ITT: Posters you feel sorry for.
ITT: Posters you feel sorry for
That user who's stuck in a small town in bumfuck nowhere
Kind of his fault, but still
user who is bullied for being bad at Apex Legends
t. small town niggeranon
OP who is a massive faggot
He's been spamming the board every day for a year now. Are you fucking kidding me
what happened with megumin fag? did he finally leave forcrystal cave or whatever it's called?
also why did everyone hate him? he just asked everyone about their day
I miss megumin poster
well yeah. he's stuck in a small town on probation with nothing to do. have some compassion.
INFJs that are tormented by that one INTP poster in MBTI threads.
That one Greenlander that posted on Jow Forums and apparently killed himself
last thread failed so you come back again. Anyone who has a name on this board is an attention whoring faggot and should be banned
I feel sorry for the INFJ-T cuteposter. His posts are always wholesome and uplifting, yet most people tell him to kill himself.
Do you guys remember brownanon?
That was like less than a month ago.
Was it? Wasn't it last year?
That INTP lad is a total pseud and has been exposed as one countless times.
It's okay, I'll protect him.
More than a year, and multiple boards.
>why did everyone hate him?
People kept mixing him up with gunjy.
I miss johnny Neptune. Fucking lol.
brooke, honestly. this girl just doesn't seem right
Yeah and that guy from a couple years ago with the "uncut shard" that he went on and on about in every thread