>be asian girl
>no guy wants to date me because they are afraid of being seen as a loser weeaboo by society
Be asian girl
It's not your race
There's obviously something else horribly wrong with you.
yeah this couldn't be further from the truth
can i stick my crouching tiger up your hidden dragon
>Date a half-asian girl
>Everyone looks at me as a loser weeaboo
It's not a myth OP, sorry. Even the hyper liberal left with their rabid "anti" racism don't have any problem with bullying yellows.
Why not look for weebs then? Or people who don't give a shit about what society thinks?
I can only have hopes. I cucked an Asian girl's bf with her in high school and then I was ultimately cucked by an Asian with her, and we kumbayah'd for non-race mixing... though she is also half white, so maybe I have still been dating and I'm just a really really bad bf. I do like to think she realized just how gay people other than me are. You're all gay.
Stinky asian. I guess it's better than dirty white woman.
the only people who like weebs are...other weebs. no one likes them
i have intense yellow fever am an attractive white guy. i don't give a fuck what a bunch of normie faggots thing. asian women are simply superior. do you have discord? ^__^
I mean she solicited me online and the only way I understand getting pussy is being a straight male prostitute... at least that's what I'm supposed to believe.
I've met some pretty cool weebs, some light weebs aren't as bad.
Why don't you stick to your race instead of being a race traitor?
The curse of Allah upon you. You shall marry a white nu-male, if you don't stay with your asians.
No, I'm personally just not attracted to Asian chicks. Also my Korean friend has warned me that Asian women have no souls or even humanity.
Quality story user. God bless you.
i smell some bull shit and even say that in the first places.
Perhaps the same can be said of ALL 3D women...
Actually a friend got me to watch some animes and they were pretty good. One of these were the monogatari series; from there i started to find japanese culture surrounding deities to be pretty interesting and now i'm reading the monogatari series novels.
Both me, and check this out. Race mixing with Asians is supposed to be this way. You're gonna get cucked by my inferior hazel eyes blond male, you're gonna submit to a Goku-tier retard like me that has green eyes in his DNA, and you're gonna want to fuck my green eyed non-black Asian kids. Someday someone will make a name for my condition of living with a Downy all his life and find a literal gene that notes this lifestyle of calling a white man a fucking slope gook fuck... all sense will be made when I have an Asian gf.
Do you take care of yourself and are passionate abut your goals and have interesting hobbies?
I wouldn't have this problem if I did. Also, where the hell do you think we are?
Dumb question
There are 2 scenarios here
>You're a fat gay faggot who's larping
>You're an attention whore gook roastie
Get the fuck out either way
>Dated and befriended many asian women in my time
>They're all twice as crazy as your average roastie
>My uncle also married an asian, who treats him like garbage
Just seems to be the rule, honestly. Asian women make for terrible partners and they're not stable.
Well, if that is the case, improve yourself and solve your problems.
I'm not afraid to be seen as a loser weeaboo by society
Post contact
I just need my DNA fixed before I get seeded by blacks. I've already had people try and seed me, it's a real thing. She can appear as mean as she wants after that. I'm thinking about using CRISPR after I patent myself to make sure the green eyes always express so if I get seeded, I will know.
Indeed. I think that is just as you indicated.
Why does OP attribute it to the race?
I am satisfied as an Asian woman. And I am proud of our race very much.
It is all up to you whether to improve your life better.
e.g. in my work, I judge that efforts of my own aren't yet enough for it when things don't go smoothly..
Btw, I'm here to learn languages. It is by no means just for someone else :p
>tfw dated an asian girl and now I'm spoiled
I can't bring myself to date any other girls now but it's rare to find asians where I'm at.
What languages you learning?
Yeah, the sole reason why I don't date an Asian girl is my entire family kept on joking that I would just import an Asian wife(because I liked Asian food pretty much). I could never bring an Asian girl home now.
>when your parents bully you into not racemixing
fucking based
>>when your parents bully you
This was my entire upbringing anyways, just one part of it
A white guy dating an Asian woman is nothing new and is almost standard fare at this point.
However, an Asian man dating a white woman in younger generations typically means the white girl is some form of eastaboo.
>A white guy dating an Asian woman is nothing new and is almost standard fare at this point.
Not outside of north America.
I don't see the issue who cares.
Then again I'm a fucking hapa so I either get called a weeb by whites for dating Asians or someone who is trying to poach Asian women by asians.
But what do I care.
>>when your parents bully you into not racemixing
Originally, is your marriage for your parents?
when I was younger there was one asian girl who was interested in me. but, she was fat, she was a weeb and acted "kawaii"(extreme cringe), but more importantly, she acted/reminded me of the "childhood friend" type of character you see in anime, there is one female archetype I have always hated with a passion because they were always so annoying and it's the "childhood friend."
lets go cmon. kik? its pound town time
Post pics and we'll see if you remain single I wouldn't mind having a cute Asian gf uwu
If there are men who insult your physical characteristics or your country, you should judge that the man as low level person. There is at least discrimination in this world, but direct discrimination attacks lower personality as a person. I was taught like that from my parents.
People are necessarily needed by someone.
You must not forget that your existence is precious :)
I'm sorry for the late reply.
Mainly I am learning English. Also I am studying French in self study. French is very difficult for me ;-;
>willing to be loser weaboo
hello m'lady