I want to die in a war worth fighting.
I want to die in a war worth fighting
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>a war worth fighting
you're already in it
same for me minus the war part
user I hate to break it to you, but the reality of things is so, so much worse than "da joos". It goes so much fucking deeper than that.
well we have to start somewhere. i'm all for extinguishing your inter-galactic devil spirits once we're done with the jews. baby steps
Become a socialist and fight to release humanity from the parasitical bourgeois class.
I think he meant "worth fighting" as in it being worth being on the right side of the confrontation. Right as in far right. Far right nazi death squad right.
If South Africa boils over you could be a man among men. If you wanted to operate in the meantime serving a stint in your national forces or even something like the French Foreign Legion.
>If you wanted to operate in the meantime serving a stint in your national forces
>killing/dying for ZOG
>worth fighting
>Fighting to be exploited harder
Imagine being this submissive.
got to saythats pretty Honorable user
I want to fight for my people and their traditions.
Fight for Israel, goyanon.
>socialism was invented, pushed, and enforced by LITERALLY ONLY extremely wealthy jews
>somehow the commiecuck does not find this suspicious at all
Uhh don't know what to tell you bro. Get your head checked/crushed by nazi boots.
What passing-bells for these who die as cattle?
Only the monstrous anger of the guns.
Only the stuttering rifles' rapid rattle
Can patter out their hasty orisons.
No mockeries now for them; no prayers nor bells;
Nor any voice of mourning save the choirs,
The shrill, demented choirs of wailing shells;
And bugles calling for them from sad shires.
What candles may be held to speed them all?
Not in the hands of boys, but in their eyes
Shall shine the holy glimmers of goodbyes.
The pallor of girls' brows shall be their pall;
Their flowers the tenderness of patient minds,
And each slow dusk a drawing-down of blinds.
listen to owen
Doesn't fighting for your people include saving them from being exploited as well? Or is it tradition of your people to be servants to others?
You are being fed bullshit propaganda by the bourgeoisie in order to take it up the ass harder. Socialism predates Marx, and was widely adopted by the working classes of Europe before social-democracy.
I have yet to meet a socialist doesn't support white genocide.
>giving money to worthless niggers is beneficial for you and not exploitative
Literally no amount of kvetching and pilpul is ever going to make this sound reasonable to someone with >90iq, you fucking kike. Kill yourself.
Most socialists are completely neutral as far as ethnic and racial themes are concerned. It's just that you guys are so obsessed with it that you take neutrality as opposition, when, in fact, socialism is the best bet to stop mass immigration by eliminating the reasons for it to happen in the first place. The only reason why socialists aren't holding hands with fascists is because you guys support capitalism.
Sounds capitalistic, my dude. The point is to abolish money. Redistribution is for socdem faggots.
>Sounds capitalistic, my dude. The point is to abolish money.
We do not even have money in our current world you fucking retard. If we had white CAPITALISM there would be literally zero problems in the world. And no, your friendly Mr. Kikenstein's debt-shekels don't count.
Good cause you'll die from the war inside your head.
My dude, the problems of capitalism stem from the profit-motive and the exchange of commodities. Unless you eliminate those, the only thing that would change is the race of the exploiter. You would have white bosses making you work unpaid overtime, white landlords raising the price of your rent due to gentrification, white bankers trying to get you into debt, and white businessmen making products that purposefully break in order to get you to buy more.
Damn that's deep bruh
>unless you go directly against the absolute basics of human nature, society will never function! i swear, it's impossible! no, incentivizing functional and mutually beneficial behavior is crazy!
This is literally the most Jewish """logic""" I have ever witnessed. Only a fucking pure-bred devil-spawn shat-out-by-satan-himself KIKE motherfucker could come up with something so distant from reality and reason. Literally fucking get gassed.
>born too early to purge some filthy xeno's
Feels bad man
Fight for Ukraine!
Dude, you can either read my arguments and try to respond to them, or keep on inventing what you think I'm saying in order to suit your current beliefs best. If you think your arguments are solid, you shouldn't have trouble doing the former.
There is literally nothing inherently human about the profit-motive or commodity exchange. They can be eliminated through a system of distribution.
Capitalism is inherently incompatible with mutual benefit. Competition makes it so there is always someone on the losing side, and the unequal ownership of the means of production means that some will have far more power (to exploit) than others. This isn't even basic economics. It's basic management.
Actually, there is something very inherently human about profit motive. It's how all animals behave. For example, a rhinoceros would not let a bird live on top of it unless this bird behaved in a beneficial manner to the rhino... and when a bird does behave in a beneficial way, i.e. by removing bugs and other debris, the rhino allows the bird to live essentially for free and in safety. The same concept applies to effectively all animal and human interactions. If you deny this, you're a fucking autist.
>the problems of capitalism
There are no problems of capitalism. Any problem that you can find in a capitalist society is a problem of socialism/kikery.
There is no way you are genuinely this retarded. I refuse to believe it. You must be a scheming kike, it's just impossible to believe a human can exist while being this mentally defunct.
>Competition makes it so there is always someone on the losing side
No, competition makes it so that there is always someone in the winning side, and is the absolute basis for action of any form, ever, by anything, for any reason, in literally all of life. There is no creature that can operate and FUNCTION without doing things solely for the sake of benefit, because such a creature would extinct itself out of evolution immediately. Competition is the source of all good things in the universe and without life itself cannot exist. "Winning" does also not necessarily mean that the other party does not win as well, how the fuck do you not know what "trading" is? There is no incentive for doing anything without "commodity exchange." If you disagree, simply redistribute all your belongings to me, because I said so, and I am a lazy commie cuck, and if not you get gulag'd. Otherwise, the only thing that is getting redistributed is your brain matter unto the pavement.
>Most socialists are completely neutral as far as ethnic and racial themes are concerned
This is the most ridiculous claim I've heard today, there is not a single socialist party in Europe or America that does not actively support mass-immigration and anti-white policies. Socialists believe in collectivism, they believe in big government, unity and centralisation. Close-family units, tribalism and individualism are all threats to that one unified belief they are desperate to push.
>The only reason why socialists aren't holding hands with fascists is because you guys support capitalism.
Again, a lie, fascism was designed to be the 3rd position, to oppose capitalism's harsh business tactics, ruthlessness and consumerist ideals while not falling prey to the weakness, uselessness and anti-liberty symptoms that came with the far-left. I do not personally believe they succeeded, but unlike other totalitarian movements atleast they understood the ramifications of surrendering your freedom for security, even if they did end up doing it anway.
Imagine not seeing the glory of a socially conservative libertarian utopia.
>Be me
>Wake up on my plot of land
>Don't kill anybody because the government still exists and has laws against violent crime and theft, etc.
>Go to work
>Work hard because the comparatively tiny government still has anti-monopoly laws in order to keep competition alive and thriving
>Have to actually be productive for myself and for society at large in order to survive
>Happy in knowing that every other person has to be just as productive for everyone else, or they'll fucking die of starvation
>Wages have increased in some places and decreased in others due to no state-mandated unions and decreasing competition for jobs
>The stock market is doing wonderfully
>Companies popping up and creating new jobs all of the time due to the great market
>Everyone is generally happy and well-educated enough to know why communism wouldn't work
>People generally appreciate the great conservative/libertarian splendor they were born into
Why can we not just have this
If there are niggers or Jews it won't work.
What you are describing is literally not a relation of profit extraction. You are describing a mutualistic relation between two animals. Call me when you see a rhino charging rent form other rhinos.
Here you present the same confusion as in the post before.
>there is not a single socialist party in Europe or America that does not actively support mass-immigration
Again, you are viewing neutrality as support. To your obsessive delusional mind only support for completely close borders, which is absolutely fucking retarded on an economic level, counts as opposition to mass immigration. Almost all communist parties have anti-imperialist positions, which, if put into practice, would result in way less immigration due to lack of war, and countries investing in themselves, independent of foreign intervention.
>fascism was designed to be the 3rd position, to oppose capitalism's harsh business tactics,
You guys are literally the vanguard of the bourgeois reaction. Every time socialists have tried doing something, you guys have sided with capitalism. Every time your societies were put into practice, they were capitalistic, and simply traded the race of the exploiter for another. You can feed yourself bullshit all you want, but I don't particularly enjoy the taste of it.
>is a fascist
>Stupid niggers either starve and die off due to not working, or get an education and work, becoming intelligent black people rather than niggers
>Jews are ousted as the small and therefore much less corruptible government keeps monopolies away, and ultimately answers to only the economy and more importantly the heavily armed populace
>Conveniently forgetting that almost all animals will force other animals out of their "property' unless they serve a purpose to them
You must be a troll
Call me when you see a rhino engaging in """profit extraction""" for his rhino doctor services because he spent 10 years in rhino medical school and needs something to make up for his time investment, more valued time, and intelligence, and is living in a literally fully capitalist rhino society because it's the only way to produce good things.
You forgot:
>everyone dies from global warming, because capitalism has no way to deal with that on its own
Besides, monopolies would form eventually and begin to recreate some form of state in order to maintain themselves. The profit-motive demands it.
Join us on breadtube, comrade! :-)
>there is not a single socialist party in Europe or America that does not actively support mass-immigration and anti-white policies
The Bulgarian socialist party criticizes the right for not building the border wall high enough. Eastern Europe both left and right are very conservative.
>muh global warming
Imagine being so stupid to think that capitalism has no way of dealing with global warming on its own.
>Conveniently forgetting that entire markets have opened up solely on the premise that they're more friendly to the environment, and these markets are worth billions of dollars
BTFO'd commie
>changes the goalpost because he knows he's wrong
Nice one, but I never mentioned animal territoriality. There are many animals who aren't territorial, and none of them ever trade territories in the way humans do under capitalism.
Besides, to compare different species is retarded. Orangutans are very territorial, so should one expect bees to also be very territorial?
Threadly reminder that there is no such thing as a sincerely discussing commie. It is either a Jew or a 60 IQ nigger regurgitating what Mr. Kikenstein said in Feminism 101 class.
Many of those markets are being propped up by state subsidies, which you would want to remove.
Threadly reminder that there is no such thing as a sincerely discussing nazi. It is either a schizophrenic or a 60 IQ nigger regurgitating what random youtubers said.
Yet you forget that, no matter what, every animal on this planet interacts with other animals in a way that solely benefits them, with regards to them getting to the point of mating. In every example in nature and humans, an individual's pursuit of his own benefit always leads to a betterment of the species. How is this so hard to understand?
no war is worth fighting, user
Blew your cover, satan
>Yet you forget that, no matter what, every animal on this planet interacts with other animals in a way that solely benefits them
Bees and other eusocial will literally sacrifice themselves for their colonies, and many of them have no reproductive capacity. Your idea is factually false.
>an individual's pursuit of his own benefit always leads to a betterment of the species
Your logic is contradictory. It would imply that a jew's pursuit of his own benefit leads to the betterment of the species. I don't imagine you believe this.
>No, trust me, goy! It is better to act against your own interests! I promise! It's the best idea for you, goyim!!
>whites and Jews are the same species
No, I don't believe anyone here believes this.
I'm not particularly a Jew hater, and I think that if a small, less corruptible government was established, what power the Jews do have would be trumped by a free market. Also, it is interesting that you bring up eusocial animals... And for the most part, what you say is true. It'd be a better analogy if bees were sapient, which they inherently aren't. You simply cannot convince a person to act against their own interests - and that's the inherent difference between socialism/communism and capitalism. Capitalism accounts for human bad, socialism and communism do not. In capitalism, a human will automatically default to participating in the system in the most optimal way, whereas in socialism, they have to be forced. And who will do the forcing, other than big daddy gubmint with their big scawy guns?!?!??!? This is why all socialists and communists believe in taking away the individual's right to gun ownership. Your Jewish schemes do not fool me.
I just said comparing different animals with each other is retarded, so it logically follows I'm not going to use bee behaviour as reference for human behaviour.
Humans are probably mostly egoistic, but marxism does the worst case scenario and assumes them as completely egoistic, so it does account for "human bad".
>In capitalism, a human will automatically default to participating in the system in the most optimal way
Even you must know that this is a statement with many counter-examples.
>whereas in socialism, they have to be forced
Ironically, this would also count as taking into account "human bad". However, the idea that humans aren't forced in capitalism is incredibly ignorant. You yourself know this, since you support the existence of the state.
>you are viewing neutrality as support.
Again, there is not a single socialist party in Europe or America that does not actively support mass-immigration, you cannot actively support something and dismiss it as neutrality when it suits your purpose, unless you have some proof that they actually don't really care, and they're staying "neutral", I'll judge them on their actions, which has been continued support of mass-immigration
>would result in way less immigration due to lack of war
You're assuming war is the only reason for immigration a HUGE fallacy on your part that you cannot back up, and that war is ONLY caused by your imperialism, an even more ignorant claim
>obsessive delusional mind only support for completely close borders
I find it hilarious you call others deluded yet you believe you can control over 7 billions human beings, people want to aquire wealth and power and they will do what it takes to aquire it, and that will often mean involving themselves in other, lesser, nation's business. Learn how the world works before you start deciding how you'll fix everyting in your idealistic fantasy
>absolutely fucking retarded on an economic level
And yet completely destroying the value of labour, forcing the rich, ambitious and intelligent on to the same level as the poor, lazy and stupid and putting everything under the control of the state like every other sociliast state has done is perfectly sensible? I judge based on ACTIONS not wild claims, and history has noted the results of your ignorance.
>support for completely close borders
I never made this argument, try not resorting to logical fallacies
>is a fascist
I openly called out fascism on it's flaws, yet another wild claim on your part
The problem with arguing with people far more intelligent than you is that we tend to call out your fallacies. Do you have any rational, logical arguments?
We are living in extraordinary times, bros.
>yfw the world will be turned good probably within your lifetime
Dude, I gotta go to bed. Since you know fallacies, you can review my arguments and identify the exact places where you misinterpreted me, assumed I implied something which I did not, and just straight up strawmanned me.
I support the existence of the state solely for the protection of the nation from outwards forces, and for the enforcement of anti-monopoly and anti-violence laws. Also, yes... a reasonable human will default to behaving in the most optimal way in capitalism. If they do not do this, they will die - and frankly that is something I am perfectly fine with. If you are weak, and you cannot compete, you die. It is better for society that way. You might say, "oh, monopolies!!!" Very few businesses will even have the chance to form monopolies, and the ones that can make up maybe 0.001% of the population. Amazing point you've established there. I do believe in a very very small state, as there need to be checks and balances between everything in order to keep everything going - straight ANCAP would be dystopia. But don't say I "believe in the state", when your idea of a good state would be an all-encompassing, ultra-armed entity capable of controlling every aspect of life.
The Marxist utopia was always meant to be a stateless one, where everyone acted in good faith for every other member of their community... what the fuck happened to that, commie?
All authoritarian regimes are degenerate, including all forms of socialism and communism, as well as fascism. Individual liberties are the only way to go. Don't root for the Nazis, as one minute they're exterminating the Jews, the next minute they're exterminating you. In my mind there is literally no difference between an ultra-left wing authoritarian government and an ultra-right wing authoritarian government save for who they're killing this week. Don't be a degenerate.
Hey gaynon, go to serve in the military, specifically the army, do as many qualifications you can do, commando, sf, sniper, explosives, etc.. Then go search for a mercenary job in Africa, don't work for the Russians they never backup his black operations guys, you are going to be surprised of how many options are for mercenarys when you finish your military service
>Call me when you see a rhino charging rent
Atleast in a capitalist, libertarian world you can buy property or build your own home. Under communism the house is never yours, the land is never yours, no matter what you build it belongs to the state. You've pointed out an issue and your conclusion is make everyone miserable instead of just the lazy niggers too stupid to buy property.
And animals kill each other over territory on a daily basis you fucking pleb.
>He still doesn't have an argument
I explained exactly where all your logical fallacies where, and in return you just have more wild claims you cannot back up. There was no misinterpretation on my part, you're so ignorant you called a libertarian a fascist after a post where he explained why he hated fascism, you are too shallow and stupid to be misinterpretated, but if it makes you feel better telling yourself you're misunderstood be my guest.
>Lose argument
>I... I gotta go to bed...
>C-commie uprising any day now
id rather die than become socialist
But I do user, it's objectively the best type of government
At least you die doing something worth while for your country,
Nice icon of evil, user. But I want to make sure my spawn get disappointing pussy all their life, none of this fabled Hero-Poon nonsense. The CRISPR wars are coming.
I want a modern day Adolf. Why do all the far-right leaders turn out to be clowns?