Hey robots, would you date a fembot with a pet leech who she let's suck on on her arm every few months.
It's not weird or a turnoff right???
Hey robots, would you date a fembot with a pet leech who she let's suck on on her arm every few months.
It's not weird or a turnoff right???
yeah, i don't mind, as long as she knows how to remove it properly and doesn't try to feed it on my arm
Certainly! It usually takes a few hours so it would be kinda awkward, and it's not safe to make him stop earlier.
do i have to be in the room with you the whole time while you let your leech suckle on your vein, or can I go to the gym and fold the laundry while you're at it?
Whatever you'd like to do!
I don't really intend on "showing it off" just I had a friend say I was really disgusting for having a pet leech.
yeah, i mean, as long as you feeding your leech is a you thing that you're not trying to make into an us thing, I'm cool with it.
Do you feel faint after it's done? Does it just come off when it's full or do you have to remove it? How long do leeches live, and do you find another when the old one dies?
I mean really it depends on if there are any medical risks with having a pet leech. If there aren't then well no problems I'd say.
I mean, if you're cool with my pet tarantulas then I'll be cool with your leech. Although I've never dated a tranny before, I could make an exception if you're decent to be around and cute enough.
can the leech slurp OP's tranny dick away like in my japanese comics?
I'd rather OP keep his dick, those castration operations are nasty.
oh, i was hoping the leech would do the same thing that they did in the Love Mary doujin
Getting a disease is the only thing I'd worry about, but Google says it's cool. So yeah, be my leech gf. What does it feel like?
I read a manga about this. Yes
That's a really odd choice for a pet, and I say this as someone who loves odd pets.
How did you get it?
What kind of leech is it?
One fembot I ghosted was being mocked for having a collection of strings, I think like homemade bracelets or something. People I was with were mocking her for it while I was with them thinking I'd make fun of her or something, I just felt confused and didn't know what to say, which got her looking embarrased.
They were tampon strings. You didn't get it because you don't know anything about vaginas.
Actually, that's pretty fucking cool. I'm friends with an entomologist who has mosquitoes he has to feed with his own blood sometimes. I mean I have a 6 foot long ball python and have had lots of odd pets over the years so I'm not particularly weirded out about it.
Bugs, fish nor reptiles etc can never be pets.
How do you know I know nothing of vagey?
It only feeds every few months?
why did you save a sample you subhuman
yes, but it is pretty fucking weird
yes, i dont want to touch it since its....strange but if youre okay with my loli collection it is all fine.
im a bit squeamish though so please dont show it to me when its eating
yes but only if she will let it suck blood from my dick
i have a fetish after watching movies where kids would go to a water hole to swim, or fill in a swamp and have leeches on them. ever since i was young i wanted to do it but leeches arent around where i live
sounds perfectly normal no me
post pic of pet leech pls
No it's not much blood at all lol, it's not a problem. Mine will live 7-10 years and I've had him for 2. Sorry I was eating dinner!
The only real chance of getting a disease is if you agitate him and he might vomit but that shouldn't happen normally. You can kinda pry him off if you really need to go.
I cut myself and I really like blood and leeches drink blood. At first I was disgusted by them but over time I had a weird fascination and came to adore them. With some research I got one and he's been doing good!.
I don't think I could do mosquitoes, I hate bugs
Yes, being cold blooded plus having basically no active muscles aside from a very slow digestive system over months doesn't use very much energy
>Sorry I was eating dinner!
I don't mind at all leechbot. If you're in the Northeast US I would take you out on a date
>pet leech
That is kinda weird. Can you help me understand it?
Why not just feed it your period blood?
Yeah I'm good on the mosquitoes too. Seems way too itchy but it's his job. Leech seems like a novel pet though.
I hope you get aids and die you subhuman
they don't drink like other animals
it's too dark and I don't wanna wake up my dad
I would but the femanon would break up with me after like 5 minutes
I mean dating a fembot is basically the same as having a pet leech so who would I be to judge, right? What's its name user?
I turned an infestation of Hide Beetles (Dermestes Maculatus) into pets that I kept for years. They're carrion eating, flesh eating beetles. Your leech is just fine.
They used to use leeches in medicine and there is thinking that blood letting, losing some blood regularly, is actually good for you. Would I date her just based on these facts, probably. What matters is other things like how compatible we are, how we get along, what we both want, etc etc.
>confirmed for crazybot
God damn it, I really wanted an invert gf, but not one this crazy.
She's crazy because she likes playing with her own bodily fluids? What animal doesn't?
Being obsessed with blood is a pretty clear sign of some sort of mental issue. Especially feeding it to an animal. That seems like extreme codependency or some other issue similar to that.
Lol, what the fuck does feeding your pet some of your own nutrients have to do with codependency? Are you codependent if you let your cat lick your jizz rag?
Please be from Europe
It's like she is substituting real relationships with this animal. It just strikes me as a "yandere" thing to do, which is basically codependency.
Ohhhhhh I love leeches and inverts overall I had a leech a few years ago, but it got sick and would puke the blood it ate a few minutes after eating, how's yours doing?
(So yes I would extremely date you, you seem cool)
>i'm gonna be an armchair psychologist while using anime terms, i'm sure to look credible that way
I'm not trying to be an armchair psychologist, but did you read the posts at all? There is clearly something wrong upstairs. Maybe you are too, since you don't seem to see anything strange here. Any self harm is a sign of mental illness.
That depends.. Will she let me suck on her elbow too?
You're not making a point. Having a pet isn't a sign of substituting a relationship with a person. She feeds it her blood because that's what it eats.
The short answer is yes. It would be cool to breed medical-grade leeches and sell them over the internet.
Idiot, it's a pet as all others, it's not an obsession it's just caring for an animal, you could feed it blood sausages but it's a bitch to keep them, there's no risk of illness unless you share the leech so what's the problem?
Their saliva contains pain suppressors so you don't feel a thing.
It's not self harm, it's not hurting you.
Just don't put it up your ass and you're good lol
This is a good example of why I would never date anyone from this shithole. You guys are fucked.