You finally met a good gf. She is loyal, cooks and always there for you. The sex is awesome. But a few months into the relationship this hot 10/10 model starts hitting on you. She really wants you. What do you do?
You finally met a good gf. She is loyal, cooks and always there for you. The sex is awesome...
Ignore her because I'm a pious man and would never commit adultery.
>managed to get a loyal gf that's good to me
I'd stay with her not necessarily because I'm a good person but because I wouldn't want to play bitch roulette.
That is not a 10/10, that's a 7.
I wake up.
>the sex is awesome.
Never gonna cheat on her then. Super hot bitches are usually bad in bed.
scientifically speaking, that is because dude is cum very soon after sex.
she looks like a man
so no, I will stay with my gf
Stay with her of course.
That girl looks too plastic-y.
tell my gf about her and see how loyal gf is, and see how badly 10/10 really wants me.
tell both of them my preference is staying with my current gf though. Be on record with that and consistent across all inquiries.
> You finally met a good gf.
If anyone is interested in me romantically, it is too good to be true. If something is too good to be true, it is not good. Bad things should be avoided as much as possible. Same goes for your 10/10 model or whatever.
Well "I do" the same thing when I'm saving the galaxy from Jabba the Hutt and start shooting laser beams out of my ass: I wake up.
Why do you people do this? You will a) probably never have a GF and b) absolutely with 100% chance *never* have to deal with someone like the model above, hitting on you. Ever. What's the point of playing around with stupid childish fantasies like a bunch of children at a sand box?
OP here.. yeah the picture was bad and you are right it's not a 10/10
Here is an actual 10/10.. so same question apply would you cheat on your GF for pic related?
I'd get off to rejecting to leading that whore on and then reject her in the worst possible way. to top it off i'd send her pics of me being cute with my uglier gf. Fuck that'd be exhilarating. Rejecting hot chicks would be a dream come true.
>Why do you people do this?
Because there is nothing else for me. Might as well drown myself in stupid fantasies generated by mentally ill mind.
>implying the gf I get isn't 10/10 already.
I wouldn't be with a girl who isn't my type.
8/10 at best, that's all makeup and photoshop.
And I ignore her, I don't cheat
admitt to your ggf she is hitting on you and together fucking destroy the bitch's life.
Knowing myself I'd fall in love with my actual gf and idealize her to the point of not noticing this 10/10
She can go fuck herself, I'm sticking (it) to the loyal gf who is an actual good person and who I actually love and care about. Why is this even a question?
That is very unlikely
Where does this theoretical girlfriend rate out of 10?
Begone wh*Toid, for by my loins a yellow sky shall finally rise, and prosperity will once more fall under heaven.
It would be degerate and stupid to ruin perfectly good relationship for...what exactly? Relationship is like investment, there is no point to ruin it and start over, especially when it works perfectly and anoter option is big risk. You described her as needy thot, it won't gonna end well.
I'd enjoy the attention but if all she has to offer is her looks then I'd keep away.
>itt: moids pretending they wouldn't leave their loyal gf for some hotter piece of ass and justify it by "oh she's probably cheating on me with Tyrone anyway so I might as well"
Rare honest answers:
Daily reminder that robots aren't people
the right thing to do is juggle them both until it all blows up in your face
how gay are the men in your country???
>brown eyes
everyone knows gray eyes confer the best marksmanship
fpbp based christianposter
tell her we can be friend
i'm not into blondes
That model can go to hell. Besides shes a skinny blonde. Thats pleb af taste
Not attracted to skinny blond bitches so I ignore her
Fock the shite etta the model! My gf should know better
tell her to fuck off. I would never cheat on my waifu.