Why, exactly, are you not a nazi yet?
Why, exactly, are you not a nazi yet?
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Because the Nazis didn't do the holocaust, which they should have.
Nazi architecture is minimalist just like all other shitty socialist architecture and Hitler didn't even look German.
>Jews control the banks, media, TV, and Government
Why would I want to be on the losing side, especially when they can't even admit it?
>a parasite is superior to its host
cool """argument."""
this post was made by a shitskin who shouldn't exist in the white man's world. this is what white men get for letting shitskins into their world.
reminder to never ever not be racist towards shitskins because we could never touch how racist they are
hbomberguy told me it's an abhorrent ideology
Are farmers parasites to their cattle? Lmao, get a grip. If whites are superior then why are they being tricked into genocide by the Jews? Shouldn't they realize how the media is telling them to kill themselves? The white race is the most intelligent race after all.
I'm American. So yes, I'm apparently a shit skin 56%er. Funny how Jews and Americans run the world, and all "whites" do is complain and lag behind in every sector of societal advancement, such as technology and economics.
damn. niggers must be superior if they sucker punch people too.
>Controlling society with an iron fist, and apparently hiding the fact you're doing so is sucker punching
LMAO. Let's assume Jews are the most retarded race, even worse than blacks. They are sucker punching you with white genocide. Why the FUCK is a clearly inferior race able to genocide you then? Wouldn't that make you the truly inferior race?
Cattle is as cattle does.
>If whites are superior then why are they being tricked into genocide by the Jews?
Because white are the only good people on Earth. The only ones with souls or however you want to put it. The only ones capable of kindness and empathy, which is highly exploitable. Clearly, extremely exploitable. That doesn't change the fact that white Europeans have produced 99.9% of all good things in the world.
Being evil is hugely beneficial in the short term, but those tricksy buggers do have a tendency of getting pogrom'd and muh 6 gorrillion'd, so it doesn't work so well in the long term. Any random nigger can steal a car and murder a granny, and must feel really smug, but they still end up locked in a prison cell soon or later, once the right white man gets ahold of them.
Fuck yeah fuck niggers, White Power.
>Cause the most widespread wars and genocides in recorded history
>Spent 500 years colonizing and eradicating non-European civilizations (because they destroyed most natural resources in their own countries)
>Continued to destroy natural resources to the point that it started to affect all life on Earth
>Keep going anyway
>Were the people behind capitalism, communism, and fascism (the three deadliest forms of governance)
>Created the Atomic Bomb
I could go on but I don't see how the single most destructive race in history could be considered "the only good people on Earth" LMAO.
Theres a small problem. Thats a little over a million. Fucking retard were already TRILLIONS in debt. Take up the niggers in powerful positions maybe? They are the real leeches after all.
because jews contribute the most money to society per person. I am a republican though, thanks for asking
>niggers and sundry shitskins wouldn't try to genocide every living thing if they merely had the intellectual capacity to attempt it
nice meme but no. only whites are capable of kindness.
Because I don't have an extremely low IQ like the average Jow Forumstard.
>shitskins tell themselves they're american to cope
funny how you talk like you're a person nonwhite.
try to control your emotion. once you do that you can stop being full of shit all of the time.
I believe we've tested it on this board and it's lefties who perform worse on iq tests
You think we are farming shit skins look at infographic it has proof in the link, what are we farming?
These " people" are leeches.
>Cause the most widespread wars and genocides in recorded history
nonwhites caused a shitload of genocides too
>Spent 500 years colonizing and eradicating non-European civilizations (because they destroyed most natural resources in their own countries)
literally everyone everywhere was colonising
>Continued to destroy natural resources to the point that it started to affect all life on Earth
and if non whites were in our position everything would have run dry already
>Were the people behind capitalism, communism, and fascism (the three deadliest forms of governance)
Communism was created by jews
>Created the Atomic Bomb
a good chunk of the people who worked on the atomic bomb were jews
You know nazis had no problems with blacks and latinos. Only jews and gypsies.
Blacks even used to fight for nazi germany.
Fuck off nigger I'm a non white Indian and I make more than most of you white boys
I ain't causing no deficit buddy
You know you're right you yellow fever nigger, it's not that is the farmer, they are, and they are sucking us dry you fucking Queer.
Yes, no other race in the world has ever formed societies or civilizations that worked on co-operation and trade. Niggers in Africa didn't have a salt trade on the Sahara, Egypt was white, the Aztecs didn't exist. Whites were the first ones to have co-operation on a large scale, ignore the Jomon.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH. If whites were so empthetic then why do you want to remove non-whites so badly? You know their home countries are ruined by poverty (caused by whites) and war (funded by white countries) yet you still want them to go back (even though most of them were born within the country). Aren't you supposed to be the only compassionate race?
You should really think for yourself user.
I am controlling my emotion. I'm being spiteful toward inferior people who refuse to admit they're inferior. Are Jow Forums's emotions out of control when they go WE WUZ KANGZ?
Self awareness is a sign of intelligence.
LMAO It's not that hard of an analogy user. Do I have to walk you through it? I thought whites were intelligent. I'm just a 56% shitskin after all. An American!
>nonwhites caused a shitload of genocides too
Whites caused the most destructive genocides and the most destructive wars in history, by a very wide margin. This isn't up for debate here.
>literally everyone everywhere was colonising
Which non-European countries were colonizing? I don't even think China bothered to colonize.
>and if non whites were in our position everything would have run dry already
That's doubtful, seeing as whites created capitalism, the most efficiently destructive economic system possible.
>Communism was created by jews
A mutual correspondence at best.
>a good chunk of the people who worked on the atomic bomb were jews
I wonder why that was...
We aren't the farmer.
Cope is a nonwhite twitter term
I won't argue with you then. You are willing to admit your place in the world after all.
I didn't read the whole thing until after I sent the message, and I don't disagree with you 100 %, not all Whites will survive, the non redpilled Whites will live with the niggers until they die off from below replacement birthrates.
>Implying that if there is no RECORDED history of something, it didn't happen
>Thats a little over a million.
Per INDIVIDUAL you worm
Am I banned already, can I not say nigger without these Jewish jannies banning me?
To me the reality seems clear: Jews control the world. Other races are below them. Maybe whites are a bit higher average intelligence compared to blacks, but does a few IQ points matter much when you're both cattle?
"Red pills" are just another way to make you feel part of something bigger, part of some superior race, to make you feel like you're not the cattle you are. Just like blacks with Egyptians, and the Atzlan people. Even the Japanese cling onto whats left of their heritage after America raped them into submission in the 1940s.
Most of the people who ever lived were born in the last 1000 years or so. It would have been impossible for early humans to have killed so many people, because that many people did not exist to kill. Not to mention the logistics of killing hundreds of millions of people without advanced tools such as ships, currency, governments, and technology.
So what do you want to do motherfucker?
I'm fighting for the Whites already redpilled, I had a friend in South Africa who was a victim of a Farm Attack, me and my boys did a fundraiser for him, got him out of there, still living here now.
You want me to assimilate to Globohomogayplex like you right?
South Africa is South Africa user. But you should really ask yourself WHY it's happening there in the first place.
>You want me to assimilate to Globohomogayplex like you right?
You're on the Internet user. You are already assimilated into globalism. To be anti-globalism is to be anti-capitalist as well, seeing as capitalism is the driving force of globalism. Why do you think the Jews like it so much? It's very good for their pockets after all. f
I'm going off the grid in a year, 99.3% white town in about a year, once I get established, I'm moving to Italy for at least 3 years, I'm getting off the Titanic fuck this shit.
There's no reason to do so user. You just have to wade through the half-wisdom and false-truths. I've been tied up in similar ideologies, only to realize I wasn't truly trying to understand things for myself.
That's a very condescending thing of me to say, but hopefully you don't take it the wrong way.
Good luck on your journey to self improvement, it's the hardest thing you'll ever do.
You're dumb if you stay here unlesd you want to be tied to a chair nails drilled down your feet and your eye lids cut off by niggers so you can't close you eyes while they rape your wife your daughter and your infant to death in front of you, I've read the articles I've talked to people, this shit is coming here, hell it already is, just not as sadistic yet, just wait it will get there.
Why do you think your anecdotes matter? Post a statistic on how common all that is.
I never denied it's happening. But again, WHY is it happening? Because "niggers" are violent and want to destroy everything good? Or because until 30 years they were cattles to Whites?
If the day of the rope comes I doubt you'll be sparing any Jews.
2 farm murders a week out of 1.5 million Boers the farmers I can find a link but it will take a few minutes, it's legitimately the most dangerous job in the world.
I'm not avoiding talking about the kikes I'm just angry.
And that is just what the government says most of these murders are just "botched burglaries" when they get torturered until the morning.
Because I think we can kill niggers without having to nationalise our entire economy.
>whites invent everything of worth and control everything for 2000 years
>whites develop a saviour complex and start forfeiting their racial interests under the assumption other races will do the same, at which point other races start exploiting our good will
All races have their vices, for whites it's our naivete and willingness to forgive. Maybe one day we will wake up.
And it's just farmers counted in this, the 2 a week.
>whites invent everything of worth and control everything for 2000 years
You have so much to learn user.
The Nazis were not pro-"white" (European), they were pro-German. Not even pro-Germanic, just pro-german. That's why they invaded and occupied Norway, Denmark, The Low Countries, and Belgium, despite them wanting to remain neutral and have nothing to do with the Nazis, and later enslaved significant amounts of civilians from those countries. The Nazis also despised the slavs, seeing them as something to be exterminated, and saw Mediterraneans are inferior.
North Africa in the era of Ptolomy and Cleopatra was largely ethnically Greek. That's why the main port city in Egypt to this day is still known as "Alexandria"
Why do the pharophs genetically cluster with Europeans and not Egyptians?
2000 years ago Egypt was under Roman contral.
Why do white pridefags not realize that nazis ruined their dream?
>Why, exactly, are you not a nazi yet?
I am Indian
because i dont believe in fake fucking inforgaphs made by polniggers where they make stupid conclusions that aren't close to reality
Hitler called Italians Aryan, he admired the Roman Empire so shut your mouth a lot of what you said is wrong.
you're still missing a pretty large chunk of egyptian history if you're just talking about cleopatra you retarded polnigger, Egypts history extends an additional 4000 years before that too turn your brain on
>Boo hoo I keep my head in the sand because I have balls
>I don't have balls *
Thinking my post referred to race proves my point. Perhaps you'll never learn, at least in this lifetime.
>Hitler called Italians Aryan
To their face, but yet he wrote to Madison Grant and told him that "The Passing of the Great Race" was "his bible". "The Passing" divided Europeans into three groups: Nordics, Mediterraneans, and Alpines. It stipulated that Alpines were essentially natural born peasants, and were dumb as bricks. Mediterraneans were a step above, but still inferior to Nordics.
>The Roman Empire
Grant and many Nazis essentially believed "we wuz romans (and greeks) n shit". That the Ancient Romans were actually Germanics, and that they were later "diluted". Modern DNA tests confirm this to be bullshit, but that was the belief at the time.
> shut your mouth a lot of what you said is wrong.
Sorry, but "ur wrong" isn't an argument. Around half a million Belgians and a Quarter million Dutch were forcibly brought over to Germany and forced to work, as well as thousands more Danes, Norwegians, and millions of Slavs. They all had their countries invaded as well. The Nazis were demonstrably NOT pro-white, and in fact caused the single greatest loss of life in Europe.
is there a chart like that, but for genders?
Don't trust infographs that don't even demonstrate their methodology and how they arrived at those numbers. two of those links do not work anymore (assuming they ever existed), one requires a paywall to view and I'm not sure how the rest correlate.
now granting those results are correct and definitely not ideologically skewed or even made up, what confounding factors may be at play for whites to add more to the budget then they do take away? Perhaps, with such a high wealth stratification, a small number of extremely wealthy whites that pay into taxes significantly more than the rest are inflating the number. of course, we'd have no idea because the we don't see the methodology.
it doesn't matter if it's real or not, what matters is that you're a fucking retard if you save it and you should probably kill yourself.
Yes, YES. Listen to this poster. Based.
posting unsourced bad propaganda is just as bad as what the jews do, you aren't doing your ideology a service by being a braindead npc
because nazis nowadays are violent alcoholic mutts
it's all fucking losers from broken homes, out on the streets beating people up in groups or getting blackout drunk on a tuesday among their degenerate, unemployed selves
Is this where "white pride" derives from? setting great examples really
on top of that they're always some form of race mixed despite advocating THE ideology that opposes it, so much for practicing what you preach
I'm all for national socialism but the current state of it is so fucking pathetic, no triple digit IQ individual is an organized nazi nowadays
Because I'm a white nationalist. You don't have to believe your race is superior to not want to pay for other races, or prioritize your own race in any way.
I still admire Nazi (non wignat) iconography though.
What should be done with other races that exist in white countries? Nightmare mode: Including the non-whites that were born and raised for generations within white countries.
>shitlib wants free shit again
>What should be done with other races that exist in white countries?
In America, they should be encouraged to leave the white ethnostate, which would be 1/5th of modern America's landmass at best, and either stay in the remnant nation of America or found their own ethnostates.
If financial and other positive incentives don't get them to leave, then the encouragement will be at the end of a bayonet, and they will be free to be reunited with a more tolerant and progressive western civilization elsewhere. In the vast majority of cases it won't come to that, and even if they were forcefully escorted that does not mean that they will be hurt.
>Nightmare mode: Including the non-whites that were born and raised for generations within white countries.
Same thing, for the most part, with some more debatable exceptions. Whites will be defined as anyone who has any heritage that can be traced back to Europe 1000 years ago, and appears to be white. Further exclusions for Jews and progressives may be made.
>If financial and other positive incentives don't get them to leave, then the encouragement will be at the end of a bayonet
"You don't have to believe your race is superior to not want to pay for other races, or prioritize your own race in any way."
>You know their home countries are ruined by poverty (caused by whites) and war (funded by white countries)
Zero poverty in the world is the fault of whites. Whites are the only people that provide assistance for impoverished people in the world. Poverty in Africa and other places is the fault of the people living there. Wars I can agree with if you are talking specifically in the middle east. The wars that are currently being fought by NATO were all caused by jews but are fought by whites. I and all other NatSoc I know want these wars to end and to leave those people alone.
>Whites caused the most destructive genocides and the most destructive wars in history, by a very wide margin. This isn't up for debate here.
You are correct, but do you think that maybe the massive technological advantages that Europeans had are the reason for that? Europeans have not fought or genocided any more than other races, we were just the best at it. Also the worst genocide in history was done by the Chinese with the Japanese coming in for a close second or third depending on your opinion of the Soviet Union.
>Which non-European countries were colonizing?
Japan fought a lot of wars of colonization. The Chinese did too but those could be considered unification wars if you consider colonization to be only across large distances. Look what they are doing in Aftica today though. They are just late to the party. Colonization was actually a good thing for every people that were colonized with the exception of the native Americans. The most heavily colonized nations are the most powerful today and have the highest standards of living compared to less colonized nations. I still disagree with colonization as economically it was actually a net negative to the nations that participated in colonization and I also disagree with the atrocities committed by the colonizers. We should learn from history and understand that colonization is wrong. That is a large part of the reason that I do not want to bring millions of browns from around the world to America or Europe because it is effectively modern colonization.
>That's doubtful, seeing as whites created capitalism, the most efficiently destructive economic system possible.
I actually agree with you on this. Capitalism without restriction is the most destructive economic system to the environment. I would argue that communism is worse for the average person but environmentally capitalism is worse. We have realized our error, thus the creation of National Socialism.
>A mutual correspondence at best.
Go look at all of the leaders and major officers in the Bolshevik party before Stalin. What race could they have been I wonder? Jews also disproportionately benefit from capitalism as their religion and lack of morals allows them to abuse workers more so than that of other races and religions.
>I wonder why that was...
Maybe because jews have a higher average IQ than whites. This is undisputed. The difference is a question of emotional intelligence and morality/honor, something the Jews historically lack. Jews also have a massively higher rate of mental disorders including psychopathy and dementia as a cost of having a higher avg IQ.
These arguments might work against lolbertairans and conservatives but they don't against National Socialists.
>Zero poverty in the world is the fault of whites.
Just like zero poverty in the world is the fault of Jews. We shouldn't take their money, they earned it after all.
The race that subjugated the world for material gains talks about morality.
I'm not saying we should. I'm saying they should not, as less than 2% of the population, have majority representation in our government. I am not for redistribution of wealth, just significant limits on corporations, political lobbies, and the media.
You act like other races wouldn't do the same and worse if they had the chance. What strong nation in all of history has not used its might to conquer? The Zulu's conquered most of southern Africa and controlled an area larger than Europe at its height. The Chinese fought generations of war to unify what is now China. Every people in history has conquered and been conquered. Europeans just happened to industrialize before everyone else and had the best means to conquer in recent history.
Not only that, but if you want to genocide someone you do not get to claim moral superiority over them. This is a basic universal rule.
Nigger here, to answer the question op I'm not a nazi for obvious reasons. Maybe if I was white though.
How did anything I post contradict that statement?
And another thing that comes to mind, is that Hitler Allied himself with the Japanese. Now I like and respect the Japanese, and agree with Hitler's claim that they are "honorary aryans" in so far that they have proven to be intelligent and civilized people comparable to whites in most regards, but I cannot in any way condone any of the actions undertaken by the Japanese Empire. That was most definitely, NOT civilized and instead quite barbaric. And given The Empire of Japan's actions during the Pacific War, I think it further demonstrates how the Nazis were not actually Pro-white. In addition to attacking the USA, The Empire of Japan also attacked:
British Hong Kong and Singapore.
Dutch East Indies
French Indochina
They further had plans to attack and conquer New Zealand, and if they had been successful with that, possibly moved on to attack Australia.
Those attacks led to the death of thousands of Brits, Dutchmen, and Frenchmen, (all whites) as well as thousands of Americans (overwhelming majority white at the time).
Seeing the attacks on fellow whites, what did Hitler and the Nazis do? Declare war on the USA and continue to support Japan. Distracting the Royal Navy was more important than showing solidarity to their fellow whites. I once again remind you that the Netherlands was not directly hostile to Germany until it was invaded, and that it was a germanic brother. It was simply a matter of convenience to Germany.
>Because I'm a white nationalist
Tell me, are you aware of Oswald Mosley's "Europe, a Nation", and if so, what do you think about it?
You don't have to be white to be a national socialist. In fact I think authoritarian governments would probably work best for Africans and historically that has been the case. Just instead of being pro-white, be pro-black. I believe that every person should be proud of their race and heritage, and prioritize their own people first. Is that not reasonable?
You're ignoring the mathematical fact that capitalism makes money flow from the bottom up. If you have 1 dollar and you multiply it by 1000, you get $1000. If you have 1 million dollars and double it, you have 2 million dollars. Who made more money? The person with a 1000 fold increase, or the person who "just" doubled it?
This is the system of economics whites have developed over the past 400 years. For people like us to have our money, we must rely on extracting the resources from others as cheaply as possible.
>Tell me, are you aware of Oswald Mosley's "Europe, a Nation", and if so, what do you think about it?
I listened to a few of his interviews and he seemed pretty sensible but no. I don't think he even mentioned it.
What countries are whites "lagging behind"? Japan?
Every European country. How many European electronics do you own? I have French speakers and my phone sometimes connects to Nokia cellular towers. That's about it.
>Whitey is smart enough to destroy every black or brown country
We arent trying to destroy you. The Middle East is caused by dumb sandniggers, we just try to keep you safe and you still hate us.
Where did I disagree with that? Obviously the second person does because goods cost the same for both individuals. I said I don't agree with redistribution of wealth but that I want corporations to be heavily regulated so that they are no longer able to abuse the workers and cause the currency to flow up. Increased taxes on corporations and the wealthy will help with that but I do not see that as distribution of wealth. Another reason that this flow of wealth is happening is the stagnation of wages caused by low demand for workers (especially low skilled ones) due to the massive influx of low skilled immigrants and the ability of nations to outsource work to cheaper populations. Thus, Nationalism that promotes the good of the nation (limits or ends immigration and thus wage stagnation) and Socialism (stops corporations from abusing workers, limited social welfare programs for people that actually deserve them).
To add to this, many whites have realized the failure of capitalism (though it does have some good aspects) and that is why National Socialism was created.
>Where did I disagree with that?
>Zero poverty in the world is the fault of whites.
Most poverty in the world is thanks to whites, because that's how capitalism operates. 5 billion people are paypigs for the remaining 2.5 billion.
They don't have one specific type of corporation, but still, they as a whole have the best countries in the world.
As you type this, less and less people are starving and less and less people are in poverty.
There are people who are content with living in Argentina. Amerimutts and Jews will continue to provide you with your entertainment, machines, electronics, Internet, information, services, products, and culture.
Capitalism has not caused poverty. The impoverished peoples of the world would be impoverished even if capitalism had never existed. The only poverty that can be directly related to capitalism are the people in first world capitalist countries that are impoverished because they cannot work. This is why a limited welfare system should exist in any decent nation. People who can work but do not and are impoverished because of it deserve it. Impoverished due to debt from poor choices, again, they deserve it. People who are impoverished because of debt due to medical expenses I will agree with you on, but do you know who determines the prices of healthcare in the United States? It isn't white people, and medical care is free in most white nations.
>Got paid $25 this week instead of $23
Thank you Mr. Goldstein!
Really user? Anglos are but a tiny percentage of the US now.
The wealth difference between the average rich person and the average common person was far lower than it is today.
>Why, exactly, are you not a nazi yet?
Because nazis bankrupt and starve nations.
>Hitler didn't even look German
Do you know what a german face looks like? You proably think that all german people have blonde hair and blue eyes. There are jewish people with blonde hair who don't look german at all. Absolutly retarded
>intelligent and civilized people comparable to whites in most regards
Japanese society is far more civil than the majority of white society, nazi-nigger.
Correct, capitalism has caused extreme wealth inequality. But believe it or not, capitalism is not the cause of world wide poverty. Without capitalism there would be even more people in poverty than there are now, but the wealthy would be less wealthy. I don't understand how this is a refutation of what I said in my last post.