Most people secretly believe that looks are everything.
Most people secretly believe that looks are everything
not really a secret desu
BITCH IS TOO FAT. Absolutely disgusting.
Kill yourself and go back to your sticc threads retard
She also has a gross face.
GOD it's so funny how that fat ugly shit with the donkey face thinks she's 10/10 material and worthy of CHAD cock on Tinder. Disgusting pseudo roastie.
Yea, this ain't thicc at all. Thicc isn't just fat, it's also muscle.
T. Literal fucking retards
Please jump off your nearest bridge
ARew you mad, roastie?
>can't t. correctly
neck yourself
literally what part of that woman is attractive? aside from her tits
i do find it quite amusing that for most average people, literally having a few more grams of bone in your cheekbones or jaw and you could become a model and never work a standard job again.
looks = confidence = friends and sex
also who is that thicc momma i wannt breed her
Disgusting inbred, Only a person with really extreme case of retardation and dogshite taste would want to fuck a man pig like that thing.
This girl is literally thick BY DEFINITION you retard. Youre probably one of those faggots who refers to skellies with thigh gaps as 'thicccc'. Just admit ur gay bro, then kys unironically
This isn't thicc, it's just fat. Thicc isn't just fat you retard. Also I don't like skellies (not most of them), and I never refer to them as thicc. I don't like thigh gaps anyways
kys roastie
It's the fucking truth bro. If you're short and ugly in the face it's over for you.
What does that mean? "Its over for you"
In terms of what?
Jow Forumsgreentext tourist?
She has good fat distribution-flat stomach and big ass, whereas most women at her weight would have a huge gut
Ive been here for a while lul, im just curious. No one ever really talks details when they say shit like its over
Ah no worries. its an incel meme. basically it just means that you have no hope. e.g if there was an article showing how females think height is important, one would say 'its over for manlets' .
im rlly bad at explaining things sorry
Beauty is frailty, it all means nothing in the face of death
All beauty eventually turns to ugliness regardless
That hot girl in her mid 20 won't be amazing looking all her live, so enjoy it in it's prime