INTP Relationships

How are you even supposed to find a gf/romantic relationship as an INTP? I'm asking for myself.

Does any INTP anons here have any experience with dating or finding relationships in general? If so how did you do it and how did it work out?
Or is the INTP loneliness meme actually true?

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people aren't abstract enough to be interesting

You'll just get bored of it after a short amount of time like with everything else.

Intp here, only ever had 2 "gf's", only lasted 2 or 3 weeks each tho, don't think that counts. Was 18 with the first, and 19 when I had the 2nd. 28 now never had a relationship since even tho I really want one. Or at least used to. Only attention I ever got from girls were sluts at parties. Hooked up with a few, but they never wanted to hangout or anything unless were drunk at parties.

I have just given up entirely, ened up gaining 100lbs back after I stopped powerlifting.

I think 2 of the girls I dated were INTJ and INFJ.
It worked out really well for a while because we would both end up talking for hours about just about anything, could hold long conversations about pretty much any subject or thing that popped up in the conversation and it was really cool. Then at some point we just somewhat exhausted all possible dialogue, which innevitably lead to a lose of interest between each other, then cheating, then break up.

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Could you imagine what it would be like to have the power to manifest money out of thin air? The caveat being that any money you conjure will immediately burst into flames.

How did you find someone in the first place though?

Just use it to set off smoke detectors without leaving any evidence that you did it.

I'm an INTP/INTJ (P and J differ by ~5%) dating an INFP girl now. She enjoys my autism and how I talk for 6 hours until morning about useless shit so that helps a lot. I was able to handle her mental illness and turn her into a productive person. I kinda wish she didn't encourage my behavior, because it's been 5 years since I had a friend, except her, that can stomach me for more than a few days.
She's the only gf I ever had or will ever have and the only girl that showed even the slightest of interest in me.

>how to find
met at a mental care center

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Internet. Everyone once in a while you might get lucky enough to encounter a real girl. In my case I was the one getting ADDED by them after I just left random cute emoticons on some groups, then when they checked out my profile from it, they said they found it interesting, or liked my music taste or thought I seemed ''nice to talk to''.

>How are you even supposed to find a gf/romantic relationship as an INTP?
You cant

That Hifumi poster who was here for a while was charming. Don't give up, INTPs can be cute too

I'm an INTP married to an INFP.
after a while we just got so comfortable we really don't have to say or do much it's just nice to be around each other.

But how did you two find each other?

What kinda mental illness does she have? Also how close is she to that image?

>mental illness
Anxiety, OCD, depression, sself harm, mild schizophrenia. Only has some anxiety now and OCD. Didn't have any major "episodes" for over 3 years. I'm also trying to get her to be less dependent on me, because she attached too hard and it kinda became a minor mental illness because of it. Trying to help her be somewhat self sufficient.
>how close she is to the image
Every single last detail, except for the ex-gf facebook, not knowing who she is and cleaning, but that's OCD.

Honestly, that'd be fucking awesome. I don't really give a shit about money, but being able to effectively create fire by sheer force of will would at least allow me to make my life way more interesting. I don't know how I could spin it into relieving any of the crippling loneliness, but at least I'd be having fun.

Absolutely childish. Statements like this are the clearest proof one needs to know that you are naive to the point of narcissism. There is real loneliness that you are incapable of grasping precisely because you've walled yourself off in your own manufactured loneliness.
It seems like a lot of INTPs and robots think like this. The blackpill is that what you think are blackpills are just delusions and the truest loneliness' and existential awareness' cannot even be considered when you only occupy a narrow and deluded ego.

I (INFP) met my INTP at anime club. We talked about anime and stuff. We've been together 15 years.

Just go out an meet people and don't worry about shit-tier memes like MBTI is destiny.

>Just go out an meet people
You do realize that's pretty much the Platonic Ideal exact opposite of anything even vaguely resembling helpful advice to most of us, don't you?

I spent like 10 000 h studying psychology and pick-up and managed to get relatively normal in social situations. Fucked maybe 40 girls, but im to god damn red pilled to trust girls now so that was a side effect. Had one relationship but got a nervous breakdown because i thought she was conspiring against me. I still believe she cheated, fucking intuitive sensing, i know it