daily reminder to the females posting here. you will never be this hot. you can go to gym, put make up on, do your hair differently, try different clothes.. but you are still average and will remain average. so go ahead and do your lookmaxing. it won't matter. oh and by the way you will have spend 3 years lookmaxing another girl younger who never hit the gym will just crush you with her beauty. you are average. that's why you are here. that's why chad pumped and dumped you. that's why chad 2, 3 etc did the same. the problem is not the guys its YOU. you are boring looking and your personality is boring. but even if you had a good personality it would not matter. your wall will come. you can add as much make up as you want but men will see the real you the next morning. and that's when you will realize how fragile you are and how fast they can just go with the next 20 years old stacy. look at that girl. she can get chad and chad will lust with deep desire for her, something he will never feel for you. you come here to laugh at us? just look at you in the miroir, before you apply your make up. THAT thing is coming here to laugh at us? please. just leave and never come back. go back on tinder and try to get another chad while you know how it always end.
Daily reminder to the females posting here. you will never be this hot. you can go to gym, put make up on...
>being this much of a misogynist incel
lol i bet no girl has ever looked at you, and for good reason
there are no females here, you realize that right? dumbass. NONE!
sorry, a 7 line block of text is too much. break it up a little bit
incel radar is pinging off the charts
So you want the femanons who already feel like shit because they don't like a 10/10? What is the point of this post exactly/
>being this fucking insecure
Lol seriously. Beta females being so insecure they get triggered by a shitpost on Jow Forums
10 bucks I will trigger one with this
Responding is the least they can do. A thread dying with no replies is sad.
I'm prettier than her though and I'm a virgin and will die as one because men are bigger whores than women. I come here to remind myself what trash you are and loyalty&love doesn't exist in human, especially men. You are all just brutes driven by carnal lust. Fuck you.
>men are just brutes
>but me, yeah, i never get emotional, i'm basically a perfect non-human being, i wasn't born on this planet
I actually think like that unironically. People like me weren't meant for this forsaken world.
Me again
this is what chad wants, not you, not some boring average flawed roastie with hanging labias who thinks she is a queen because she spent one hour per day to use make up and opened her legs a few times to chads because she was luring them with ig filters and make up only to wake up next to him the next day with a face that looks 10 years older and uglier
so go ahead and make fun of 'incels' and 'virgin' or any man who desn't have your ''success'' in relationships. And really what success or authority do you have right? These guys did not get used and dumped like washed up dolls, but what do you got? seriously what do you got when all the make up is gone and your aging face, tits, ass and roastie labias are hanging? a hole that some chads used temporarily and tossed away right away like an old useless tissue? you are so ordinary that you are not even a memory in the chads mind. just remember next time you make fun of incels or virgins or creeps or whatever you call them, remember this picture and what I said and how you have absolutely zero authority to judge any incel or virgin.
I could say the same thing about you, loser incel trash. Your just upset no woman will ever touch you because your too much of a bad-attitude virgin.
Bullshit, I value money and power more than validation from women.
im not an incel lmao, i lost my v card at 16 (because im goodlooking), i just hate women. stay mad
Dude, its 2019. Misogyny isnt cool, surely you can be cool, right?
Sure thing lmao virgin coping and backpedaling. I'm sure you aren't lying or anything. Go back to your alt-right safespace you triggered Jow Forumstard.
I think you misunderstand what type of girl browses Jow Forums
I've never had sex or even kissed a guy. I wear makeup so I don't get fired from my job. I don't have instagram.
>this thread
roasties are so triggered
This thread is so based and redpilled these roastie bitches can't handle it. I look forward to the day when female circumcision is a common practice in the west.
>coping and backpedaling
where? i literally never said i was incel, i just laughed at insecure women
> I'm sure you aren't lying or anything
short of posting my girlfriends pics on here theres clearly not much i can do to prove myself, by the way sex isnt actually something to brag out since its easily achievable
>alt-right safespace
where the fuck did you even get this from, what did i say that was remotely political
holy FUCK you are pathetic, are you really that insecure about being an ugly female LMFAO
Single handedly the worst thread I`ve seen this month, good job OP, keep that shit up!
The S E E T H I N G roasties in this thread, my sides hurt.
user, are you an arsonist? The people can only handle so much fire.
I can't believe there are so many pathetic incels in this thread.
Maybe you're single, I don't know, because you're an entitled, bitter cunt?
Maybe you're single, I don't know, because you're an ugly whore?
As a chad myself,
I ally myself with the incels.
Because the women of today are just fuck toys, they aren't mother material. Just pump and dumps you should throw away like a used tissue. They have no personality. All they do to try and be funny is post "like... Ig, lol take me to x so i know its real, *insert office quote*. There is absolutely nothing interesting about you besides your pussy and half of you are too lazy to even be good at sex. You contribute nothing to society besides gossip and bitterness because of how little you actually matter.
Women are good for fucking, nothing more.
Who ever talked about feminists?
Who ever said they were single in the thread?
AHAHAHA my sides seriously
No one said they were single or incel. Is this the best you can do to insult? Did your head slam into the wall when your dad fucked your ass and make you retarded? I'm waiting on the "little dick" and "who hurt you/are you okay?" Insults
Average girls should go for average dudes. Fat girls should go with fat dudes . The fact that any girl can get a pity fuck from chad makes them think they are worthy of a chad husband
If we keep going at this rate, they're bound to make a post on facebook about depression, anxiety, and suicide. Or maybe they'll go to twitter and call their feminist buddies to arms.
Then us chads need to band together and stop fucking 5>
I don't blame you handsome dudes but girls just use sex to inflate self esteem , and refuse to date on their level.
Sex with a beautiful man =/= I am beautiful.
When a woman makes a post about ''depression, anxiety or suicide'' it's just because she knows she is in no league with stacy. They do this to get attention but all the attention of hundreds of betas is not worth 1 minute of attention from chad, so they keep doing it because it's never enough (and they hope that chad will bait their depression post, but chad knows their game) and they pretend ''I don't know why I am sad'' some of them even have the audacity to say ''I can't find the right one'' while countless of great men are offering their heart to her. The real isssue is that this woman swallowed the stacy pill and DIGESTED it. And there is no coming back from that. She KNOWS that no amount of make up, hard work in the gym, different cloth or different hair cut will NEVER be enough to get chad because it's just a fragile and temporary illusion, like a layer it will just get unfold by chad eventually and he will leave her for a real stacy. They can't accept it. They just can't. Just look at pic related. Roasties, all their lives they only think of one thing : to be that girl. They will pretend that girl is slutty and a whore to try to cope with the feeling of their own ugliness, but deep down they want so bad to be pic related. They like getting dumped and used by chad because its the closest they will ever feel to be like pic related. But it doesn't take lot of years for them to realize something, when everything is starting to hanging down after they get walled pass 25 years old (sometimes sooner than that), they realize they will never achieve that. Thing is, they will never ever. The dump is inevitable in the end. So remember every depressed woman is only depressed because she can't get chad's attention more than 1 minute unless she offer her hole and then she can only get a short night.
People aren't this shallow bro. This is why you're a virgin.
If you're a loser and fit in nowhere else, join this shit:
fuck you too dumb ass bitch, females are all childish retards that dont know their place BELOW men and always fuck themselves up somehow.
The women of a society are the reflection of the man, but nowadays no man gives a fuck about women cause most have truly given up.
Females are nothing but leechers, contributing nothing to society and choosing their worthless ''career'' over raising kids, what they are meant to do.
by the way if you want to hate women safely do not absolutely not express it in any way, except privately cause sometimes our own brothers can stab us in the back whiteknighting
real niggas do nofap stop falling for the jew meme of jacking off and fucking worthless random women to make your dick more insensitive
triggered roastbeef, begone
that's a manface OP stop shilling traps
>implying that any fembot would go outside for long enough to get pumped and dumped by Chad
This thread is proof that ALL MEN are garbage. Softbois and nerdy dudes and 4channers are just as much assholes as a gym chad, if not worse. Every man on this thread thinks he deserves an instagram model despite if he actually deserves it.
Fucking moids are barely human
daily reminder to you and the other males posting here. you will never be this hot. you can go to the gym, do your hair differently, try different clothes.. but you are still average and will remain average. so go ahead and do your lookmaxing. it won't matter. oh and by the way you will have spend 3 years lookmaxing another guy younger who never hit the gym will just crush you with her beauty. you are average. that's why you are here. that's why Stacy pumped and dumped you. that's why Stacy 2, 3 etc did the same. the problem is not the girls its YOU. you are boring looking and your personality is boring. but even if you had a good personality it would not matter. your wall will come. and that's when you will realize how fragile you are and how fast they can just go with the next 20 years old Stacy. look at that guy. she can get Stacy and Stacy will lust with deep desire for him, something she will never feel for you. just look at you in the mirror, THAT thing is here to criticize someone? please. just leave and never come back.
cope more fattie
Bold of you to assume any of us females who browse this board even bother to put on makeup (and if you do fuck off and take the damn pill already) we already know everything youre saying
daily reminder to you and the other males posting here. you will never be this hot. you can go to the gym, do your hair differently, try different clothes.. but you are still average and will remain average. so go ahead and do your lookmaxing. it won't matter. oh and by the way you will have spend 3 years lookmaxing another guy younger who never hit the gym will just crush you with his beauty. you are average. that's why you are here. that's why Stacy pumped and dumped you. that's why Stacy 2, 3 etc did the same. the problem is not the girls its YOU. you are boring looking and your personality is boring. but even if you had a good personality it would not matter. your wall will come. and that's when you will realize how fragile you are and how fast they can just go with the next 20 years old Chad. look at that guy. He can get Stacy and Stacy will lust with deep desire for him, something she will never feel for you. just look at you in the mirror, THAT thing is here to criticize someone? please. just leave and never come back.
Shut your dick hole you fucking dirty skank.
he can't have that body without hitting a gym
also he's fucking ugly as fuck why does his face seem like a woman's?
Neither the girl on OP's pic can have that body without hitting the gym.
what if i could be that hot? maybe even hotter?
Let OP answer that. What if a femanon could be hotter than the girl in your pic OP?
true. op doesn't see all of us that post here. he doesn't know what we all look like. whos to say i cant be a sexy looser?