So Ive had an ear infection for a while now and after being given pills to treat it my ear felt itchy so I decided to clean it with an cotton swab, And when I take it out I see blood do I go back to the doctors and see if it is nothing serious?
So Ive had an ear infection for a while now and after being given pills to treat it my ear felt itchy so I decided to...
He's just going to scold you for sticking cotton swabs in your ear. Probably blame the bleeding on that too.
you probably gave yourself a small cut that scabbed up from scratching your itchy ears, i've had the same happen but not as much blood as pic. if your ears hurt, you start getting a fever or start feeling dizzy see a doctor otherwise just take it easy on scratching your ears and don't go so deep with q-tips.
You're not supposed to be using cotton swabs in your ears dumb fuck. If anything you're making the infection worse while simultaneously risking damage to your ear drum.
Well the thing is for the past days Ive been taking the medication i have been vomiting in the mornings and currently I have a headache and feel a bit nauseous
Bleeding is common in ear infections. Do not worry about it unless it keeps bleeding for the next several days.
Hmmm, I say you should go to the doctor, it doesn't matter if he's going to scold you, maybe it is something serious and you don't know, play it safe, mate
did they give you any antibiotics? an infection from ears can easily spread. if they only gave you ear medicine and you are puking you need to go back to doctors office.
>Putting cotton swabs in your ear
Oh okay I was a bit worried because it just started today and I was suspecting something happened since whenever i put my earbuds in, my right ear felt swollen and tender with a bit of pain in it
>it doesn't matter if he's going to scold you
You're not a robot. It would be hard enough going to the doctor. It'd be downright impossible if you knew he was going to scold you on top of it all.
Well goddamn, alright, I was just trying to help but, still tho, I suggest you go take a look with a professional
Yes they gave me Amoxicillin 500 MG capsules and the side effects include nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. The thing is Im only supposed to stop taking it when I have persistent diarrhea
How did you even get this infection to begin with?
I'm on the same for tonsil / ear infection I got from having appendix removed (tube they shoved down my throat during surgery cut it up). I'm surprised they didn't also prescribe you ondasetron to suppress nausea, they gave me both and I've been getting better each day. You can ask doctor about that if nausea gets bad, and on the antibiotic those fucking horsepills make my piss and farts stink exactly like it. 500mg is nuts though, my tablets are huge and they are only 125 and I chopped them in half and take them 2x over half an hour. I wonder if they fucked up on your dosing.
Well it isnt the first time I have gotten an ear infection but not as bad as this but they usually occur when im sick for many days
>You're not supposed to be using cotton swabs in your ears dumb fuck
says right on the fucking package DO NOT INSERT INTO EAR CANAL
>You're not supposed to be using cotton swabs in your ears dumb fuck
honestly.... what the fuck are they for then?
Does your body not produce earwax or something?
I have a countertop exactly the same as that. one. Good taste.
You can use them to clean the bowl, cymba, and crust of helix of your ears, but never the canal.
Yeah my body can produce earwax perfectly fine
The roasties use them to wipe their assholes because their fingernails are too long and get in the way.
So how are you getting so many infections? That's not normal.
if his ears are itchy he might be scratching them in his sleep.
Now that I think about it, it may have just been a pimple that popped inside my ear (I hope) and if I still see blood in the next few days Ill just go to the docter
cleaning guns.
The trick is to jam the cotton bud as far into your ears as you can. Preferably both at the same time. Other ppl will lie to you to let you suffer with this problem, tell you not to but I've done it and it worked out fine for me
>don't use cotton swabs
How the fuck am I supposed to clean my ear than?
You're not suppose to you silly billy.
Use a washcloth. You're not supposed to clean it too deeply. That could be bad news.
Stop taking those jew pills and just use hydrogen peroxide and isopropanol. Hydrogen peroxide feels fucking amazing in your ears and it helps clean them too. Do it twice a day and it will clear up. Use high purity isopropanol to dry it out every once in a while.
This message brought to you by someone who isn't fucking insane.
Idk OP. Last time i took a mean shit the turd raped my ass inside out. Got blood all over the toilet.
I didnt go to the doc and my log cutter is in top shape again.
Nigga, go to the doctors you dumb shit.
Don't use cotton swabs in your ears, that's probably whats caused the bleeding. If there is an excessive amount of blood it could be effecting your ear drum which could in turn cause serious hearing damage.
Since you got blood in there, go buy something called 'Debrox', it's a peroxide solution with a bulb thing in the package. It's about $7. Put the solution in your ear, wait for it to fizz for a little while, and then use the bulb to irrigate the ear with water. You wanna' use lukewarm because cold makes most people dizzy. It'll get all the chunks and blood out from the infection.
yo get some good headphones and dub it out with some dubstep
Adding to these people's advice, I'm , and that's what the doctor at the E.R. told me to use when I ended up there after busting my dang eardrum trying to clean it, with q-tips, while it was infected.
I use them to clean delicate things and to take off mascara/eyeliner/stubborn nail polish.
That's strange. When I went to my mexican doctors clinic gave me some ear drops to combat the bacteria directly instead of prescribing me shit pills that are going directly to my stomach.
>mascara/eyeliner/stubborn nail polish