>tfw the drugs stop covering up your depression
Not a good feel
Anyways how are other drug bots doing today?
Havent smoked bud since i almost dropped myself off a building whilst high.
Hope u feel better soon though user
>needles were supposed to be here with my mail
>not with the mail
For fucks sake are they really gonna take ALL my mail?
Reeeee desu
doing kinda shitty, weed doesnt satisfy me anymore, and i have nobody to smoke with that would entertain me
haha you really expect the DEA is just gonna leave your mail alone ever again?
me but I've always been this way about weed
Well I had a lil hope desu
Figured they would let normal mail through
Fucking feds.
Just have to get them in person now
Gonna drop some LSD tomorrow.
Never done it outside before. So it should be interesting.
does alcohol get in the category? drunk run. trying not to be too much, because idont want to be viomiting, and i have work cuck tomorrowiw
oh well alcohol probably doesnt enter in /drugfeels/
at least i bumped your thread
i dont even get it, id give a friend weed for free or for half of the normal street price if its real good, i must be terrible to be around
Na drunks are fine desu
Drugfeel is more of a hangout
We're all fucked up
Interesting, where are you gonna be? I've gone for walks on my trips but never done an entire trip outside before
I got drunk on tuesday night for the first time in probably a year so I forgot how pacing worked, plus I'd taken kratom and two doses of etizolam during the day. I believe I had 8 or 9 drinks. Ended up vomiting a fuckton and then yesterday didn't get up until noon. I still feel a bit sick-ish
Sup niggers.
Just got some /addygang/ vibes going.
Who else here /addygang/?
Might go to the woods or something. Somewhere pretty.
I must have done at least 2 grams of tianeptine sulfate today lmao the shit is so moreish trying to chase a nod. Its nice that its legal but really expensive in the long run...
Make sure to wear the proper clothes for your weather conditions friend! Hope you have a nice conversation with a tree
Silly question, but If i only had like a month left to live and set up my own minilab and combined a fuck ton over the counter drugs to make some weird super drug would you guys test it for me?
>Never done it outside before. So it should be interesting.
Anyone know how tripping outside compares to tripping inside with the lights off? Is it possible to have a relaxing trip or is that a misnomer?
drugs dont work that way and personally id not spend my last days synthesizing chemicals
outside everything is alive, a secluded spot will provide a spot "out there in the world" while still under your control.
alright so I fucked up and took a couple extra addys last week, now I only have one left for tomorrow morning (I take one daily)
my pharmacy says my next script is "on hold" because it's too early to refill... am I really going to have to wait until monday? how does this shit work
If you only had a month to live why not just test it on yourself?
I always enjoyed tripping around lakes and trees in the summer, I don't know if I personally would want to spend the entire time outside in the cold though. Nature's beauty really is enhanced on psychs though, you get a feeling of interconnectedness with it
>tfw there's blood in my shit again
Time to stop for a bit
You might try calling up your psych's office and explain that you fucked up and that it won't happen again, they might sign off on it early for you but its their choice
yikes. nah I'd rather just be unmedicated for a couple days. it's the weekend so nbd.
My h should be there tomorrow, or the fed should be there tomorrow. Something should happen tomorrow basically. Pray for me either way lads.
Naw man you got it twisted, bloody stool is your bodys way of saying "I love you" :^)
You went and ordered more after the first fed visit??
i'm not kiwi
Oh gotcha, you're just nervous cause of her visit? Yeah this is all a bit touch and go right now it seems.
I'm actually curious now if my china plug hasn't reopened from chinese new year yet because they know theres something going down.
>outside everything is alive, a secluded spot will provide a spot "out there in the world" while still under your control.
unfortunately that's not possible in winter
fuck man i just assumed you were a warm usa fag. my prayers are with you fellow winterfag. never forget its always dry under pines though, good chilling when the sun comes out
if i were more confident that i wouldn't die, i'd light a fire and camp out somewhere. but yeah i'm a northfag
Is it worth it to combine Adderall or speed with anything? Are there any solid study combos, or are those sufficient on their own?
feels good living in florida and having year round shorts and t-shirt weather
phenibut for a massive increase to social competency
Its the usual xanax and some weed after work then fuck around for a few hours until I gotta go to bed. Will run out of xanax to in a few days and then no more till the end of next month also think I need to stop using this shit, I think its slowly making me retarded. Otherwise the other thing worth noting is I watched Trainspotting again the other night flipping though channels. Good movie reminded me a lot of my dope fiend days, took me a few tries in rehab and sober homes to get off it. I feel for you anons on it and I would tell you to try and get off cause it is does fuck you up when you get addicted to it, but who am I to say I'm taking bars now instead and that shits worse in some ways.
id be more worried about some faggot going all this isnt allowed on you
maybe i dont get the joke but camping is allowed my good sir
camping IS LEGAL
I haven't tried mixing them with uppers stronger than caffeine but you could look into nootropics like noopept
>I haven't tried mixing them with uppers stronger than caffeine
Is there even really a reason to do that? Doesn't Adderall already stimulate you?
He asked about something to take with adderall for an added edge in studying, I'm just saying theres nootropics out there he could look into. But I personally do not use hard stims
>Gonna be on probation for awhile
>Have court for the first time in a month
>Have been smoking a lot for awhile now and finally am gonna stop today since I could be drug tested at any time
Is there any way to get around smoking while on probation? Like at all? How often do they drug test you once courts over? My p.o knows I smoke so will she drug test me more? Is there any way at all I can space it out or take something to make it not show up? Also, on your first violation for having dirty piss will they send you straight to jail, up your probation or just let it slide? I've heard people say the first time they usually don't care, but after that is when they start punishing you.
dude... it's not worth it
I've definitely known people who went to jail for pissing dirty once
try to find a drug that doesn't stay in your system as long as weed
i am not of the burgers but couldnt you move to a different state ? (if u has mone)
Not while you're still on probation
Hey /drugfeel/, I've got some issues to work through so I'm going to be doing a lot of lsd later. Never tripped by myself, any advice? I plan to lie in bed and listen to music. Never had a bad experience before but I'd like to mitigate the possibility.
i tried xannax the other day. i don't recommend it. you get really relaxed but its not like comfortably numb kinda relaxed its like "fuck am i gonna die?" kindarelaxed
>Issues in life
>A lot of LSD
Lmao. You're going to hate yourself for thinking you're above having a sitter
Who else here /benadryl_gang/?
take the red pill and start popping DPH!
But if you must, make a reminder that you're only tripping and it will end soon. I usually go for palm writings. Usually puts a halt to bad thoughts
Don't take the LSD if you're not feeling totally up for it. As long as you're in the right headspace you'll be all good user, I've never had a trip sitter and I've never had a bad trip.
Always remember, you are always in control of your own trip! Think to yourself that you'll be okay and you will be.
>tfw ill be reunited with my heroin again in 90 minutes
>tfw feel like shit rn cause sleep deprivation
Should i relapse tonight for the instant gratification and relief from feeling shitty, or should i (try) to tough it out and wait till to tmw when I will probably enjoy it more?
Every relapse feels like the first time
Fuck user, that didnt take very long, barely two months iirc
The fuck? U got a controlled delivery or something?
Has anybody ever had a heart attack or chest pain from taking too many drugs/overdose?
Can someone tell me what dose of robocough I need for my first time. I just want to be comfy anonsssss
>vendor I order shrooms from decides to ship my stuff at literal last minute Wednesday when I placed the order Sunday fucking night
>package only processed for shipment just now and is still all the way across the country
>needs 2 days to ship after processing
>no shrooms for this weekend unless a fucking miracle happens now
I dont understand. I gave them ample time, why couldnt they just make the fucking shipment so I could get it asap instead of sitting on my money for half the week.
Yep, chest pain. Too much adderall one year during finals.
I woke up one day cause if inhaled more than 25% i got a super sharp pain by my heart.
I wasnt getting enough oxygen and by the time i was at the hospital they told me i was turning purple. They thought my heart was fucked up at first and kept asking me if i had done a lot of coke, later it turned out that my lungs were fucked up tho.
Go easy on the stimulants
Best dose: none
Buy a real drug that causes real comfiness
addy gang
What did you do after you found out about all of this? What are you doing about your cardiovascular health now?
Two months ya
They nabbed my package and came to me
Had all my btc transactions too
No more online stuff for me :(
Don't listen to that dipshit. If you know what you're getting into with DXM, one whole bottle is one dose for a level 1 trip. If you don't really know about DXM you're definitely gonna wanna research before just jumping into it.
It wasnt cardiovascular, it was pulmonary. And supposedly temporary, but im skeptical of that part.
That being said, im doing jack shit for my health. Except limiting how much addy ive taken for exams. Iirc the day before that happened I took like 90mg.
Almost suffocating is terrifying when its occuring but leaves no lasting motivatuon to be healthier
That sucks senpai. gl buying street heroin, seems kind of unsafe tho.
Not to be alarmist, but do you wonder if they look at your posts (and ours) here?
By sheer coincidence I listened to an FBI agent talk to my class at my uni. One of the things he brought up was the incredible ease with which they can find everything youve ever done on the internet. He said vpns are useless as far as theyre concerned. The only minor privacy from them is using "certain encrypyted messaging apps" which he said he couldnt reveal.
LSD made me realize I'm not completely straight like I've been living pretty much my whole life.
I had repressed childhood memories that were in the form of comics I drew when I was 10-13. I skimmed through them on a trip. There was nothing gay in them. Just incredibly straight to the point where it was clear I was trying to convince myself I wasn't bi.
Not sure how to go about integrating this into my day-to-day life. I have no attraction to men whatsoever now, and I'm in a LTR with a woman who I love very much. Interesting, nonetheless.
Why would I need to research
I got a dealer now
He's kinda cool
Lil weird but it's okay
They do.
They prolly know nearly everything about most people online
But what can we do besides watch
Feeling relaxed off that Xanax
Guess you have it all figured out then, have a good time
>what can we do?
Fuck the po-lice
There, I did my good deed for the day.
>Why would i need to research
Lol, for the exact same reason that youre asking questions here.
Have any robots done 4-HO-DPT? I just ordered some, along with 4-AcO-MET and 4-HO-MiPT pellets.
I've done 4-ho-met, don't know how close the relationship is but breaking through on it was incredible
N I G G E R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R. Die die die die die die die die
get off of my board roastie whore. why havent you killed yourself yet, all heroin users are degenerates with no friends and there families hate them
Im not tho
This is a drug thread, I think theres probably plenty of other white druggies here who hate cops.
>still buying drugs while there's federal agents investigating you
Sounds really dumb IMO
But I guess that's because I'm not a heroin addict, good luck though user
You don't see many anime girls smoking meth/crack pipes.
Wonder why.
This, I'm white and I hate the police.
reeeeeeeee, unironically tell me you have people that love you or a single friend, whore
>there families
how much did you order that they were able to nab it? plus what did they do when they came to you?
This, if you like cops you also like taking dick up the ass
I remember there being a movie that I would watch a lot when I was a kid. It had like these big balls with mouths like that image but forgot what the movie was called.
i'm seven days into sobriety anons. last week was a real eye-opener. suffice to say i am lucky over the past few months not to be in jail and also not to be dead from several ODs. wish me luck friends in being a soberfag
Hi /drugfeels/!
I love opioids. I love life. I love you all. I'm so sleepily happy. I'm in a wonderful place. I love you and the world loves you.
a bit of CBD oil dulls my anxiety and helps me eat
yeah first time i did xanax i had a panic attack lmao. valium was a little better, i just felt weird and then slept for a long time
Who here /recovering/ and are using cough syrup to get a drunk/high feel to numb the craving?
reeeee it's not fair I wish opiates would work on me
It actually makes a bit of sense- xanax is designed to hit you hard and fast like a sack of bricks. Its the only benzo that just floods your brain immediately and then gets tfo as quick as it came. For people unprepared or uneducated it can be a jarring and unexpected experience, disorienting
I just downed a 10 gram golden teacher magicians burrito. In a few hours I will be an animal, but man do I love this drug.
coke or speed?
Of fuck, it's staring wish me hell robots.
Really, I don't even feel any different. How much have you done?
as in: there be no families that love you
Sorry to hear it DEAnon... hope you get your needles soon.
i did a starter dose of painkillers once, my mood was maybe a little enhanced but boy was it not worth the nausea after
Getting high on DXM means that you are actively using, not in recovery. Hate to be the bearer of bad news but if you want sobriety you have to be sober
Sober of alcohol and illegal stuff.
That's like saying im not sober because im smoking cigarettes.
just poured most of a 25xr into a water and drank it. Its 1030 and I didn't mean to pour so much but fuck it
kratom once you start coming down, extends productivity by at least an hour or two. Even better if you're just trying to chill
Say hello to death for me
kratom once your start coming down. extends productivity by an hour or two. even better if you just wanna chill