>not a virgin(unless she is a widow)
>older than 27
>uses contraceptive drugs/device
>uses recreational drugs(especially alcohol)
>raised by single mother
>involved with shitty family
>lives alone/with roommates(unless shitty family)
>shorter than 5'5"/165cm(unless she is Oriental)
>went to government school
>went to university/wants to go to university before children are grown
>listens to hiphop/rap
>listens to "pop"
>has dark skin
>has tattoos
>wears immodest clothing
>has piercings/body modifications(ears are permissible)
>has dyed hair
>has short hair(preferable if she has never had a haircut)
>has dreadlocks
>wears makeup
>has paintedand/or plastic fingernails/toenails
>wears high heels
>eats fast food
>eats junk food
>eats out more than a couple times a year maximum(preferable if she avoids the practice entirely)
>is lazy/sacrifices quality for convenience
>drinks soda
>is a militant gaytheist
>curses excessively
>uses Jow Forums
>speaks in ebonics/slang/bastardized English
>shaves/waxes/laser hair removal
>watches television
>has a Netflix account
>addicted to social media
>is a narcissist
>is a slob/can't clean
>has an aversion to Japanese media
>is jealous of men courting younger women
>complains about men having standards she can't or refuses to meet
>doesn't know the difference between a red flag and a deal breaker
you are not attractive enough to make these specs I'd bet
Jesus Christ lower your standards.
Here's mine btw:
1. Is not morbidly obese
2. Is approximately my age
3. Lives in my general area
4. Cares about me and does not cheat
5. Is female
That's about it.
Make a thread on /soc/ and post yourself and I will reciprocate. Are you saying a virtuous man that is ugly has no right to desire a virtuous female? That makes no sense.
>Jesus Christ lower your standards.
My standards are very basic. Stop carrying water for whores.
You know the word "incel"?
Yeah well, you're a volcel. Never gonna make it, there's only 4 billion women in the world, you require about infinity.
I'm quite aware that I am a volcel. There is no such thing as an incel.
I'm sorry you think you have no choice but to settle for a whore, I have more self respect.
well said friend
actual autism right here
>actual autism right here
Not an argument, sweaty.
1. Lives in my area
2. Looks decent (around a 5-6/10 or higher)
3. Can hold an interesting conversation
4. preferably not incredibly short or incredibly tall
and that's about it desu
Having no standards doesn't increase your chances of getting a girl. It makes you a desperate loser that no woman will want.
This was a weak thread desu
imagine making a giant list when you're a 4/10 5'10 cretin
I'm 6'0" and at least 6/10 among European men.
This is very good list, but realistically there aren't many women with none of them.
Red flags are not standards, they are things that should make you extra careful rather than go away instantly, at least I understand that this way. E. g. dyed hair is often attribute of thots and absolute human thrash, sometimes it is just hair being dyed, nothing else.
>went to government school
>went to university/wants to go to university before children are grown
I don't care about it at all, schools and unis are good for socialising, and women who are completely outside mainstream education are probably more rare than virgins.
>has an aversion to Japanese media
Autistic. In fact being female weeb is a red flag. You want a girl who is not averted to jap media because is your personal preference OP not objective red flag, I don't like very much women who has aversion to tabletop games, but this is not a red flag, but my personal preference. What is more female weebs are wierdos and degenertes and you should avoid them.
>You want a girl who is not averted to jap media because is your personal preference OP not objective red flag
It's an objective red flag for me. I enjoy Japanese media, so a woman that hates Japanese media is an incompatible with me as a non-virgin.
Nothing about op is virtuous. He's a judgemental, psychotic fruitcake.
Being judgemental is not contrary to virtue.
>psychotic fruitcake
You have no basis for this.
There is no self respect being a male virgin.
I'm sorry you fell for memes.
Yeah it actually is contrary to virtue.
Your post is psychotic.
The meme of all of human history?
>Yeah it actually is contrary to virtue.
You're wrong. To not judge unbecoming behaviour would be contrary to virtue.
You're just wrong, sweetie.
I'm a guy. Being judgemental is actually against the bibles teachings. The very same bible we get virtues from.
>the bible
I am not Christian, but being judgemental is not against Christianity, you are spreading a Talmudic meme.
Yeah it literally is dude. You gotta be 18 to post here.
You do not understand Christianity. I'm sorry, you're just wrong. This is why Protestantism was a mistake.