>be me
>female, 24
>meet guy who lives in the same area from here, we swap discords and talk a bit
>decide to meet up with him
>bit cuter in person, even has freckles
>we go out to eat and its evening, he gets a call and says he has to go home
>ask him if i can go with him since i dont have a way back
>sure ok
>go to his studio apartment, its super messy with a faint smell i still dont know how to fully describe
>theres no bed, just a blanket on the floor and dried grape jelly a few inches away from it
>windows have black shit plastered on them
>maybe this is a bad idea
>hey actually i can get a ride from my mom
>its storming outside
>its fine
>its not
>cant think of anything to say cuz im a retard
>says he will be right back, something about getting food even though we just ate
>cant even say anything since hes already gone
>check the door, its somehow locked from the outside
>bang furiously, no one comes
>at least i still have my phone
>cut contact with all my family members after divorcing some rich asian manlet to become a shitty hikki wageslave
>window is barred
what the fuck do i do?? its been ten minutes, i considered calling the police but honestly i just want to get out of this house first of all, there has to be a way
Be me
ya call police now
right now, tell them your date locked you in from the outside
Take his poop sock and cum jar. Bam. Two hostages, he has to let you go now.
you should stop larping like a faggot
>in seriously shady situation
>takes the time to greentext the full story
Yeah no.
Pics or its not happening you stupid fag.
>t. fat chicken typer
i called them, but i have no idea where i am so they told me to stay calm and sit tight. i hear footsteps and theyre freaking me out
since you asked so nicely, btw the pic on the wall is just some abstract bullshit
So how are things there now?
OP just got raped, but then again that what he gets for being a redditfag and larping.
Honestly gotta give it to you, this is some high-effort larping. Like at least you're trying, props for that
2/10, seen better.
>no relevant matches
OP got raped guys, pack it up
this is so dumb grow up
please kys. such a shitty bait.
oh fuck no reverse search matches
update. i think the footsteps in the hall mustve heard my call because they came in, restrained me, and put me into a vehicle without my phone. they took me to another location after what seemed like a thirty minute drive and dumped me in what looked like another neet losers room. luckily whoever lives here is dumb enough to put their passcode right above the monitor. i already logged on when i noticed a camera in the upper right corner. there are no windows, and they havent stopped me yet. i dont know what to do
sorry for double posting but considering this is the only thing in the room, i think they want me to be on here. i cant open any other tabs
Yeah I'm not buying it, sorry user
yeah you blew it, fuck off larper
post one of the dark windows. Just to be sure your not larping
>Heard Call
>They let you keep your phone so you can post.
Go back to /x/ Faggot