You're with us, right robros?
You're with us, right robros?
I'm ready for the neetbucks
fuck off
>Only 1000 dollar monthly
I get 1300 in neet bucks. Why should i vote a chink and loose 300 bucks?
You get to keep your current program if you want to.
Drumpf is going to take it away
Well I'm sure as fuck not voting for Trump again if he doesn't start building the wall or pull the troops out of Syria.
not an amerimutt but yang gang has my full support
That's 2300 Nbucks a month my friend
he is unironically a based libtard and /ourguy/
inb4 brainlets say "but he's a democrat"
Only cucked neocons are neolibs hate the YANG, sure he has some dumb opinions like his take on abortion and the wagegap but nobody is perfect, overall he seems pretty good for an american politician and fucking amazing for a democrat.
fuck off shill, no china plant is getting anywhere near the office. BS pandering insectoid can't deliver shit but our ass to china
sorry, i'm voting for kanye
This is also based as fuck though. I like yang but if you don't want kanye to do a few poopity scoops in the oval office you are a normalfag.
But he ain't woopity scooping until 2024, numbskulls
You mean the guy who wants to crash the US economy, leading to the Kollapse? Worldwide anarchy, violence and killing?
Fuck yes.
you think trump will get a second term?
I'll ask what I said last thread.
Where does this money come from, why do you think you're entitled to money for doing nothing, and why wouldn't you rather improve yourself and work for a living to support a family of your own?
I got nine replies and none of them addressed the same topic let alone answered my question.
ooooh baby, of course mama's gonna help build the wall
I'm ready for Mr. Yangs Greater Hong Kong
depends how much it upsets Jow Forums desu. but maybe
>Where does this money come from
the federal reserve
>why do you think you're entitled to money for doing nothing
because each of us is convinced he is god incarnate
>and why wouldn't you rather improve yourself and work for a living to support a family of your own?
I'm ready for yang gang desu
>Where does this money come from
Same bucket poor people money already comes from. Estimates are that if we cut those and implement this, that it will cost less money over all. I'm not for this guy and haven't looked into it rigorously, but my guess is the red tape overhead of the current system is what would be the difference.
>why do you think you're entitled to money for doing nothing
I personally don't.
> wouldn't you rather improve yourself and work for a living to support a family of your own?
I think most people would rather choose to have a career. Living on 1000 a month from the government isn't going to hold any prestige at all.
There will be trash people that just live off this money in squalor but ninety percent of folks will probably just use it to invest back in their own lives. Repair bills, extra dates with a wife, a new comic book for my collection, more vacations, more new groceries for new recipes. Our boy Yang wants to destroy the various welfare providers and hand out factories and just give every American the same basic opportunities.
>voting based on arbitrary party name, not policy
Alright user Im not yang so I dont know, he did a pretty long interview where he defended his ideas on the joe rogan podcast I think so you could check that out. First, I think he was going to dissolve and incorporate the funding and personnel from almost every other welfare service in the country, I dont feel entitled to the money but I do think it could help the hundreds of millions of people over 40 with no education whose jobs are going to be automated in the next decade, and lastly if you think the bulk of the population is going to just live off this and turn into neets you dont realize how many people share your feeling about that or what inflation is.
Should say truckers, cashiers, office clerks, and surgeons on Lahey
This is something poltards and lefty npcs will never understand
I'll almost definitely vote for Bernie in the end but I'm gonna give this guy a couple bucks for the memes.
holy shit this is 2000% more convincing than anything hillary came up with
>the federal reserve
And where does that money come from?
>because each of us is convinced he is god incarnate
If everyone is god incarnate, no one is is god incarnate.
>I dont feel entitled to the money but I do think it could help the hundreds of millions of people over 40 with no education whose jobs are going to be automated in the next decade,
So not robots.
>I think most people would rather choose to have a career. Living on 1000 a month from the government isn't going to hold any prestige at all.
Most robots won't care about that. I don't want to pay my own money for them, and I don't want rich people like Donald Trump to do so either. They don't deserve it.
>lastly if you think the bulk of the population is going to just live off this and turn into neets you dont realize how many people share your feeling about that or what inflation is.
I don't. I just don't want to pay for fuckhead NEETs to eat Cheetos and jack off to BLACKED candydoll porn.
>I think most people would rather choose to have a career. Living on 1000 a month from the government isn't going to hold any prestige at all.
Most robots won't care about that. I don't want to pay my own money for them, and I don't want rich people like Donald Trump to do so either. They don't deserve it.
>lastly if you think the bulk of the population is going to just live off this and turn into neets you dont realize how many people share your feeling about that or what inflation is.
I don't. I just don't want to pay for fuckhead NEETs to eat Cheetos and jack off to BLACKED candydoll porn.
>replied to my post without actually tagging it
You already pay for people to eat Cheetos and masturbate, I think the idea is to accomplish this without universally raising income taxes as well otherwise it wouldnt actually be any change. I dont see how having a massive population of unemployed old people with no prospects is dismissible because they arent 19 year olds on Jow Forums, they will still riot and politicians looking to appease them will prop up industries that are obsolete already. There are already people that live off unemployment so I dunno how the idea of your tax money supporting them under a different label is so offensive. I dont necessarily agree with the 1k a month plan, I would have to see more projections or details but I dont see a single other politician acknowledging the fact that society is changing rapidly and people arent adapting well. If youd rather throw your lot in with the new green deal, trump and Israel again, or Bernie which might as well be a donation to the DNC be my guest by all means.
>>replied to my post without actually tagging it
>You already pay for people to eat Cheetos and masturbate,
So should I pay for more people to eat Cheetos and masturbate?
>I think the idea is to accomplish this without universally raising income taxes
So income taxes would be raised non universally? Why should rich people pay for some animeposter to sit in his lazyboy and post about his depraved cocklust?
>I dont see how having a massive population of unemployed old people with no prospects is dismissible because they arent 19 year olds on Jow Forums, they will still riot and politicians looking to appease them will prop up industries that are obsolete already.
I don't interact with any of those people. I interact with robots. I don't care about people I don't interact with. If this plan were to only support people who were over a certain age and had a job for a certain amount of time I would be more inclined to be in favor of it.
>If youd rather throw your lot in with the new green deal, trump and Israel again, or Bernie which might as well be a donation to the DNC be my guest by all means.
I think I'll go with Trump and Israel.
I had a good laugh reading this thanks mate
We don't even know if he will make the primaries...
It's guaranteed that he's going to get into the debates.
>why do you think you're entitled to money for doing nothing
This but to the bourgeoisie
thanks miga shill, that didnt help all
billionaires should pay for neets because they don't need money
I kek'd at that image user, based TPB memes
I can't believe how much I used to care about politics when shit like yang gang is so much fun
Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes. Yang gang.
>I get 1300 in neet bucks.
How do I get that?
No, it only applies to people not on neetbucks already.