Hi everyone
Today I became a wizard.
30 long years and I have arrived at this point. I still feel the same, but here I am.
I just wanted to post something to commemorate.
Hope everyone is doing well, take care.
Hi everyone
Don't lose hope, you can still marry.
Sure just get tied down to some roastie whore who's ready to "settle down" with a betabux provider and maybe you'll get to have sex a few times a year out of pity.
Congratulations. I'll be joining you soon.
unless he's Jow Forums and has a well paying job probably not, nobody is going to look to fuck around with a 30 year old wizard, they are a wizard for a reason.
What kind of magic are you going to specialize in?
I'm actually Jow Forums and am an electrical engineer. I'm not Chad but I'm definitely attractive enough to have casual sex.
However....there is autism afoot.
White magic.
I believe the world is doomed and we're all going to hell but before that day arrives I wish to use my feeble powers to invoke whatever good I can. It is because it's so fleeting that it's so meaningful to me.
user, i'm a level 25 balding kissless virgin apprentice mage, Be ready when I get there
Two options:
1.Casual sex with older women who take care of themselves, something like close to 50, should be easy enough and you being 30 means it's not really seen as that weird. I'm saying this as someone with a 50yo friend with whom I had sex and I'm 5 years younger than you. Autism is not an issue, you just have to be honest, not straight away maybe, get to know each other first.
2.Join a church, look for a wife there. Something I plan on doing, I picked up a Bible today, don't think I'll be having sex with my friend anymore, it's immoral and we did it on work, so it's risky for both of us.
I'm not interested in the whole mommy thing.
Also I believe in traditional gender roles so I'd rather be with a woman who is younger than I.
Good job for enduring it, user. I still have 5 years to reach that place.
Well then it's option two,worst case scenario you'll be a part of community that won't shame you for being a virgin.
5 years for me.gonna pick up alchemy.I like messing around with stuff like that.
I've heard that expressed before but I can't join a church if it isn't in good faith.
Using a church as a meat market seems incredibly nihilistic to me.
And I can't just meme myself into believing.
You don't really have to believe. It's pretty damn obvious that the very unknowing nature of existence lends itself to the notion of a higher principle. Spirituality is just getting closer to that by aligning your material self with the immaterial world.
A large percent of church members dont believe in the whole deity thing, trust me.
Best wishes to you OP! I am becoming a wizard this year too! Hopefully nothing comes into my way or else I may fail.
>meat market
well you choice of words makes it seem nihilistic, you are joining a church to meet good people with same values and potentially find a special someone among them, does that sound better?
>And I can't just meme myself into believing.
Try JP if you haven't yet, particularly old testament lectures and maps of meaning, if that's too vague(because it is), 12 rules for life is a good self-help book that just oozes with religiousness. Also, keep in mind that religious practice strengthens believes greatly, visit church long enough and you just might start believing. This will take a while though, I mean it took me 6 months of being interested in religion before I even dared to open a bible and read it seriously, while also doing a little prayer before and after reading, as recommended in addendum.
>another tfw no gf thread
Like for real atheists or just agnostic? Where are you from, western Europe?
>church members
That's because they care about it so little that they are too lazy to officially deregister, or because they don't want certain other people in their family to know about it.
If by "church members", you mean people who actively and regularly go to church, then I call bullshit.
Congratulations bro.
Hopefully I can reach that stage too, I want the ethereal power that can come with such a position.
Happy birthday and welcome to the guild my fellow wizard, I wish you the best.
>missed out on the best part of a relationship (sex)
>"don't worry you can still get the worst part of it!" (marriage)
this user, OP
dont listen to him
>best part of a relationship (sex)
might as well go to a hooker
>fucking bareback your sweetheart is the same as having cold, emotionless sex with a hooker
>marriage is the worst part
if you wouldn't marry her she is not much sweeter than a hooker
>cold, emotionless sex with a hooker
that's a bad hooker then and she is probably broke, hookers who make a lot act nice.
>2.Join a church, look for a wife there
why does this meme keep getting pushed? church groups are packed with already married couples or old ladies looking to study the bible.
>actually wasting money to have sex with a prostitute
nigga ahah just jerk off
if no love is involved it's pretty much the same but waaay less expensive
>white magic
Come on user, don't be gay. Specialize in divination.