let's do this boys
inb4 trump fags and libcucks
$1000 $1000 $1000 $1000
let's do this boys
inb4 trump fags and libcucks
$1000 $1000 $1000 $1000
Other urls found in this thread:
Can't believe trips got wasted on this shill bullshit. You do realize that if everyone gets 1000$ a month, prices will just increase and the value of the dollar will plummet, right? Fucking retard.
>t. doesn't understand economics
do you even know where he's getting the money from, retard? he's not just gonna print money like fucking 1920s Germany.
The prices are the way they are because of how much capital is locked up in the 1%
You do realize American buying power has been declining since the 80s and that you're basically suggesting we do nothing while job potential and class mobility decreases even further?
>but if I do chemo, the cancer will just get worse and move somewhere else!
>I'll just let it kill me instead
Bootlicking jewcorp shill
>good boy points
Can this candidate get anymore based?
How come no one here ever seems to call yangposters out for being the shills they are? I mean, yang threads are a slight improvement from porn and fembot threads with hundreds of replies, but still. They're shills.
>doesn't understand economics
Local socialist assures Jow Forums you can give every individual thousands of paper notes while maintaining the value of the paper notes and not printing out extra paper notes, "Venezuela can't happen twice!"
Daily reminder that UBI is the inevitable future.
Serious question for Yang-skeptics: why vote for President Kushner a second time?
Yang is moving Jow Forums back to its NEET roots
>muh guns
fuck your gun license
>muh cars
fuck your car license
>muh rent
I live with my parents
>muh jobs
stay ragie
>muh wall
you know how many coloreds I see on a daily basis? ZERO because I don't go outside
yang gang yang gang yang gang
>socialized healthcare
>b-but Venezuela!
>any kind of welfare at all
>b-but gommunism!
These arguments are getting tired
What's his vision of UBI in the US? Does he want to replace all welfare with it or will he leave the welfare in place?
Fuck all of these schlumpf shillers tryna talk about "loyalty" bitch yo ass is voti'n for a damn jew
He will leave normal welfare systems in place but this is contingent on if people choose to stay or leave the program.
Shawdy gave me neck till i passed out. Yang gave me a quick way to cash out.
We are excited to have a gamer in chief soon!
You idiots dont realize this just makes inflation worse. It's not free and it's not even the same value
that graph gives me anxiety
Socialized Healthcare and magically getting 1k to everyone in the world are two different arguments you mong.
Why is this question still coming up in EVERY SINGLE THREAD despite being dealt with over and over again?
Is it just a running gag at this point?
>B- But I read an economy book once and it said that Mr. Shekelber would earn LESS if we implemented this and voted Yang
>Thanks for the free chikken, massuh Yang!
Still doesn't keep faggots from using the same arguments against both
wtf im #yanggang now
can I legally make yang baseball caps? Easy money
I don't give two shits if NEETs starve to death.
Get a job, parasites.
>shills circle jerking
Just go back to Discord you fucking retards.
I legit believe Yang is going to reach out to disillusioned young men. Think about it - normies are becoming aware that there is a large fraction of the male population who are at risk of dropping out of society, plus all this talk about $1000 is bound to lead to discussion of layabout young men. He seems savvy too, I bet he will find a way to tap into Jow Forums guys.
this goes beyond discord now, they've served their purpose and got him off the ground. Basically every major board has a thread on this guy now.
You know you can't live on that. You still have to work
Based as fuck. Fuck cuckservatives and fuck libshits
if you're careful you could live on that fairly easily. You can always make some supplementary cash online one way or another to afford some luxuries. Neet life isn't about glamour, it's about staying comfy and not having to work.
But seriously, buy a gift card for one dollar and visit his site and donate so he hits his 65k threshold to get on stage and blow these corporatists out.
I could live on that easy if I'm allowed to live with my parents still.
>implying i wont live in a shelter in portland and live like a king w my 1k
You'll be butt fucked by a bunch of 50 year old niggers on your first night
Niggers dont live in portland lol kys
>people who think this will make all 1000$ worthless have no idea about basic economics
Ofc they say we have no, well played retarded faggots
>so this 1000$ for every 18+ US citisen minus pensioners i think or at least pensioners with higher pension than 1000$ thats about 200-220million person*12months its still only like 11-12%of GDP people make much more than that from work faggots also corporations and the goverment have much more money in the system
Also this 1000$ will mean that other welfare will stop so it also cuts back on spending so less money goes to the system then what you would expect
>I think it will increase inflation of course but it will be doable after 5years our 1000$ will worth 800$ or something like that
don't worry and vote for Yang!!!!!
>this is the chance for everyone to become a NEET and the trick is that normalfags will still work because they need social cuntribution to maintain their reputation and also they need more money because they are good goyims
But based and redpilled robots will actually become NEETs sponsored by the goverment
Can you imagine anything better than this???
Did the last president we memed into the white house deliver on his promises yet?
Or are we just going to ignore that and believe in the next guy?
can you fuck off from r9k you spam those threads on pol for quite some time now
If you keep pushing the same system and ideas people will keep pointing out the same flaws, instead of crying because you are unable to respond to their arguments try finding an actual fix to the issue, or is common sense too capitalistic for you?
You could if you aren't a faggot who thinks you have to live in Jew York or Commiefornia.
In this thread, worthless lazy unemployed bums trying to get a free handout from this crazy Chink.
I'm not donating a cent to him.
My nibba MEECH dropped ttrump about a week ago! (week ago)