>TFW my sister mogs me and literally dates multiple guys at once who take her out for dinners and vacations while I stay home alone
Fembot feels thread
Don't stay at home then? Maybe take some time off? Meet guys with similar interests?
Sincerely, please kill yourself
i feel bad for ugly girls that think being smart and getting a good job makes them more appealing to guys. it really doesn't. we really do not care about your job at all.
Speak for yourself. I would kill for a smart science gf.
Literally don't be fat and have good hygiene is all it takes for a woman not to be ugly.
seriously, we care about your weight more than your stupid job.
why don't you target someone desperate and needy and as lonely as you how about one of these neckbeards here
While looks are important, I do like women who are actually interesting. It has however, been a long time since I've met a woman who is more interesting that she is attractive.
Be honest, you just want her money right?
No, but I do want a decent connection since I have a science degree and badly want to work research but my resume is shit. I do genuinely like science girls though, my time volunteering in the lab before I had a breakdown and quit was the most fun I've ever had. Plus science jobs typically don't make thst much anyway.
speak for yourself. how did you find Jow Forums anyway? seems like bodybuilding forums are more your speed chump
>take her out for dinners and vacations
Those are sugar daddies. source: I sb.
You may be ugly, OP, but at least you aren't a whore.
source: I'm a whore.
yep, im sure youd go after a rich fat ugly girl. lmao
>why not just target a manchild who sees you as property and LARPs as a Nazi?
Get the fuck out normie dickbadger
You may no believe in evolutionary psychology, but evolutionary psychology believes in you.
Whats the easiest route of getting someone online to order me a pizza. I see other girls get so much, I havent ate anything but toast and cereal in over a week now and I'd like to try. Something to look forward to
go literally anywhere and ask for a pizza.
see thats not much to go on. I havent done this sort of thing
Nothing wrong with being a nazi.
Just go on some specific subreddit and pretend you're interested in the stuff there. Make it clear you're a girl (i.e. I play warhammer and I'm a girl!) and when some cuck pms you, tell him you're hungry but can't afford a pizza from buying figurines.
If you're gonna e-whore, at least do it to some complete beta on reddit. There are plenty there.
You don't know what you are talking about. The only girl I ever dated was a medstudent. Not even an ugly one. They are so high maintaince it gets tiresome quickly.
Why are there always so many of these cancerous fucking threads
yea i dont know what people are expecting with those women. they are extremely demanding, neurotic, and they are always swamped with work. not attractive in the slightest, i dont know what type of guy would find those women attractive, probably someone just as busy as she is and they barely see each other.
I was in the smart study group in my senior year, and I was also the only guy. I found the group to be really fun and I would have easily dated any one of them for their personality.
Maybe you just weren't handling it the right way? One of the girls in my group was always angry and demanding, but she really just needed someone to vent to. I just wanna be there for them and be able to have smart conversations as a bonus.
In addition, neither of you are robots, please leave.
>but she really just needed someone to vent to
wow i totally want to be the emotional boyfriend
If you aren't able to have emotions without being overemotional, you are probably a brainlet. I understand having outward emotions isn't masculine, but not having empathy is a clear sign you're an asshole.
because they want attention and this is the quickest way to get it. fucking faggots keep feeding this shit.
im guessing that girl talked to you about her feelings while she was getting fucked in the ass by someone else lmao
Considering every girl in my group was married or engaged, probably. My point still stands though. Most of them were miserable with their partners and it was clear most of their relationships wouldn't last. I'm not a beta-orbiter either, though. I wouldn't ever be someone's emotional bitch without getting something in return.
>be me
>talking to roommate
>she's super hot
>apparently she was friends with an older man who bought her things
>"I just thought he was being nice? But then he started screaming at me and calling me a whore?"
>"That's awful."
>"Yeah, I mean, guys just do that all the time and they don't mean anything by it."
>"Haha, yep, they sure do."
>go back into my room, eat my fried chicken and pee into a cup so that I don't have to go outside again
This is literally why men can't be genuinely interested in anything, unless their interest is something pure autism like Sonic the Hedgehog. Because if you're interested in computers, or whatever, there's always going to be this additional hope that you'll make bank someday and get pussy. When a woman throws her life into studying something, she does it knowing the only thing she gets out of it is the thing itself, since men give zero fucks.
That at least gives me some self satisfaction regarding my own personal projects.
Because you guys would leave me the second I talked back or said I didn't want to do anal.
>resume is shit
Eh, just keep volunteering until it isn't shit. I even got some jobs that way.
The difference is to men, maybe 1% of women are actually "ugly."
To women, 80% of men are ugly.
you don't even know what mog means jesus fucking christ I can't stand normalfags and roasties
females can't fucking mog, you know why
protip: it's in the name. mog is part of an anagram.
nobody cares haha
go away haha
You wrote all this out for attention and nobody cares. haha
>tfw plan on enlisting in military
>bf of 4 years is paranoid i will cheat
>suggests the relationship might not work
>talks about how complicated life is going to get
>love him but honestly it feels like he is kind of a dream crusher
>would rather i keep being a stay at home gf with no hobbies beside art and vidya shit and cleaning
>always wanted to enlist
>feel like i have to please him and i resent him for it
>got to the point where i am just tired of not doing shit with my life
>starting to feel like if he breaks it off then fuck it
>worry about my cat though
>can't keep cat in barracks
>hoping everything will resolve itself
>cross that bridge when i have to
>just tired and had enough of being what he wants me to be
>love him but i just want to follow my dreams
>shit sucks
A man wrote that, OP.
yea thats why guys watch anime and play video games all day. because they think it will get them pussy
ur a fucking dumb bitch fuck off
I was talking about actual academic and intellectual pursuits, but sure, talk about your cheap dopamine hit machines I guess you samefagging literal manchild.
Military will suck for a few years. You'll feel like you made a horrible mistake, especially as an enlisted. But it builds strength and commitment in you that most workers just do not have. And after enough years it finally pays for itself with the free college and other benefits. But I'm going to warn you now if you aren't ready to eat shit for 3-5 years then don't even consider enlisting.
are those your pet roaches? they're... cute
those are even worse interests to focus on bitch
ur really trying to say that every single invention and scientific advancement that u enjoy was becuase some guy was trying to get pussy
newton and tesla died as virgins