>prayed to god for an hour, repeatedly begging him to make me cease to exist
>still no response
Prayed to god for an hour, repeatedly begging him to make me cease to exist
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God is ghosting you and it's rude. Only reason to make him realize how rude it is, is to an hero and end up with him.
sorry, OP, the Bible specifically states in several places that God doesn't answer the prayers of the unrighteous
take John 9:31 for instance
Remember him--before the silver cord is severed, and the golden bowl is broken; before the pitcher is shattered at the spring, and the wheel broken at the well,
and the dust returns to the ground it came from, and the spirit returns to God who gave it.
Ecclesiastes 12:6-7
>Ecclesiastes 12:6-7
might wanna couple that with Hebrews 9:27
> it is appointed once for man to die, and after that; the Judgement
A man who lives for others
isnt a man who lives at all
Its stated in the bible that taking your own life is a sin and god would never indulge sin. Instead of praying for that, pray for him to make your life better, and maybe it will if you can open your eyes enough to see why life is good
jesus was a fucking VEGETARIAN
jesus didnt ate meat, and paul was a false apostle who was a serial killer, distorted jesus's words and never met jesus
the gospel of the ebionites, which was the first original gospel involving jesus and which predates the 4 gospels in our modern bible, had a VEGETARIAN JESUS. to me vegetarian and vegan its the same thing, philosophically speaking
ALL modern christian denominations are horseshit. things like allows fags and trannies, letting women speak, race mixing, etc etc. its all trash
its like how there is a hierarchy for women to base their attractions on. they are least attracted to you and God is least likely to listen to your prayers unless you go out and do something worthy
but i dont want my life to be better at all, im sick of all of it. I dont enjoy the good times, nor do i hate the bad times, its all one endless grey blur of sludging through mediocrity and im tired of it. There is nothing god could do to make me happy other than put me into the dirt, im tired of earth, these people, being conscious, desires, achievements, goals and trying. i've had enough of all of it