why haven't you transitioned yet? life is so much easier
Why haven't you transitioned yet? life is so much easier
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Because it's degenerate and more harmful than anything. I hate to admit that I still find guys like pic related hot though.
shut up faggot, this is yang country now
>why haven't you irreversibly ruined your life yet?
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be
thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done,
on earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our
daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we
forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us
not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
I'm going to soon.
can't wait
honestly can't wait
i'm ecstatic
thumbed my cock shut to not piss in excitement
Life is so much easier with Christ and you get to keep your genitals intact.
I'm pretty sure I'm having an easier time as an exceptional twink/otter. Applying makeup daily is much more work than trimming a couple times a month.
because 40%
Also, I don't want a flabby jawline, which estrogen causes.
of cops are domestic abusers?
what are those bandaid things on her abdomen?
This trans garbage is filth, but I cant help but get turned on by this, the things I would do to his butthole
>limited dating pool
>social outcast
>seeking the unatainable
>extra awkward sex
>constant self-appraisal when you should be thinking about important things
what's the upshot?
is there anything good about being a tranny?
>life is much shorter
ftfyfa (ftfyfaggotass)
This pic is for you my boi
boi butts are tasty
I've considered it before. I likely wouldn't fully transition and would probably just be a boymoding twinkhon.
Early transitioner vs late transitioner
This is why it's important to get kids on HRT earlier
>what are those bandaid things on her abdomen?
that's her estrogen patch
Absorption is much better transdermally than it is from pills actually
Thanks user i needed to vomit. Cosmo really let himself go.
If Cosmo looked like that I would tap
This is why faggots like you need to be hanged
You know they have a board here for faggots right?
that guy was underage when he filmed this fucking shit and used it to blackmail retards on discord, you fucking pedo sick fuck
>costs shekels
>irreversibly changes body
>fucks with mind
Yes goy, take the pink pill
i like having a dick and i already got 2 holes for sticking stuff in. why would i want a third useless one that also gets infected regularly because its an open wound? also boobs are gross.
You don't need to get SRS
Taftaj (the transgirl in OP) still has a dick
Because I'm not a misogynistic fuck who fetishizes being "girly," and who conflates sex stereotypes with womanhood.
Trans "women" are pretty much the blackface of women.
Please be my TERF gf.
I'm a straight guy, sorry.
I'm just able to see through the bullshit, unlike most people here.
Quite pathetic you are
Good job making yourself come off as an ignorant retard and only paying attention to the worst of the worst in the trans community to back up your extremely limited view.
t. VERY butthurt tranny lol
Assuming you're mtf, what do you think makes you a woman? Why do you think that a man can possibly know what it means to be a woman, or that a woman can know what it means to be a man?
There are some "men" who grew up as women, look like women, and get treated as women since childhood.
Some people are often only receptive to womanly things, so they know nothing about being a man and EVERYTHING about being a woman, even if most people have treated them as a man, they really only 'take in' the other parts. And you know what parts i'm talking about, if you're a feminist.
Fact is, you're being a little unfair and you know it. These are not necessarily always "men" we are talking about, here. Some people have had a feminine experience since birth.
Good work outs to get the nice trap body? I'm quite chubby and I hate it
that is a biological female
You can't pick and choose how you are socialized. Socialization is forced upon you by society, and is determined by how society percieves you.
Claiming that a male "being receptive to womanly things" (I.E. SEX STEREOTYPES) somehow let's them know what it means to be a woman is pretty sexist. This is literally defining womanhood (and conversely, manhood) by patriarchal gender norms.
Even if a male had someone ignored all male socialization, and absorbed female socialization through observation, what would this mean? Their entire gender identity would be shaped around, not the material reality of sex, but the nebulous concept of "womanhood," as defined by the society they live in. Their identity would be based wholely off their warped perception of femininity.
How is it possible to have the "feminine experience since birth?" People would rightly view them as a male, and as such, would subconsciously treat them as a male in accordance to their internalized gender roles. Besides, pretending that a theoretical case such as this is anything but an outlier is pretty disingenuous, as the vast, vast majority of trans people transition later in life, and have been socialized as their birth gender. Unless you mean transitioning very young children? Because that would be a fucking medical travesty. You can't expect toddlers to have a complete grasp on something as complex as gender identity.
Maddest I've seen a person at 0.3% of the population. The absolute madman.
because 5G hasn't been installed in my town yet
>surely i can get a gf if i show women what a big tough feminist i am
How do I get a flat stomach lads?
Step 1. Put down the fork.
Step 2. Wait
Step 3. ??????
Step 4. Profit!!!
I don't eat all that much but I can't shift the weight on my midsection
Take anavar. It makes you lose fat in places you normally don't lose fat from.
I'm not attracted to women. I'm also not a feminist. I'm 44
Doesn't anavar also increase overall muscle mass? I was thinking DNPmaxxing until I'm a skelly
It only increases your muscle mass if you work out. It's not magic.
no you can't pick and choose how you are socialized by your chemicals determine how you are socialized.
Some people will retain a sense of self despite socialization. If that weren't true, gender would be entirely social. And it just isn't.
Plenty of males experience the world in a feminine way.
Alright thanks bro, I'm sick of being skinnyfat so I'll look into getting a source
Who's this seamon demon? Ain't got anything from jewgoole, or yandex.
be careful on DNP, gave me peripheral neuropathy
fortunately i quit taking it once i noticed something. my leg feels a little bit weird sometimes, not too noticeable, but it has been 3 years since i took any DNP... so i doubt it will ever go away
i am afraid to take any more because i don't want it to get serious
apparently 10% of people get it from DNP... just my luck that i'm one of those that would
>not just being a cute boy
I've read some horror stories about anons needing ice baths after taking too manu, shits scary
>because 40%
because sever bulling
How many anons here are actually interested in a trans gf?
0. They think it's a good idea because of porn, but then when they see one in real life they're disgusted.
Maybe, why are you a qt patootie girl(male)?
not really. I am just starting my transition so I just look like a twink with a puffy chest.
You get to bully and cry your way into positions of moderate influence if you happen to also be a fucking psychopath.
Go back to discord you kike.
>"It's honestly so fun to joke around with your loved ones by just claiming that minor inconveniences are transphobic"
>"especially if those loved one are cis because then they just can't really argue it"
>if they are cis, they can't argue that you're being unreasonable
>because they are cis
I forgot what a scumbag Riley is.
New rapidly growing Jow Forums server, join if you can't fit in anywhere else:
I really like our politics. It says a lot that people repeat statistic, but never read the goddamn paper they come from. They report states that the trans people who kill themselves pretty much do it for the same reason a straight white person would.
>They report states that the trans people who kill themselves pretty much do it for the same reason a straight white person would.
user... that's even more damning though. If the reasons for trans suicide aren't specific to trans issues then what's causing the 40%? It's almost as if trannies are a symptom of underlying mental...
No! That couldn't be true. XD
It's because trans people's families hate and don't accept them and they face discrimination in public, tard
>If the reasons for trans suicide aren't specific to trans issues then what's causing the 40%?
It is specific. I'm just being lazy. They study find that trans people who live in LGBT friendly places and/or have a good support system tend to not kill themselves. The idea that any trans person no matter their station in life will off themselves is dumb.
bc im six four and attractive, i dont need to
No straight person kills themselves because of transphobic bullying. You can't have it both ways fag.
>was somewhat no curious as a teen, women hated me so romanticized traps
>fell full force for feminine penis meme
>seriously start contemplating pink pill
>by dumb luck eventually get qt gf(female)
>her feminine side brings out my more masculine traits
>stopped looking at pornography
>lose 100% of attraction to traps, even the ones that I thought were top tier before
Remember robots, there is always hope. Never give up to the tranny menace.
Imagine you come out to your family as straight and they disown you. Imagine you go out in public, and for looking like a normal, regular ass guy, people sneer at you, make fun of you, don't want to hire you.
Maybe then you'd understand
Straight people kill themselves due to bullying though.
>life is so much easier
If you're into forcing dilators into the gaping perineal wound where your nuts used to be until it gets reinfected again, sure.
> so much easier
>40% suicide rate
kek on these retards
>pretty much do it for the same reason a straight white person would.
Because they chopped their cock off?
How long have you been the gay user?
such trans
i cri errytim
You spelled 'faggot' wrong
It's almost as if dudes that dress in drag AREN'T actually women. Shocking.
There are some "men" who grew up as Corporate Income Tax Return Form 1120, look like Corporate Income Tax Return Form 1120, and get treated as Corporate Income Tax Return Form 1120 since childhood.
Some people are often only receptive to fiscal things, so they know nothing about being a man and EVERYTHING about being an IRS tax lodgement document, even if most people have treated them as a man, they really only 'take in' the other parts. And you know what parts i'm talking about, if you're an accountant.
Fact is, you're being a little unfair and you know it. These are not necessarily always "men" we are talking about, here. Some people have had a 401(k) escalation and allocation experience since birth.
>they face discrimination in public
Golly gee batman I wonder why?