why are short men hated so much in society?
Why are short men hated so much in society?
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Because we live in a patriarchy and we are not seen as real men.
Easy target.
Short men can't do anything about their height and are already feeling shit about it... it's just an easy target really.
Like saying shit about fat women... but taking the piss out of short men is not only accepted, but applauded.
nigger the average is at around 5'9
I mean really the average for white males is 5'10" though
This. I don't actually care about height but I bully them to make myself seem better.
Everything in social media is bait, intended to get people riled up, replying, etc. For some reason short men aren't a protected class yet though, like try saying niggers are ugly or trannies are disgusting and you get banned.
I think it's just tall men with other insecurities like being ugly or having a small dick leading a witch hunt to distract from their own flaws.
I'm 5'8", but I have a nice face and a big dick so my confidence remains firmly intact.
>I'm 5'8", but I have a nice face and a big dick so my confidence remains firmly intact.
>on r9k
lol ok
I'm 6'1" but claim to be 6'0" to demote all of the actual 6'0" people in the room.
>implying the patriarchy isn't the only thing keeping us from being actively culled
Guys might bust your balls about it but women has an innate HATRED of manlets.
That's devilish af
Wtf are they supposed to do? Just stay inside? Interesting how he didn't go any higher than 5'8, must be 5'9
>short men
An ironically big oxymoron.
LOL reminds me of that post of the dude who was 6'5 but claimed to only be 6'2 to fuck with other dudes
All of the girls line up to bend down to kiss you, I'm sure.
Only the top 20% of males exist to women.
I'm 5'8-5'9 but I always say i'm 5'5 in public to make anyone around my height or shorter feel bad.
All inferior men are hated by society.
Friendly reminder that only women are allowed to judge men, vice versa makes you a misogynistic pig
People like to hurt others, but only to the extent that it won't have real consequences that they will have to face. Picking on short men is a perfect opportunity for people to get the high of being evil.
umm waiter? this pasta is stale!
6'1 here. Not trying to talk down to you guys, but none of these twitter opinions matter in the short term. Only small-minded people care this much about height.
Fucking kek
Goddamn, the female brain is so fucked up and primitive. If this doesn't convince you they need to be locked up like animals, you're a gigantic cuck.
kek, atleast i won't be stuck in the fucking hood the rest of my life for being a low iq nigger who listens to mumble rap
niggers are really a disgrace to their own fucking kind
I cant believe people care this much about height lol
I've literally never thought about it
Is it just me or is the breakpoint for height jokes always 5'8"? You always see people make fun of people exactly that height, as if making fun of people shorter is kicking someone who is already down. But never making fun of anybody above 5'8" either, like 5'9".
Ok larping manlet
I want to be as mentally healthy as you are brother, how do you do it?
6'1 is very common, little guy.
It's statistically proven that short men have a harder time in life and that taller men have a higher chance of being more successful and getting paid more. Short people are bound to have a stress filled life
however the taller you are the easier life gets from what i've noticed
5'7 and up have it pretty easy.
I'm not larping, and I don't care if you believe me.
The account is literally named "daddyissues". This is either fake and gay, or you intentionally looked for the most damaged possible example.
Remember, men are the more logical and honest sex, right?
Other way around, retard.
European genetics and being middle class+ ensures you have the right build and nutrient intake to become taller.
Lmao in you said that height doesnt matter and now you instantly start attacking me you samefagging larping manlet
>the joke
>talk down to
>short term
>small minded
They're short jokes, user.
Fucking manlets
Go back to the le reddit were you crawled out from lol
Add a few more spaces to account for his height compared to an adult male.
Retard roastie detected. Every attention whore "daddy" slut likes this page. Keep making excuses for women's shitty behavior, though.
>most damaged
Kill yourself
The only people who care about height are insecure manlets, tallfags who have nothing else to be proud of, and the worst kind of shallow sluts. All 3 are low IQ tendencies.
Ok mr puns har har
I'm 5'7 and it fucked me up badly when I was younger because of bullying. Now I'm suffering the consequences.
This. Average is the worst thing you can be to a woman.
Short men are not seen as men. I'm 5'6 and I'm treated like a child everywhere I go. You will always be treated worse than someone taller.
Manlet's get some respect if they're wide/stocky. Go dwarfmode if you have the frame for it
I'm already hairy dwarf mode. You don't get any respect.
Really? I always see dwarfmen getting at least a little respect, as long as they don't send off the insecure faggot vibes or have little man syndrome
Look guys. I'm a manlet too. Dwelling on it won't change a thing. Perhaps we miss out on fleeting worldy pleasures, but we get the intellectual and spiritual advantage of understanding what it feels like to be marginalized. In the grand scheme of conscious experience, we enjoy a deeper, humbler, and ultimately more fulfilling experience.
Insecure people need a reason to feel superior over someone.
That doesnt matter how insecure the tall man is. He will always be seen as superior to the short man. Him picking on the short dude is seen as normal and le funny by everyone because short men are destined to loose. Everybody agrees with this or is retarted/delusional.
5'8 is like the go to height to neg on guys
All the short guys claim 5'8. Actual 5'8 guys look closer to average. Hell I'm like 5'9 and tall people think I'm short while short guys think I'm taller than that.
People are dumb
I'm 6'2" but I say I'm 6'3". The difference is literally just a few centimeters. It's not noticeable. This is why metric is infinitely superior, the measurement jew cannot defeat you as easily.
Too bad every single women is small minded then.
>Short men can't do anything about their height
>Like saying shit about fat women
hmmmmmm, but being fat is a choice
and for blacks it's 5'9 lol
>be in old uni town, 5'7
>some 5'4 goofball kid finds me on some social media site, trying to make a new website like amazon
>he's really talkative, and i'm not, so it was hard to tell him "no" just because his ideas were kind of goofy
>also he was promising to be able to get all sorts of funding for his project, i just played along with it
>we also went out drinking a few times
>once he asked me, if i could change anything about my body, what would it be
>he said he would get lazer surgery on his face so he doesn't grow any more facial hair... he's fucking 5'04
>i told him i would take a few inches in height, he was like "lol wtf why?" and was in disbelief when i told him girls like it
>dude was complaining about not having a gf
he was russian though and apparently russians don't care as much about height
It's all because of women. Here's who was short, historically
>knights and other expert swordsmen were almost always short, their stature was a gain in that field
>nobility and many rulers were often of shorter stature
>Biblically, David and Goliath is an early account of a manlet slaying a tallfag
>few people were even 6 feet tall until after World War 2, even being 6 foot was considered nearing freakishly tall levels, it's how most people see guys who are 7 feet tall now (Lincoln, who was considered by many to be a freakishly tall lanklet at the time, was 6'4")
>Napoleon was 5'7"
>Ulysses S Grant was 5'8"
>a lot of the American Founding Fathers were near or under 5'8" aside from Washington and Jefferson (both 6'2"). For reference, Adams was 5'7", Madison was 5'4", and Franklin was 5'9"
Short guys often have an edge in fighting even now, since they have to make up for their stature in any way possible. Expect eye jabbing, to be climbed on, and biting when facing a guy significantly shorter than you in a real fight. Just look at David and Goliath as I mentioned, David slung a rock at his head and then beheaded him when he was down.
Being above 5'6" was considered tall in the past as well, most people were below that height.
I do the same thing, I'm 6'3" or 6'4" but I claim I'm 5'11" if anyone asks how tall I am.
how tall are you?
You have been muted for 2 seconds, because your comment was not original.
What the fuck. Almost every teen is 6'0 now I fucking hate it
It's the same thing being an Asian male really. It's like getting U MAD? when losing a match. There's nothing you can really say without sounding mad. You get LOL HE'S MAD regardless.
I said it last time too and I'm not sure if I even worded it the same exact way.
Bitter lanklet virgins are out coping again. How tall was the guy who stole your gf? 5'8"?
Genetic inferiority
Its illegal to hate any other group so people have turned to short men. Also the whole women being allowed to have opinions thing.
>That feel when 5'7" :(
>That feel when 6.5 inch cock :)
i dropped out of high school after realizing i'd be that pathetic little man-child at 5'7 forever.
i got really fat too at the time, i had been eating as much as possible since i was 13 and drinking lots of milk as i already knew i'd be fucked if i don't get tall.
it never happened, as i started to get facial hair early signalling your growth is done.
so it was like grats, all my future plans for life are now over, why even try when i'll just look like a little cucklet.
>20 years later i am a mentally ill NEET
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i'm 5'7". i don't feel like i'm short. i'm fine with my height.
Yeah, if you were 6'3" you wouldn't be a mentally ill NEET.
yeah i know, i'd have a proportially bigger cock at 8 inches. i'd have a career, the onl thing fat about me would be my salary, i'd get respect whevever i happen to grace upon by my mere presence and i'd have a hot wife and still be fucking betas' wives on the side as i keep my dick wet AT ALL TIMES as the roasties beg to suck my big D and get creampied, up their ass too.
Men who are taller are by nature automatically superior. By bullying short men they can establish a hierarchy which grants them easier access to females.
females love tall men because they provide protection far better than short men.
In short, nature is fucked
hahaha no. none of this would be true. you'd be taller but still awkward, worthless and USELESS.
no company would pay a large salary to someone so weak that they drop out of high school, you pathetic GED mother fucker.
grow up and stop blaming height. you're just lazy, like all pig fatties (pic related)
no, U!
time to fap to blacked now, white women prefer tall black men with massive dicks after all >:(
>tfw 6'3"
>tfw 6.5" cock
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Uh, it's been well established that tall men are less physically attractive and have to compensate with other ways because they lose out on looks.
Replace 5'8" with literally any disability and it's a hate crime.
But of course it's fine to shame someone for something uncontrollable if it's something that women don't get wet over. We need to take society back from our vaginal overlords.
I'm convinced people just genuinely do not like other people. Nowadays (possibly always?) everything is a competition and therefore everyone is a threat. Social media gives people an easy way of diminishing those threats (at no consequence to themselves) by attacking all the little flaws of their opponents.
People only adopt a moral code or standards of behaviour in the real world because you benefit from everyone else having the same codes and standards and therefore not always trying to make life hard for you. Remove the need for those codes and standards and see what people are really like - vindictive dickheads trying to tear down everyone who isn't them.
See that facebook post about the fat girl who made fun of short guys get BTFO when people made fun of her weight. Suddenly common decency becomes important when *you* are the target of random hate, but not before.
I don't know what the solution is beyond closing yourself off and acknowledging that everyone is basically evil, so you don't get hurt when they inevitably shit into your heart.
Devilish but also based
>big dick
>virgin at 21
based and /threadpilled
you can only have the more fulfilling experience if you can move past the fact that you miss out on the pleasures, otherwise you end up on this board and think about suicide a lot.
>literally most attractive height
i mean they do have a corrupt manlet dictator that assassinates his opposition which just so happen to be 6' and above
If this isn't bait then it is the biggest cope I have ever seen
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I'm 5'10" and white. I wish I was 6'2" at least. might have had a fighting chance
>nigger twitter
>manlets once again incapable of learning
I'm a manlet who learned, ask me what you must
>always thought i was 5'10/5'11
>go to get my drivers license
>get measured 5'9
>mfw manlet
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>>go to get my drivers license
>>get measured
BASED orieganlly
After you learned, how many girls did you fuck? In what time period?
For women 6' is average, anything under that is manlet
Not in real life. Women are shit at estimating height.