Whats your resting heart rate, user?
Whats your resting heart rate, user?
Other urls found in this thread:
>tfw mine is 90+
>bhs is below average apparently
>had it tested a dozen times before
>no doctor has told me to work out my heart because of this statistic
Based health user, I think I'm gonna work out now.
when i was anorexic and had a BMI of 14.3 my heart rate was 51, was I an athlete?
Are you a rodent or something?
Holy shit I envy you healthy motherfuckers.
>Are you a rodent or something?
No. I just abuse stims a lot.
Did a quick test, seems to be about 60.
Kinda surprised if that's excellent/great.
no that's called bradycardia user, it happens when your heart muscle shrinks.
I hope you've gained weight since
yes. just checked its 66bpm now
>tfw mine has been 85+ since high school even though i was Jow Forums doing a high intensive sport
Feels good knowing i'll die in my late 30s from heart conditions
It's about in the 80's, last time I got it checked like a couple of weeks ago.
Did you ever do an Electrocardiogram or Echocardiogram?
54. At least it should be since walking doesn't raise it any further.
No, i planned to several years ago but never got around to it. I sometimes get these intense chest pains where my heart is, like a knife going through it that last about 10 seconds which is why i was going to have to checked but never bothered
i just hope when my heart gives out soon im asleep
81 right now
I remember a phys ed class where we had to measure and write down our heart rates, and mine were the highest of the class
When I smoked weed I would try to get my heart to go as fast as I can. My max was 170. I stopped because one day I did coke and got really excited and tried to smoke weed to calm down. I ended up having a heart attack.
Sometimes I get an electric shock coming to my heart lmao. Also, I've had this. Most likely atrial fibrillation.
>I ended up having a heart attack
What the fuck? What happened, did someone take you to a hospital and the staff confirmed it was a heart attack? What are you on right now? Do you fear having another heart attack in the future?
below average
it's way worse usually
Femanon with a resting heart rate of 55BPM. My BMI is 20.5 but I do not work out. Blessed with good genetics for sitting on my ass all day :^)
precordial catch syndrome
you have nothing to worry about
Yeah, it was a heart attack. I was 32 when it happened. My buddy is a drug dealer and made a big play so he had enough money to spend on a drug-induced weekend. We had a few grams each to take over a weekend. One moment we were playing smash the next I woke up in the hospital.
I am not too scared, I just have to stay away from drugs.
Just finished a pot of coffee and I'm sitting at 60 bpm. My resting rate is in the athletic range, though I don't work out much.
I think its 100........am I gunna be ok?
What the fuck lmao. You don't remember absolutely anything of the heart attack? Did you get an MRI? What's the state of your heart like now? Are you still going to be using cocaine again?
Not too bad I'd say
66bpm, 18yr, BMI also 18. Thanks for reminding me to do my exercises today, I have no clue why I fit into the 'good' slot.
Damn healthy people.
I remember my chest pumping harder and it hurting, but I just figured that was me just being high. I also remember me screaming falcon punch a few times and being out of breath every time I did so, but other than that I don't remember. They did do an MRI because my roommate refused to say that we were on coke and the doctors were confused as to why an otherwise healthy man would suddenly get a heart attack. My heart is as fine as one can be after a heart attack, and no I have been sober for about 2 years now.
So you had a full recovery to your cardiac system? How long did you stay in the hospital and do you have chest pain, palpitations and the like? Any memory loss or anything like that? Have you been on beta-blockers or Acn Inhibitors?
Used to wear a fit watch but the armband broke
But my rhr was usually in the low 40s
Like how fucking unfit you robots are
If my rhr gets into 60s, its because i dranked 30 beers the last night.
If youre in 90s, you will probably die at the age of 38
Btw my max hr when running was 205 once
>If your bpm is 90 you'll die at age 38
Fuck off troll
either i cant count heartrate properly or im above an athlete (47), despite not being fit at all
The table is nonsense really, having lower hr doesnt always imply being more fit.
But super high rhr is always bad, that sure
>I'm going to die of heart disease
Mine is 62. BMI is 24 and I'm 18
59ish,after some pushups, so probably 55ish
56bpm, 26 to, male, 6' 1", and I weigh 240lb....
I'm not healthy. I've seen two doctors before out of concerns for a low heart rate and they both said I'm doing fine, just quite a bit overweight.
mine is 86. Should I be worried? I also had a huge hard on while checking, does that matter?
i weigh 105kg and i, 176cm tall. such an athlete
64, have terrible stamina and don't move a lot. Do have a healthy weight though
10 whole seconds? That's called a heart attack dood lmao
Mine is 68 even though I'm a 130kg fatass.
And I have low pressure too.
U mad?
95 here
is this bad
63 ish here
and heart disease runs in my family i guess i'm doing good
Somewhere between Average and Great according to my watch. It counts sleeping heart rate for some reason so I don't think it's really this low.
How tf do you accurately measure your bpm without a medical device? I just now held my finger to my throat and counted the throbs while using a timer. I counted 86 pumps but not sure thats correct.
Fuck yeah boys I knew Jow Forums payed off
Between 70 and 65. Not that active, only eat lunch and dinner.
I blame my anxiety for why it isn't lower
Shouldn't it be higher considering I'm an unhealthy fucker that regularly eats like an asshole? Is it because I don't use caffeine at all?
>54 bpm
I only smoke ocasionally and hit the gym regularly, no cardio tho
wtf lmao, this isn't normal.
Around 110 to 120 measured by ECG at hospital, I am dying soon kiddos and I am only a zoomer, oof.
i'm surprised i'm in the 'good' range as i take in caffeine and nicotine 16 hours a day. i'm going to have to up my game if i want to die by 40.
it's actually indicative of hypothyroidism to have such a low heart rate
85+ is fine. it probably means you have a good thyroid
OP's graph is bullshit and it pisses me off this nonsense is sitll going around
Could be due to anxiety, my resting hr is 60-70, but when I went for an ECG it was 120.
84, but im stressed out right now
90 minimum for me. It started after 4 years of torturous OCD and I feel like the paralyzing fear left my heart permanently stuck in 'fast' even though I have meds that work pretty well now.
Unironically on medication to lower my heart rate at 25...
I don't know but I'm trying to get it to zero
99 I also have high blood pressure a bad liver and severe sleep apnea. I had to tell my parents that I have a good chance of dying every night and informed them of my preferred burial method.
I have 92 unlucky
About 62-63. I don't work out.
usually 60 but i dont know how accurate my smart watch is. i hope it is and that i'm in the healthy range, i do workout 3-4 times a week
Measured it daily at different times last month and the averages were:
Morning: 75 bpm
Afternoon: 83 bpm
Evening: 67 bpm
Always measured while relaxed and sitting down. It easily goes into the 90s if I'm mentally active, and 110s if physically active. I'm a skelly who doesn't exercise, although my diet is relatively healthy.
60. i'm trying to cut it down by another 60 or so
It's like 100 I think it's from drinking myself retarded every single night for the past year