do you guys have some tips against depression?
Do you guys have some tips against depression?
go outside and be around normies and then you'll remember why you isolated yourself to begin with and you'll be temporarily happy and content for awhile until your brain forgets why you isolate, then repeat what i said
Eat whatever u like dont drink alcohol jack off or have sex swim jog or ride a bike smoke weed watch funny stuff and learn to be alone most people are toxic and crazy delusional schizo fucks
Just cheer up my dude
its easy
just go for a walk and you'll feel better
cardio helps if u can muster the motivation to do it.
vitamin D from sunlight
the usual.
There's no single thing that will help you. you need to try out norman advice and stick to the advice that works for you. Eventually it adds up and the suffering becomes bearable. True happiness can only be attained if you lack any awareness like most normans.
How old are you? What do you do everyday? Tell us this and we can help a bit more.
major bullshit
everyone can be happy and if you think youre some kinda special snowflake that cant be happy because youre more aware or smarter than others you should immediately fucking end yourself
>getting 20 in april
>currently doing my "abitur"(highest possible school degree in germany)
>sitting in my room in front of my computer with windows darked out
>on sundays i sometimes visit a hillsong church near my town
Normans are happier because they are less self-aware. They don't overthink because they live life on an impulse, in the moment. Pondering your life and seeing it as pointless isn't necessarily indicative of intelligence, nor is the opposite. My post wasn't about anyone being smarter.
Welches Bundesland? (interesse)
Abitur Lutscht. Wenn du nicht in die Uni willst lohnt sich das net IMO
Ich weiss das willste net hoeren aber versuch dich in kleinen schritten als sozialer mensch zu entwickeln. Musst ja nicht gleich feiern gehen. Frag einfach mal von dir aus leute die du kennst ob die bock haben rumzuhaengen. Such dir hobbies. Traeume die du nie verwirklichen konntest sind oft ein guter anfang dafuer (nicht bei jeden) Zb Fotograf werden, Boxer, Musiker etc.
Baue deine Tagesstruktur wieder auf. Das macht viel aus.
try just exploring the world and doing new things that occupy your thoughts. Studying Going out once a week and spending the rest of the time in a dark room is probably making you sad
Now you're making a point. earlier it just sounded like cliche ass normies are dumb so they aint depressed special snowflake bullshit to me so im sorry for misunderstanding
Though i do still disagree with you to an extend, Self-awareness does not necessarily correlate with depression. I overthink shit quite a lot. I know a lot of people who do but are happy. I dont think its self-awareness, it has to do with how you cope with your self awareness. Your perception of it, if you will. Most people with depression see themselves as worse than they are.
Baden Wuerttemberg, Bodenseeregion
ja danke fur den Tipp
Mein derzeitiges Ziel ist es, alle meine Rechnungen zu bezahlen und keine Schulden mehr zu haben und dann so immer 300 - 400 EURO auf dem Konto zu haben.
Ich war an Fasnacht feiern mit freunden von frueher und es war sehr schoen, muss gucken ob ich es nochmal schaffe ausserhalb von fasnacht
Embrace it
it's the best way.
pills dude, i only manage to be productive when i'm on antidepressants. it's not a meme
geh studieren, beantrag bafoeg, hol dir den maximalen Betrag fuer KFW Studienkredit, hol dir Kredite bei anderen Banken.
Dann sauf! Dann ficke! Nimm alle Drogen die dir unter (oder in) Nase kommen!
Dann erschiesst du dich.
Set a goal that is actually meaningful to you, even if no one else in the world would give a shit about it. Set that goal and work towards it. Accomplish it. You'll get a hit of dopamine. Then repeat the process.
It's pretty much do that all your life or drugs
actually an idea
no i am christian
if i commit suicide i go to hell
>i am christian
aha, now we're getting to the root of the problem
masterbate till you can't feel anything