
>getting them dopamine hits like mad
>doesn't do anything to fight the addiction
>continues shitposting
>guys, I'm depressed, not lazy
Stop looking for an excuse.
but why would a lazy person complain about living their ideal life?
Doing "something productive" sounds so vague, it's impossible to get motivated for something so abstract. You have to have something very concrete and specific to accomplish.
it depends honestly.
you might have liver cancer.
you might just be a cunt.
you clearly took time to post this thread.
how can you make your shitposting more productive?
how can you integrate your shitposting into your productivity?
Because it's not an ideal life. It's chasing after small and easy rewards, and not putting effort to get higher but harder to achieve rewards.
If you want to put a depression label on someone who has no self discipline then go ahead. I think OP has just been fooled by the quick pleasures of today's society. And I don't blame him.
A common psychological routine that you're brain encourages are patterns of behaviours.
Stop overloading your senses and focus on a specific task, you can increase your discipline by having a morning routine away from porn, this site, or the computer in general.
Live happily, don't overthink it. The most important thing to remember is that it's a command.
>a lazy person's ideal life involves putting a lot of effort into a gamble(reward is not always guaranteed)
they're depressed and you're an idiot
>a lazy person's ideal life involves putting a lot of effort into a gamble(reward is not always guaranteed)
I don't know if that was supposed to be quoting me, because that's not what I said or implied at all.
Here's a definition of lazy for you:
>adjective: lazy; comparative adjective: lazier; superlative >adjective: laziest
>1. unwilling to work or use energy.
Sounds like OP to me.
Let's look at the definition of depression:
>noun: depression
>1. feelings of severe despondency and dejection.
Strangely doesn't sound like OP was describing in his first post at all.
>they're depressed and you're an idiot
Thanks mr. internet psychiatrist, you seem to know an awful lot about this topic and your argument seems very compelling. You sure have showed me.
but wouldn't a lazy person enjoy being able to be lazy? if that lifestyle makes OP think he's depressed then isn't it more likely he is depressed?
Yeah, but on which basis are you concluding that OP is depressed?
I'm reading his post and all I see is that he doesn't have any motivation, knows that this will destroy him, but doesn't do anything about it. He never mentioned having no energy, being sad, being unmotivated in general (including doing stuff he likes).
He's lazy and is wondering if he can blame it on depression now.
I've been "in this rut" for a very long time. I do absolutely nothing and my family hates me for it. I guess I have to hop into this money game, despite my anxieties. Work really doesn't have any meaning to me though, other than forced meaning. It's only means for my parents to try and force me out and into a shitty apartment.
>Yeah, but on which basis are you concluding that OP is depressed?
I guess it is a chicken and egg thing. Is OP depressed or were they lazy then became depressed over being lazy?
I'm like this, but I have schizophrenia. I will admit that I avoid doing anything that makes me feel bad or have anxiety, so maybe it's more the depression that's fucking me up.
I was depressed for a few years but I managed to stay functioning nonetheless because I somwhat enjoyed performing my duties. Now I kind of "snapped out" of it, but I became completely apathetic to everything as a result and I'm struggling because always taking the path of least resistance actually has real-life consequences. Really I was just wondering if there was a name or a fixed definition for this.