>tfw even people on the internet hate you
Tfw even people on the internet hate you
Maybe if you weren't such an autistic retard incel we would like you.
but i'm not a retarded incel :(
Aw okay, I'm sorry. I don't hate you then :)
Mussolini once said "Many enemies mean a lot of honor". Keep your head high, friend.
what do you mean even? that should be the default attitude for strangers on the internet, go play any random group finder game for more than 5 minutes if you want to figure that out for yourself.
I know this fucking feel too much
The fuck does that even mean? I still dont have any hoes on my dick so that honor shit you talk about is pointless
I wonder how I knew I'd find you here
>Wanting to go on Jow Forums where it's impossible to go without being hated
Go to some other hugbox.
I was talking about discord for the most part desu
people you meet on Jow Forums arent your friends and they never will be.
found your problem right there
you deserve more hate desu
>found your problem right there
I don't get it
thats your problem
99/100 of those servers you get into will be cliches and/or are norman-lites or just general trash
People on message boards talk about friends they've had online for years
>Meet ups
>Playing games together
>Becoming IRL friends
I did my socializing anonymously, so I have you guys and you guys aren't the guys I was talking to before. You have no idea who I am
>Act retarded
>Ignore those trying to help you
>"wtf, why does everyone hate me? REEE"
Case in point, I get hated a ton.
>Heh, you fucken incel!!
people don't hate me on the internet, i'm completely irrelevant
I can reIate to this.
I'd rather be hated than ignored. I never get (you)s and I never get noticed in real life either. I'm invisible.
Trust me, you don't want to be hated. My life has become worse due to this drama.
>tfw people not only don't hate you, they simply don't even notice your existence
being hated would be better than this desu
Thought this thread would pick up more.
Yeah, DBZ took a turn for the worse. They took art directions like the red glow in Vegetas hair and made it a whole character. And the universe thing, fuck. I only watch the movies because they put enough production into making it look like a Cyber-Punk acid trip. I tolerated Golden Frieza. I tolerated Broly screaming...
If I did something like take a psychedelic I'd probably be disappointed for the rest of my life.
You made me laugh, user. I don't hate you.
By the way, keep in mind that you're just going through a hard phase. You'll eventually make through it and find a place where people love you and accept you for the retard you are
Your parents didn't like you, not the people you fleetlingly talk to on a vietnamese whaling forum. Stop projecting your shit on to things, you'll feel a lot freer
You say that like it's weird for everyone on the internet to be eternally seething
I thought you didn't understand. I knew you understood
>Your parents didn't like you, not the people you fleetlingly talk to on a vietnamese whaling forum.
Why not both?
>Why not both?
Why make it both?
Because autismo, that's why.
People dislike you no matter what. 99% of the time it's because they're in a bad mood or you remind them of something they dislike about themselves or their own upbringing. It is rare that someone will have the kindness and insight to tell you something genuinely bad about yourself.
You're trying to reinforce shitty feelings about yourself in things that really don't merit that kind of effort
>People dislike you no matter what.
News at 11.
These retards take it personally though
Honestly I take everything personally, don't know how to fix it, probably can't be fixed anyway so whatever
Well it's exactly what I said. Someone who dislikes you knows nothing about you as a human being, so why are you applying your life story to something bad they said to you? That just doesn't make sense especially in a statistical way
TFW I red this in vegeta's voice.
>Toriyama might acutally make this a side episode.
was to be expected for you to be here friend
Of course you did m8.