There would be significantly less school shootings, workplace incidents, mental breakdowns and crime if everybody was paid a comfy living allowance, regardless of employment status.
There would be significantly less school shootings, workplace incidents...
until prices go up
i doubt he would do it if he got elected, its just a campaign lie to get votes
The welfare state of minorities basically refutes that entirely.
another option would be to euthanize betas and low IQ people, but that ain't happening either.
welfare doesn't pay a living wage
living wage is such a propaganda term. People live off of non-living wages.
>Trump couldnt get 5 billion dollars for a one time payment on the wall
>President Chink will somehow manage to give a thousand dollars every month to millions of people indefinitely
take your 1000 dorraru shilling back to Jow Forums... oh right, you can't, because Jow Forums is pruning every yang shill thread so you thought you'd come here
one nice thing about ubi is that it is not tied to a place. a lot of people could have much lower expenses but need the diversity of employers available in big cities to ensure a stable income
Yeah, by living in a garage or with their parents.
lol this guy will go to one maybe two debates and be forgotten within a year
i really hope this is just a meme and people aren't getting their hopes up with this guy
or roommates, right. So why are they calling it a living wage
People fucking live out of their cars
Desperation pays for our economy. People living comfortably means they are less likely to shell out cash for needs and wants; the former is taken care of, the latter loses some of its luster (after all, you have the time to choose things in life rather than just paying out for immediate gratification because you otherwise lack time due to work, etc.)
Doubt UBI will ever happen before some sort of catastrophic social, political, or ecological event happened first. Even then still a stretch.
Consumerism is pure cancer, fuck the perpetuation of it
but thats also impossible to just give everyone a small loans of 1000$ without unpleasant big consequences in economy :((
>told family about Yang and asked for their opinions
>mom and sister laughed at the idea of an asian president
>dad thought ubi sounds like politicians promising things they can't deliver like Trump with his wall; he doesn't give a shit about voting anyway
well there goes the black vote
12k isn't a living wage
If you curtailed population over the long term and witnessed a declining population I think it could function. Japan, for instance, I think could have it work.
The key is that you're not inflating the money supply in circulation by freakish amounts. A declining population will mean a likely deflationary spiral drawn out over decades and long-term economic collapse. Infusing money to the lower socioeconomic rungs would function like the recession stimulus on a consumption level and thus prop up industries and some entire sectors that would otherwise fall apart.
When your borders are flooded, however, it's most certainly not going to work. It would likely mean the mandating of a one-child policy or something similar.
Living wage here in Michigan is 10.60 an hour. And McDonald's pays 12 to start here. If you can't survive, it's your fault. You either need to move or stop spending money on stupid shit.
Rent here is about 550 for a single bedroom apartment. I buy my groceries for 20 dollars a week. All that's left after that is internet and electricity. I was able to do this on 9 dollars an hour a few years ago so there's no reason to complain.
Fuck off you lazy commie.
My folks thought he was some kinda chinese spy despite the fact he's Taiwanese
Pics of mom and sister
Organic post
Why? Wouldn't that just mean welfare queens would clog up the system more with their worthless spawn, thereby doing the exact opposite?
Once yang gang gets in we'll get social gredit and the Chinese will flock to the US, devouring everyone else like locusts
There won't be welfare queens for long