> just be yourself
> just get a job
> just talk to her
> just smile
> just be yourself
> just get a job
> just talk to her
> just smile
>bro its all in your head just get out more, there is nothing wrong with you
It pisses me off that they dont even realize this and their hypocrisy.
>bro just lift and bee yourself
haha yeah fuck those people offering well-meaning advice. that certainly justifies you throwing a temper tantrum online because a gf didn't just happen to you. that's a normal healthy way of looking at things
why aren't people listening to me? why are normies so cruel ;_; (sadwojak.bmp)
lol jk murder all incels. just, fuckin, hose them down with machine guns and bazookas and grenade launchers, imo. allow children and the elderly to murder them with their bare hands and club them with sticks and bats
Neither do you.
kys normalfag, fucking npc I hope you get brain cancer, you're the reason for everything bad in this world, mindless drone, you have no experience of these issues, saying some well meaning words to someone doesn't change shit, just cause it worked for you doesn't mean it works for every one else, when will you realize this?
haha what? sorry say that again
>Call normies retards
>Because too retarded for normie advice to work for you
you are given good advice and you start fucking foaming at the mouth you utter autist. you just expect to get a girl say nothing to her and make no effort to interact with her until she ends up with some chad and you cry and have tantrums blaming others for what you let happen.
Not OP, but I do. Diagnosed and all.
And shove your pretentiousness up your ass.
I suppose I should just be myself right, fucking retard if I didn't have these problems I wouldn't be so mad over it. Go play Psychologist with your brain dead normie friends faggot.
You're just weak. That's what they're trying to tell you
Listen here you stupid motherfucker, if you were diagnosed with terminal 5 testicle cancer I wouldn't judge you while you weep through all the stages of grief and roll into your grave, but being diagnosed with some worthless shit like OCD is NOTHING.
It does not justify your downer behaviour in any way. You have all your limbs intact, you're self-aware enough to realize that there's a problem and what are the correct ways to solve it and live a happier life, so why the flying flaming fuck are you sitting in your room crying? "Boo hoo I have OCD and anxiety life sucks please pity me". No. Do something about it, you useless slob of shit. Diagnose is not a death sentence. Fuck you. You are so ungrateful for everything you have. There are billions of people in the world right now dying before they even hit their 20s, who would trade the world to be in your position, and you are crying because you're nervous when talking to girls? Really nigga?
Their advice is fucking stupid since it only works for normies who aren't diagnosed with this shit, no I don't expect a gf come out of thin air without putting in effort, its just that having these issues makes it a lot harder, go figure.
see the thing with 'be yourself' is to understand what are you? what do you offer to someone? how would you complete them?
and the problem is people just ignore all of that, because they have the brain problem where they are incapable of empathy or introspection, or maybe they're just plain dumb. then they get really really really screaming mad, online of course, because they've tallied up all the Good Boy Points they earned and conclude they deserve a GF as a reward.
i'm a good person, i deserve a gf, it's everyone else's fault i don't have one, they're trying to trick me out of being a hero in my own personal anime, etc
lol settle down beavis
>normies discover Jow Forums
>it becomes a shitfest
coincidence? I don't think so
just mew, lift and be yourself bro
>people are telling me my brain problems are holding me back irl
(holding back angry tears) THIS IS WHY I HATE NORMIES aw geez now i have to leave and find somewhere else to self-radicalise and scream about white genocide!!
You think its just a little nervousness with talking to girls? that that's why I'm so mad? light yourself on fire and jump out the window, I'm just tired of this weak ass stupid advice from people who don't live in the same reality I live in.
>saying some well meaning words to someone doesn't change shit
Would you rather they beat you up and take your lunch money?
mfw some incel is getting screaming mad, online, wishing cancer upon me or whatever because im invading a safe space
>live in the same reality
Nigga you're not an anime character, you just have trouble talking to people, that's it. And it's very curable just stop pushing people who try to help you away.
As usual brain dead normies like you come up with a ridiculous and non relevant argument liek that.
social anxiety might be curable but autism is not fuck off.
>brain dead normies
...the ones with jobs, money, gfs/wives, cars, houses, nice things, vacations? What do you have?
normies are ultra conformist, they're npc's, lol so because they have those things that means they are smart people who can think for themselves, the ones that dont even question basic things on the news and indulge in mindless consumption, right..try harder next time faggot.
have you maybe considered that you're wrong
Just stop social anxiety is a meme
>omg me shaky around people
>me no able of looking people in the eyes
Your are just a pussy
God i wish i could send you to war
shut up you meat-head. go smoke some weed with your bros on weekend and lift some weights. hopefully the the heavy one drops on you and crushes your windpipe soon.
Shut the fuck up idiot, you are just repeating memes that you heard on Jow Forums.
And you think that you are an original free fucking thinker.
Imagine have this level of self awareness and intelligence, no wonder you have problems living a normal life, your a fucking mongoloid.
Don't worry loser my brahs spot me
smarter than most fucking mindless normies who for some retarded reason thinks saying well meaning words will help a person with mental disorders, how fucking stupid do you have to be to actually think that will help at all, I mean seriously its like telling someone to just stop being depressed, I bet you dont believe depression is real either huh you utter complete mongoloid.
Strawmanning NPC faggot
So you would rather they didn't help and instead ignored you and left you to rot and die on the street like the useless fuck you are?
>just smile
this is so easy, there's no reason why you should be against it
I want them to kill themselves and leave this board since they are incapable of realizing that its not that simple to just change youre behavior like that when you have these issues., they are not psychologists and should stop playing ones.
>It's like it completely ignored the part where user said nice words and boomer-tier advice doesn't help
Can't tell if purposely strawmanning or just literally retarded
Yeah depression is a meme, if you don't like life kys.
You don't need any advices, you need a father that could beat you up for good, you little shit.
Boomer: The post
Because it isn't a good idea.
Why the fuck would you smile at random people who you don't even know?
You can only smile if you notice somebody that you are on friendly terms already.
Do you guys ever stop and realize "wow, the person I'm talking to is a real fucking retard!"?
No? Well, you should.
You should never reply to normies. They don't know the burdens of having issues like OCD or depression. I'ts like speaking a foreign language to them.
Hence why you should avoid talking to them at all costs.
Their brains are hardwired to hate all that does not conform to their worldview.
This board is officially dead. The reddit faggots have taken over
because it's an unconscious, non-verbal way of saying 'hello fellow human, i feel at ease in your presence and i wish to make you feel the same in mine, neither of us are threatening or being threatened'
and if you're getting stompy and shitting your pants because why would i say that???, well, then you're blaming other people for how you're a broken-down 'beep boop what are emotions' android wearing a grim flesh mask
It's been dead for years. At least since 2014.
>He doesn't know what it's like to not know how to smile
>doesn't try to improve themselves at all
>complains about normie fags
Shut the fuck up you pussy and maybe try to improve yourself instead of bitching online
True, but there was still remnants back then. Now it truly is over run with norman scum
Shut the fuck up you pussy and conform to our ideals and the way we see the world, ftfy retard.
Go the fuck back to where you came from right fucking now you stupid fucking retard. You can't improve mental illnesses like autism or ASPD, if I ever seen you in real life I'd stomp your NPC brains out
>OP literally fucking said he's mad because he's a robot
>You're just mad because you're a broken down android!
I have heard that people smile at other people randomly like retards in america
But here in europe it isn't a thing, normal people don't do it.
I wonder where this faggot came from?
take phenibut bro
>can't do something every other human on the planet can do
sorry son, normies aren't the retards here.
>i smile almost all the time
>"the fuck are you smiling at me for?"
>using a meme word as a replay
Your brain on 4chin
Shut the fuck up faggot
>but muh depression makes me vely sad
>me can't stob doing stupid shit cause me ocd
>me shit in pants cause anxiety and stuff
Yall needed a good father, to give you a lesson.
Just kick your ass till you get a job, slap that ugly face till you socialize like a human being and get a fucking gf.
But your dad was too much of a pussy to do his job, if you even had one.
Just tell me where you live, i will fucking fix you and all of your meme problems.
>You just gotta get out there, son. Get your foot in the door. I had anxiety and made countless mistakes when I started out.
He really wants to tell me college degree is worthless and that I should get a job at McDonald's as well, he just isn't saying it.
This post reeks of reddit. Kill yourself you low IQ nigger
>he even said "yall"
You're a normalfag nigger who's never had to deal with depression, anxiety or OCD. Having a father has nothing to do with it, you're dad obviously beat you and now you're projecting (which is top keks). You don't get to have an opinion on something you know nothing about, you literal fucking brainlet
How is claiming that someone is from reddit an argument?
I had clinically diagnosed social anxiety in my late teens- early twenties, therapy and benzos didn't help. My father helped me to solve the issue by forcing me to socialize and threatening to beat the shit out of me.
Psychology is bullshit, and it isn't even a proper scientific field.
Normies either give advice taken from ass that never worked for them (they often say that it is what they believe works, not what worked for them, because often then can't described how they got into relationships, "it just worked") or they sometimes, I think, give puzzling advice on purpose to feel superior and laugh at "loosers".
Not that user, but what you're saying is you only want people in the exact same position as you to give you advice? But really, how would that help?
No, you stupid idiot.
What you need is just confidence.
Doesn't matter if you don't have shit.
Women are so stupid in the majority of cases, that they will fall for your bullshit if you have confidence and present yourself as a conqueror, even if you aren't.
Not him, but what i would want is someone who was a khhv neet with mental and physical issues, that managed somehow to fix himself in his mid twenties. To give me his autistic strategy to do so..
>How is claiming someone is from reddit an argument?
I can see you're new here, friend. It wasn't an argument but rather an insult. What's it like being a retard faggot?
I understand, but what I'm saying is I don't think people should dismiss help just on the basis they aren't the same or suffering from the same things as said person. One should get as much help as they can because if you only accept advice from a certain people it kinda reinforces an echo chamber. Hopefully that makes sense.
>often then can't described how they got into
Usually low IQ people aren't capable of describing a complex process with all the details involved.
This is a great thread, one of the best I've read in a while
Well, technically speaking an inslut is a form of an argument. By using it you are implying that the other person is somehow inferior and thus wrong.
But, i wonder if saying that someone is from reddit is sufficient to disqualify them.
you need to chill dude
No, you're just a dumb faggot
>an insult is a form of argument
> , technically speaking an inslut is a form of an argument.
You must be a normie
>he fell for the just talk to her meme
because of social media you are now competing against male celebrities and thirsty fucking faggots. what makes you think she wants your attention?
Lel the NPC meme is kinda real, but not in the way you would think.
>i have autism, ocd, and anxiety society doesnt get it
Unironically go back to tumblr if you just gonna whine about being damaged.
Literally ad hominem you brainlet
Well the think is, You actually fuck your shit up and try it despite being on the verge of a panic attack, sometimes it comes out nicely, others, you get stuck in a thoutght loop of " I fucked up, fucked up fucked up fucked up fucked fucked up).
I know 'cause I know what is to take showers for petty shit, wash your hands constanlty, and struggle with getting youself out of bed.
It might be because I'm still kinda young, but you decide your own demises, fuckos.
might as well try something.
Do you have any idea what its like having these issues and society not understand it? No you don't cause you're a normie fucking neck yourself.
lmao just stop having autism, social anxiety, and ocd you fucking retard
>buh buh muh speshul snowflake problems that no other person in history has experienced and managed to live with
You should do stand up do you have an hour of this
Literally no one relevant in history was a normie. To be a normie is to be a mediocre insect. You are such a mindless drone, that I already know your response. So predictable.
>Other people have these problems, and also hate their lives! That means youre just a pussy!
you sure do love triggering autists user.
> special snowflake problems
Now I know you're a brainlet normie for sure since only they would come up with such a strawman.
Based will to action user
So you're unwilling to adapt to autism? And you're just giving up on trying to cure social anxiety? No wonder no one wants you, you aren't willing to even make an effort anymore.
Whats with this faggot and his strawman posting?
if you dont even try any advice then you're an idiot. But, the issue I have with this advice is that it doesn't work, it assumes that you are normal in every way but you just have to make the move to walk towards the girl. but if you are in a situation where no one has ever wanted to be your friend, romantically interested in you, or even want to talk to you casually, then you are fucked.
normalfags can't understand that some people are just eternally fucked rather than it just being an issue of just a slight need of motivation like they assume.
Different user. Humanity only got as far as it did because it adapted to it's surroundings. Evolution is all about being adaptable, why do you think that instead of claws or all that shit, humans are relatively weak compared to animals but instead have their bodies geared to creating things that they can use to match or exceed any other animal?
You're a human being from a long line of human beings. You're certainly not the first in your family to have the problems you have and you won't be the last and yet, all your ancestors got laid.
Yes, things are harder for you and yes, society is different, but that's why you adapt. If you're unwilling to adapt, it's just natural selection doing it's job. It's not too late to do something with your life. Figure out your own methods, discover what can be done about your situation, self pity will get you nowhere, but innovativeness will get you everywhere.
>every person with autism hates their life
I thought you had autism not a hive under
> adapt to autism
wtf how can you do that? stop pretending to be afucking psychologist when you're just a moron.
It's not rocket science, don't act like autism is a negative in ALL aspects of life.
Lots of autistic folks out in the world who go through the same or worse shit that you go through and you don't hear of them because they don't spend all their time whining about it and instead get results and live as well as they can in spite of it. Your brain is still functional, use it. You have problem solving skills, use them and if it's not working seek help in adapting to living like you do. Your hell is not of your own making, but giving up on life only makes it so you're forcing yourself to stay in it.
user said OCD, depression and autism. Are you fucking brain-dead or something?
>He thinks it's that easy
You're either a norman or a boomerfaggot
Serously though, start lifting so that you can crush a normies head between your hands. You won't get a gf and normal life but just knowing that if it comes down to it you would win in a fight makes the idea of confrontation much easier.
What's worse, caring that random people on the internet are angry or being angry on the internet. Why not just leave?